Finalshot : Genocide



A reviewer suggested it, then the plot bunny bit me in the arm. I am, apparently, a total sucker for character death.

Have… uh… fun. I guess.

Oh God, what have I done?


One day earlier, many timelines later...

Alphys ran like the wind through the spider tunnels. More accurately, Alphys ran like someone with a body height of 1.4 meters and a weight of 130 kilograms should run: a lot slower than she'd like.

The spiders had told her (through a halting, slow, mourning interpretative dance) that there was a human in Toriel's basement hallway. That had been all it took to send Alphys running.

Toriel would never let a human down there unless she was letting the human out into the Underground at large.

Alphys came to the spider-cave side of a false wall. Carefully, she pulled it out of the way.

Toriel's basement hallway was empty.

"H- Hello? Anyone here?"

She shuffled for the door, searching for any sign someone had passed through. She felt something like sand under her foot and looked down.

What she saw made her shriek.


"Papyrus, I'm certain I'll be fine with my tea."


Undyne shivered, remembering the spaghetti tea incident. That had not ended well.

Suddenly, Undyne's phone rang. Perplexed as to who would be calling her at this time of day, she answered.


"Hello? Who is this?"

"there's a human coming. snowdin forest."

"Sans?" She recognized his voice. "Wait, A HUMAN?!" Undyne's shout halted Papyrus' self-esteem student in his tracks. Under his white fur, Asgore went pale. "Where, again? I'm on my way-"

"they're covered in dust, undyne. start evacuating snowdin, i'm going to stall for time."

"SANS DON'T YOU DARE!" The line was already dead.


Undyne's phone groaned under the strain she put it through with her fist.

"... The last human?" Asgore asked, almost a year of self-esteem and happiness training sloughing off in an instant.

"Sans said they're covered in dust," Undyne said, voice cold. "I'm going to make SURE they're the LAST human to kill a monster!"


Sans stepped out onto the path behind the dust coated human. They didn't slow a bit. He followed them for a bit until they came up to a bridge crossing a small pit.

He picked up his pace. They stopped.

"human. don't you know how to greet a new pal? t-"

Before Sans could tell them to turn around, they spun and grabbed his outstretched hand. The whoopee cushion rang out.

"heh, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick…"

The human's face didn't even flicker.

"that's, uh, your cue to laugh. or, uh, to emote at all…?"

Not an eyelash twitched. Sans wasn't even certain they were breathing.

Under his breath, he whispered, "gee, lady, you really know how to pick 'em, huh?" He shrugged, then said in a normal tone, "OK, that's fine. everyone's got their own sense of humor."

The human snickered, then.

Sans grinned more widely. "i don't know what was funny to you, but as long as you're laughing, i guess."

The human turned back around, stepping onto the bridge.

"hey, wait, the snowdin guard dogs have stations around here, and they're looking for humans. it's dangerous to go alone."

He stumbled to catch up, reaching out to catch the hem of their sweater. The shortcut he'd been preparing at the end of the bridge flared to life and he fell through.

The human had already passed it, though. Sans found himself alone in front of the house he used to share with his brother before they both got real jobs. "uh oh."


Doggo sat in the guard booth, a year-expired bottle of relish in his paw. He preferred to smoke dog treats, but with the pay cuts and guard expansions ever since Undyne got that assignment from on high, he took what fumigation he could get. Plus good treats were expensive. Businesses up in New Home didn't make 'em like they used to. Not enough demand, or something.

Something flickered. Purple, pink, a lot of gray. Was that smoke from his relish smoking? No, smoke was never purple or pink.

"Did something move? Was it my imagination? I can only see moving things."

Whatever had moved didn't move again. Cautiously he hopped over the counter of the guard station and waited for it to move again.

"If something not a human was moving, identify yoursmelf. Otherwise, I'll make sure you NEVER move again!"

He saw the pink and purple and gray moving again. Still gray? Hadn't he left his relish bong in the station? What-

Something slit through his tank top and the fur underneath. He- Damn! That hurt! It felt like he was splitting apart!





Sans tore through the basement of his old house, searching for something. Anything.

He'd had notes on Flowey, right? Surely he'd have made a deal with Flowey against this threat, left himself notes on how to deal with this. Unless he was the first Sans to see it…

His pulled his photo album out of a time proof drawer. There were the Flowey notes and… was that a sock with notes taped to it?

