Hey guys I know I wasn't around for a very long time but real life got in the way and I couldn't get in. Anyway I'm here with a new story I hope you like.


"I'll miss you dad" I said full of emotions hugging him tightly.

"Call me as soon as you get there" he replied hugging me softly
"I will" I promised kissing his cheek and walked out of the door.

I walked outside and found my sweet, extremely energetic best friend waiting for me clapping excited while my other best friend rolled her eyes and helped me with my suitcase.

My two bests friends Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen.

Alice is a short girl but very energetic. She has black pixie like hair and the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. She has a great taste in fashion and she loves to spend her time in the mall shopping, the last time she spend eight freaking hours trying to find the perfect heels and since then I stopped going with her. Her biggest weapon was the puppy eyes look that usually used when she wanted play Barbie Bella and usually I let her.

I met her the first day I came to live here in Forks. I was the awkward, lonely girl that had a map trying to figure out where my next class was and she was the popular girl that ruled the school. After my first hour as I was sitting all alone in the cafeteria she came to me, smiled wide and sat next to me.

"You are Isabella Swan, the new girl" she had informed me smiling.

"Just Bella" I had corrected her softly. I hated being called Isabella.

"I'm Alice Cullen and we are going to be great friends" she had said smiling.

Rosalie Hale is the exact opposite of me and Alice. She is a serious and feisty girl that every man is dreaming about. She has long curly blonde hair that reaches her waist and bright blue eyes, she loves to go shopping with Alice but her she is obsessed with fast cars. In the age of 18 she has already walk at three fashion shows and she is already a great model.

We met through Alice they were neighbors and grew up together acting more like sisters than best friends.

I looked at my home one more time before I get into Rosalie's car and couldn't help the small smile that spread across my face.

My parents were divorced and until my 14 birthday I was staying with my mom at Florida but then she decided to get married and everything changed. She never took care of me but when Phil came into our lives she acted like I didn't existed so I decided to leave them in their love filled bubble and stay with my dad for a while.

I hated Forks but I loved my dad even though for 14 years old was the moody guy who called once a month to check on me. But coming here our relationship changed, he bought me a track as a welcoming gift and except from the curfew hours after he got me kissing Mike Newton, he was normal. He was in love with my mom even though she left so many years ago but recently he started dating a teacher from the reservation named Sue.

My relationship with Sue it wasn't the best at first but after the first awkward meeting we came closer. She was a sweet widowed with two children Seth and Leah. Seth was a happy little seven year old boy that was running around me. He had dark hair and eyes and he was so cute that had all of us wrapped around his little finger. I never met Leah she got married as soon as she graduated high school and moved to London with her husband. However she is calling her mom every night and she promised to visit this Christmas.

"So my dad is already at Seattle getting everything ready along with Emmett and Jasper" Alice said.

Emmett was a huge all muscles teddy bear like guy and Rosalie's boyfriend. He was a few years older than us and she had met him during a fashion show. He was the one who kept her calm and he was treating me and Alice like his baby sisters. He had brown hair and dark green eyes and even though he seemed as a scary guy he was sweet and kind.

Jasper was Alice's boyfriend, he was at the same age with Emmett and he was his best friend. He was that guy that opened the door for you or who kissed your hand and he had the sexiest accent, according to Alice. He is tall with dirty blonde hair and bright brown eyes that melt your bones every time he looks at you.

I on the other hand was different. I had tried for a boyfriend through the years but there weren't anyone who got my attention. I tried to date Mike Newton from my school two years ago I even kissed him and got caught by my dad but soon I realized that he was just another idiot. When we were together the only thing he had on his mind was to put his sweaty hands under my shirt or skirt so I ended it after the third day of our "relationship". The next guy I tried to date was a boy from the reservation. His father, Billy, was my dad's best friend and in a way we were always forced together. Jacob Black was a handsome boy with dark hair and eyes, tan skin kind heart and he seemed to have a crush on me. We dated for a month, more or less until a new girl appeared in his class. He never cheated on me and he never broke my heart. He told me that he tried to ignore that girl but it was like he was pulled to her. We ended things but stayed close friends, I even helped him ask this girl out and now he and his Vanessa, or Nessie as he called her were a sweet, cute couple.

I wasn't heartbroken about my exes because I didn't even care, well for Mike because Jacob was a dear friend. No I wasn't heartbroken just a little disappointed because I had a secret crush. Something that neither Alice nor any other of my friends knew. For years I had a crush on Alice dad, Edward Cullen.

He was 41 years old and yes he was old enough to be my dad but I just couldn't resist him