Sans flattened the sock on top of the album inside the drawer. He read the first note, scrawled directly on the hem of the sock in some kind of flaky, red substance.

"human. genocide. everyone."

The note ended there, with a splotch of the liquid and a bit of dust. Sans moved to the next one, a piece of paper torn from a notebook and taped to the sock.

"if you're reading this, congrats, know that flowey can be killed. the problem is that there's a new controller of time. a human. watch them. you lost track of them an-"

That note ended suddenly as well, in the middle of a "d."

Something within the sock crinkled. He reached in, retrieving another piece of paper.

This one was a title and a list of names.

The ninth name...

"oh damn. oh damn. damn damn damn."


Alphys stepped off the bridge, following the footprints in the snow. The larger ones stopped on this side of the bridge, but the smaller ones that started immediately outside the door continued past here, over to a guard station.

She came upon the guard station which was, surprisingly, on fire. It smelled like burnt pickles. There was a patch of discolored snow directly in front of the station.

Alphys leaned down to inspect it, trying to determine if it was the starting point of the fire.

When she recognized the dust, she shrieked again.

In the trees, a figure in shadow stepped past a tree and disappeared.


Undyne physically carried the librarians our of the librarby, tossing them to the guards dogs that were responding to her calls. She turned around to run to the far end of town but was stopped by the sudden appearance of a small skeleton.

"SANS! What's going on? Where's the human? Did you catch them?!"

"undyne, they got past me. also, they got doggo. it's bad."

"Got… I thought he had just knocked himself out smoking ketchup or something! You don't mean-"

"he's dead. his station is a burning wreck and his dust is right outside. tell me you got everyone out of snowdin."

Undyne flicked her gills. "Almost everyone. Papyrus just left to go check the west side for any stragglers."

Sans' eyesockets widened. "west is closer to-"

"He said he had to check, and that he'd be right back!" Undyne glanced over Sans' shoulder, then over her own. Dogamy and Dogaressa were nuzzling each other, again. "I need to make sure these dogs get these civilians through Waterfall. YOU go grab your brother."

She turned and ran over to the two dogs, berating them on their distraction.


Papyrus stood at one end of the bridge, frozen.

On the other end, the human stood, covered in dusty powder.

The nice librarbians had said that Snowdrake, Chilldrake, Jerry and the Ice Caps were going to play in the forest today. If that was so, and the human was now here, then the human must have run into those kids.


The human took a few steps onto the bridge.


They took another few steps. Some of the dust drifted onto the bridge.


They stopped.


The way the human stood… they looked menacing. Papyrus felt something constricting in his chest. Was it… fear? Nonsense! He could never be afraid!

"AND ME, I HARDLY HAVE TO TRY AT ALL!" He chuckled, though his signature laughter sounded… off. This was so strange! He never had to force himself to do anything… why did it feel like that laughter was forced?

The human started walking again.


The human was very close now.


Still closer. Papyrus threw his arms wide, trying to appear non-threatening. Trying not to look menacing, as they did.


The human jumped forward. Sans saw they were coming hand-first (a very strange way for one person to hug another) then-


Papyrus stumbled, just barely keeping himself from toppling off the cliff and somewhere into the forest far below. Where he had been standing, a blue shape collapsed to the ground.


That blue shape caught his eyesocket. That blue shape caught his eyesocket and refused to let go.


The cracked skull of the skeleton wearing the blue hoodie turned to look at him, grinning lopsidedly. Half an eyesocket was caved into the cranial cavity. "hey… bro…"

With the sound of sand settling, Papyrus' brother's cracked face disappeared. The hoodie fluttered to the snow. "S- SANS!"

A foot entered Papyrus' vision. It stepped on the hoodie. The tall, distraught skeleton looked up at the human.



Papyrus' vision fractured…

Papyrus fractured…




Undyne led point on the group as they entered into Hotland, ditching her armor as she went. The dogs could take this kind of heat, she couldn't. Not for long, anyway.

When she made it to the lab, she found the door already ajar, propped open by a ripped-up floor tile. Someone with magic had torn up the floor tile and put it there so that the door would stay open. Sans, maybe?

She ran into the lab, going first in case something dangerous presented itself. Nothing did. The screens and machines continued to hum aimlessly.

Something moving caught her eye. On a monitor, some skeleton swung their arms wide. Undyne gaped. It was Papyrus! And in front of him… was that the human?!


The sound echoed across the audio feed. Just behind her, one of the librarians gasped in surprise.

On screen, Sans collapsed, said something, then turned to dust. Papyrus stared in disbelief, said something to the human, then...


...was struck down too. Undyne felt her anger flare. Sans… Papyrus…

"Th- That nice skeleton had j- just asked about where the kids ran off to…" one of the librarians said.

Undyne turned around, her eye wide. "WHAT. KIDS?!"


Monster Kid strolled through the deserted down. It was so weird! Someone left those nice clothes (for monsters with arms) on the end of the bridge, then nobody was around!

If MK could find Snowdrake (or any of the other kids) he'd have shown them the clothes. Snowdrake could totally use a new hoodie like that!

Up ahead he spotted the way to Waterfall. Since nobody was around to tell him not to go there without an adult, he decided to run on in.

It wasn't like anywhere in the Underground was really dangerous!


Alphys stumbled across the bridge in a daze. The pile of dust covered in decorations… The pile of dust with the pair of sunglasses… The pile of dust soaked through with water…

The pile of dust…

The pile of dust…



Everywhere piles of dust.

She glanced down at her claws, half expecting to find a shard of mirror reflecting the color of her face back to her. How could any being be so vile? How could anyone have outdone the evils she had been forced to commit?

How could they commit this wipeout of monsterkind with no rhyme or reason? Why would they? What drove this human to such ends?!

Alphys felt sand and cloth under her foot. Her throat clenched and her glasses fogged before she even looked.

When she did, the horror was far worse than she'd expected.

"S- S- SANS?! N- No! SANS!"


MK hopped over the disproportionately small gap. Usually, there was a bird to carry people across or some royal guardsman to toss people. That there was nobody here was weird.

It was so cool. He'd never experienced the sound of the waterfalls in so much quiet.

Up ahead he saw the lights of the cavern flickering on and off. Somebody was doing the glowing grass mazes! He ran as fast as he could, eager to pass them and then brag about it.

Undyne lived around here… maybe it was Undyne! That would be amazing!


"BEHIND YOU," Undyne shouted to the echo flower. This was perfect. She'd have the human completely trapped in this dead end. This was the only path through Waterfall. They would have to come this way, and she'd be hiding: waiting for them.

She sloshed back through the water, then stomped on the glowing grass to put out any sign of the correct path. It would recover… eventually. What was important was stopping the human.

She fiddled with the buckles on her armor - still warm from sitting around on the edge of Hotland while she escorted the civilians to the lab.

Then Undyne waited.


MK ran like the wind over the dark ground, tripping here and there. He was totally going to beat whoever-it-was! Especially because they kept stopping to make weird squeaks and cries.

He found the end of the path, sloshing through water. He could see an echo flower bobbing up ahead. Perfect! He'd wait for them there.

He spotted a patch of sea grass next to the flower. Maybe he could hide and scare them! Turning to hop into the grass, his tail brushed against the flower.

"BEHIND YOU," the flower whisper-shouted. That voice…

"Human!" A dark, armored figure shouted behind MK. He spun to face them, hitting the flower again in his haste.

"Human!" the flower whisper-shouted.

"You won't kill ANYONE el… What?! Who the HELL-!"

It really was! "UNDYNE! Yo! This is, like, the best day of my life! I'm, yo, your biggest fan! You're the coolest!"

"Kid, whoever you are, you've gotta get out of-" There was a splash of water. Undyne spun around to face the noise. MK leaned around her.

It was some kid - striped sweater and everything - but they were covered in some kind of weird dust. It looked almost like the snow of Snowdin, but darker and somehow not melting.

"YOU!" Undyne bellowed, "I saw what you did to Papyrus! To Sans! It ends here, human!"

MK started. That was a human?! But they were just a kid! Undyne wasn't seriously going to beat them up, was she?

"Prepare however you want. When you step forward…" She tore off her helmet, "I will KILL YOU!"

MK sprung into action, leaping between Undyne and the human. "H- Hey! U- Undyne! Th- They're j- just a kid! Y- You can't beat up kids! Y- You're in the royal g-"

"KID!" Undyne shouted, jumping at him. MK braced for getting grabbed and scolded. Adults always yelled really loudly when he did stupid things like question them.

He didn't expect the full weight of Undyne's armor to drop onto him, shoving him away from-


A slight splash followed the metallic collision as the human fell back into the water. Undyne coughed, struggling to get up. MK stared, shocked. "U- Undyne… You're hurt…"

"Hurt…? It's nothing." She stood up, the torn dent in the front of her armor spilling a bit of dusty powder into the water. "Go, kid! Get out of here!"

MK took a step back, finding suddenly that there wasn't a wall behind him. Taking one last look at Undyne and the human, he turned and fled.


Greater Dog had a simple life. Emphasis on the had.

Before this whole human threat had started, he'd slept in his doghouse near Snowdin and occasionally taken his armor to eat at Grillby's. It was a simple existence. It worked.

Now, though, things were so much more complicated.

"Y- Yo! Hey you! U- Undyne's back there with the human! Yo, I- I think she's hurt!"

Greater Dog barked. The little monster kid kept approaching, running across the bridge.

"Yo! C- Come on! Y- You gotta help her!"

Greater Dog barked. Abandon his post? What kind of guard dog would he be then?

"Th- The human… Th- They tried to kill me! Y- You gotta stop them!"

Greater Dog barked again. Undyne did give the orders. He should protect Undyne. This kid had a point. He began to maneuver his armor suit across the bridge.

"Yo! W- Wait for me to- Woah!"

The kid stumbled and fell. Greater Dog swung his suit's spear, catching the kid's shirt before he actually fell off the bridge entirely.

"Yo! You saved me!"

Greater Dog barked.

"Arf, you're right! I'm g- gonna get more help! Arf!"

The kid ran off. Greater Dog turned to continue down the path.


"D- Damn it…"

Undyne fell to one knee, struggling to draw breath.

"So even THAT power… it wasn't enough…?"

She had resisted death! She had reformed her armor, restored her own HP… And still… that damn human…

She slumped. She had nobody behind her. Nobody was watching her fight. There was nobody to avenge her, to tell Asgore to absorb the six SOULs to stop the human.

She would die, the human would kill everyone in the Underground, and nobody would ever know she had tried to stop them.

"You… You did it. You won. You're…"

Undyne felt her form splitting again. She resisted, refused, as long as she could. There had to be something…



Bounding metal clanks echoed from behind Undyne. No… not Greater Dog too…

The human lashed out, hopping into the air and kicking with dust-coated ballet shoes. Greater Dog gave a whimpering squeak, then his suit of armor crashed to the ground.

Undyne tried to think of something to say to the incarnation of evil before her. She couldn't think of any conversation topics. Nobody was happy with this, except that thing.

She couldn't think…. That thing...

She couldn't… thing





"Undyne? Is that you? This is the librarian."

The other end of the line was quiet, except for heavy breathing.

It was Undyne's number. Whoever picked up the phone had to be Undyne. "I think I've figured out the feed selector on the royal scientist's console. I'm switching through Waterfall right now…"

She switched the feed again. It showed a hallway floored with glowing grass. The human stood in the middle of the hallway, bent piles of armor on either side, holding a phone to its ear and staring directly at the camera.

The librarian screamed.


RG 02 stood by and guarded while 01 messed with the door. Apparently, the floor tile holding the door ajar was rather heavy.

"So, like, 01, could you, like, help me move this bro?"

Grudgingly, 02 stuck a foot under the tile and tried to help lift. It didn't do much.

"Thanks! Man, working together is great! Now let's just…"

01 heaved upwards. The tile didn't budge.

"Oh… man… that's like… Undyne told us to get this door closed and stuff. How are we going to, like, do that?"

"... lesser dog?..."

"Oh yeah, bro! Great idea! Let's get Lesser Dog over here to help!" He wandered through the door, into the lab. "Hey! Lesser Dog! You in here?"

RG 02 spotted something moving further down the path. Or was that a hallucination? It was very hot here, after all. He heard a dim scream.

"Lesser Dog? Like, dogbro, why are you so hard to find?"

RG 02 jumped as a dog in a suit of armor came bounding past him, out into Hotland. Wasn't that Lesser Dog?

"Hey! LD! Like, wait up! The tile's over…" RG 01 trailed off, joining RG 02 at the door.

Lesser Dog barked and waved his sword, facing down the mirage RG 02 had seen a moment ago.

"Hey, like, 02, is that… is that human, like, covered in dust?!"

The human kicked out. Lesser Dog crumpled, his furry head disappearing inside his tiny suit of armor. Dust leaked from cracks that hadn't been there in the chest plate a moment ago.

"Oh man! Oh man! This like… Oh, this is bad!"

"... 01."

The human stepped over Lesser Dog's empty armor.

"Y- Yeah bro? Like, what do we do?!" 01 sounded hysterical.

"... after this… let's get…. ice cream."

"B- Bro! I d- don't like, think there will be an after this and stuff!"

"... team attack… let's go…"

02 stepped forward to stop the human. 01 followed, hesitantly and shaking in his armor.

They didn't stand a chance.


As Alphys wandered through the paths of glowing grass, she felt like she was losing her mind. Many of the paths now looked like dead ends, the grass covered in piles of dust.

The horror had almost worn off on her. Almost.

She stepped off the end of the next path into a pool of water. A little further on the path dead-ended by an echo flower. To her left, though, she could just make out another glowing grass path.

And the two piles of metal that lay there.

There was a large suit of armor, like someone big and strong would wear, and a small pool of metal mixed with dust, like the metal had become molten and combined with the monster within.

It almost reminded Alphys of the DETERMINATION experiments.

A cell phone lay on the ground by the puddle of metal and dust. She picked it up, noting that it was still connected to somewhere.

"N- No! Please, don't… there are children here! We're not fighters! P- Please, g- go away!"

She closed her eyes, her glasses fogging up. She held her breath.

"S- Stop! D- Don't come any closer! I- I still know a few magic bullet patterns!"

Alphys dropped the phone as the other end filled with screaming.

As she'd listened, her feet had carried her further along. She was crossing over a river, now, nearing a ticker sign. If she recalled the area near her lab correctly, there was an elevator station just ahead.

Maybe, just maybe, she could get ahead of this person. Maybe she could save some lives.

She hustled into a running pace.


"What a shame." Muffet giggled. "A human comes through and they aren't even fit to be eaten~"

The human lashed out with the edge of their frying pan, trying to cut their way through the webbing toward her. To Muffet's surprise, the silly human's strategy was actually working.

"Oh well! Rotten ingredients can always be discarded~"

Muffet told her spiders to attack. They swarmed over the webs, toward the human. The human crushed them by the dozens.

"There's no need to fight, human~" They were getting close now, and the cost in spider lives was nearing the hundreds. "Give up, dearie. Haven't you done enough damage already?"

The human swung again, slashing through the webbing at chest height. Muffet's five eyes went wide as the human leaped over the web and swung again.

The frying pan's edge connected between two of her arms. It felt like that one blow was splitting her apart!

...splitting her apart!

...splitting her…



Alphys heaved for air as she made it to the top of the staircase. The royal memorial apartment complex shone ahead of her, twinkling sweetly against the dark of the cavern roof. She barged through the door as quickly as she could.

"E- Everyone into the elevator to New Home! N- Now!"

The doorman - a tiny, triangular monster - frowned at her. "Ma'am, you can't come running in here ordering us to evacuate. People have lives here, y'know. If we need to go, that's something for the Royal Guard to handle."

Alphys stomped her foot, a bit of dust slipping off her scales to rest on the carpet. "The royal g- guard is d- dead! The human is coming! We h- have to g- get you out of here and s- seal New Home off!"

The doorman stared at the dust on the carpet. "That dust! W- Where-?!"

"Both of my friends," Alphys growled darkly.


Vulkin hopped up and down, spilling lava onto the path. He was going to stop the murder human! He was going to try his best! Everyone who tried their best was a winner!

"Ahh! Ahh! Does my best!"

The human snickered, then swung their frying pan. It…




Alphys watched the elevator ascend from the bottom of the shaft, a screwdriver in her mouth and her hands buried in the electrical panel. This was the second load of people, and the last.

They didn't have time for more, so they'd stuffed everyone into the elevator as best they could. No belongings, just people.

The elevator halted at its stop, far above. Alphys yanked on the cables in the box, disconnecting them. The shaft plunged into darkness.

Good. That was those people saved. Now she-

The panel sparked. Somebody had pressed the elevator request button. Thankfully, Alphys had disconnected that. Still, who could've…

Alphys peeked out through the crack under the door. A dusty pair of ballet shoes peeked back.

She considered screaming but realized that would probably get her killed. (Not that getting killed was necessarily a bad thing.) Instead, she held her breath.

The human walked off, toward the CORE. Alphys let her breath go. Safety.


Final Froggit and Whimsalot worked together, boxing the human in. Astigmatism joined the fight, sending spiraling patterns through that box.

The human strolled out of the box, taking the bites of the flies and moths like it was nothing.

Whimsalot went first, their faceplate split down the middle by the human's Empty Gun. Astigmatism was next, its eye caved inwards by the force of the blow.

Final Froggit whimpered, summoning all the flies it could muster.

It wasn't enough. The handle of the gun came down…



Alphys ran, stumbling, toward the lab. The under-lab had an elevator to Asgore's castle. If whoever was the new royal scientist had fixed up things down there, she had a chance of cutting the human off again.

In fact… she could warn Asgore. Better yet, if she could retrieve the leftover DETERMINATION...

She ran faster, passing the three piles of armor and entering the lab proper. She tried not to think about the dust lying everywhere as she ran for the True Lab elevator.

It responded when she pressed the call button. She took a few deeper breaths, then hit the button to descend.

The doors closed, and she began to descend back into the place of her nightmares.


Knight Knight swung her Morningstar, which the human deftly avoided.

It was maddening. She had been working here hardly a week - more as brawn than for brains - and yet suddenly this one human decided to wipe out all of the CORE's customers! Without anyone to turn off light switches and puzzles, electricity use had been through the cavern roof!

She swung again, just as the human spun around and brought down the handle of their Empty…



Alphys stared at the screen of the DT Extractor for a good half minute.

Where the heck had the DETERMINATION gone?

Eventually, she pulled herself from that state. She and Asgore would just have to take on the human without resistance to death. The power of the Six SOULs should still be more than enough.

She hoped, anyway, as she ran for the elevator that would take her to Asgore's castle.


The elevator hummed merrily. It had a passenger! It mattered not who the passenger was, nor why. All that mattered was that, after so long not moving anyone, somebody wished to be moved.

The human bit into a Bicicle, eating it greedily. Could the elevator feel annoyance, it might've felt some about the bits of melted icicle dripping onto its floor, or the trail of dust the human had tracked inside.

As it was, the elevator hummed merrily. It had a passenger!


Alphys ran up the golden hallway. Something felt distinctly wrong about tracking dust in here, but she didn't have time to clean herself up. She had to get to Asgore. She had to warn him.


Toriel had been right. All along she had been right.

His choices may have given the people hope, but all it gave him was EXP and LOVE.

Breathing heavily and staring at his wrecked throne, it took Asgore a moment to hear the soft sound of plant stems breaking underfoot.

One set of footsteps.

He turned. "Howdy! I'm sorry about the mess, I was…"

His happy explanation for the sad state of his throne was cut short by what he saw.

"D- Doctor Alphys. I… It has been some time. I was worried you had come to harm over the years that have passed. Would you like a cup of tea…? Er..."

There was something else. She looked… battered. Her feet were coated in some kind of… was that dust? She didn't let him continue to speak. "A- Asgore, they're dead. The Ruins through H- Hotland, e- everyone's dead. I sealed off New H- Home b- but…"

Alphys shook. It looked like she was struggling to keep herself together, in an emotional rather than physical sense. Asgore descended from his throne, patting her. "Calm down. What is it?"

"Y- You have to absorb the Six SOULs. Y- You HAVE to."

Asgore froze. He… he couldn't. Toriel… His own guilt…

"Th- They're coming here next. I- It's the only route. Y- You have to go absorb them now!"

Asgore closed his eyes. This just wasn't something he could do. Maybe… "Take them."

"W- What?!"

"Go into the next room. The Barrier room. Take seven steps in, turn around, then check the floor for a button."

"B- But-"

Asgore smiled. It made sense, now. "This is punishment for my crimes. Do not let anyone else suffer for what I chose to do to all the human children that-"

Asgore was distracted by the sound of crying. It sounded so familiar, yet hundreds of years old. How could it be so similar to his…


One of the flowers in his garden turned around, looking up at him. "I- I m- messed up! They… they killed everyone and they're gonna kill me, too!"

Asgore heard footsteps. Alphys was making her way toward the door. Good.

"Dad, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that they'd be like this! I didn't know they'd turn out like me!"

Asgore knelt by the sobbing flower. It had a face… it looked so much like him…

"Of course they turned out like me, right? That's what DETERMINATION does, doesn't it? Oh my…" The flower trailed off, staring past Asgore. "F-"

"LANGUAGE!" Asgore roared. There were certain things he would tolerate, but foul mangling of speech was not one of them. The flower vanished into the floor, and Asgore spun around to look at whatever it had seen.

It was… Well, it was very strange. If he had to guess he would say it was some kind of dust monster, but he'd never seen one of those before. The closest thing he could think of was a snow monster like Ice Cap, but, then, that one looked like ice.

"You must be the one that flower just warned me about."

It stared at him.

"Erm… what kind of monster are you? Sorry, I cannot tell."

It took a step forward. Asgore noticed a glint of metal in its hand - the knife he had gotten for Chara so many years ago. This monster… were they threatening him with his adopted child's own gift?!

"Now, now. There's no need to fight. Why not settle this over a nice cup of tea?"

It lashed out, slashing through his chest plate like it wasn't there. Finally, Asgore recognized the shape of the thing that had just struck him down.

It was a human child, coated head to toe in dust.

Asgore's world shrank to a pinprick, then dissolved. All he could feel was his SOUL. He, it, was shuddering. Any moment he-

He felt a tug, a pull. He felt… absorbed.



Alphys stood in the Barrier room, facing the door. The Six SOULs… they were powerful. She could feel all that magical energy pulsing through her, from the tips of her claws to the ends of the ridges on her head.

If this wasn't enough to stop the human, nothing on the earth was.

The human appeared in the doorway, the air around them choking with dust. Alphys' magic examined them. Within them, she could feel Asgore's SOUL.

"H… Hey. So you're the one who killed all my friends."

The human didn't respond. It hadn't been a question, anyway.

"Y- You know, I killed fourteen other monsters when an experiment went wrong."

The human's face didn't move a bit.

"I n- never forgave myself for that."

The human took a step forward, into the room.

"I th- think I'll be able to forgive myself for ending YOU."

Alphys summoned her first attack. With all the new magical energy of the SOULs, she could exert real force on the world. So rather than sending lightning shaped magic bullets at the human as she might've if she were weaker, Alphys summoned real, electrical lighting.

The human grinned.


The explosion of the cesium-water steam cannons that insane lizard had conceived left the room flooded with water vapor. Flowey couldn't see a thing.

Suddenly, the footsteps of both the human and the lizard monster came shockingly close. Asriel prepared to duck under the floor, to escape.

There was a snicking sound, like a knife landing home. Alphys fell to the floor next to him, emerging out of the fog like a messenger of death.

A knife was buried in her face, through the bridge of her glasses. Her eyes flicked weakly toward him, then she dissolved into dust.

The knife clunked to the floor with shocking finality. The human's foot followed it, stepping between Asriel and the lizard monster's dust. The human retrieved the knife, stood, then smiled down at him.

"W- We did it Chara! Every last one of 'em! We killed them all! Together!"

Chara planted their feet on either side of him. He tried not to flinch.

"See, back on the surface? That was all a misunderstanding! I never meant to get in your way! I- I still won't!"

Flowey spotted several glowing spots in the Alphys' dust. He reached out a vine, shuffling through the dust without taking his eyes of Chara. He found what he was looking for: the six human SOULs.

"S- See, Chara? I- I've got the SOULs! W- We could be a team again, Chara!" He held up the SOULs on a vine. "I can help you! I can be useful to you!"

Chara slashed at the vine presenting the SOULs to her. It broke off, fizzling into dust. The SOULs shattered.

"I can…"

Chara grinned down at him, maliciously.

"I can…"

They raised their knife.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" Asriel squeaked.

The knife slashed down, and Flowey's world dissolved into pain.



RFYM Genocide.

Someone suggested it, I answered.

Seriously, though. This fic needs to end. This is the last add-on I'm doing, especially during finals.

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day/night!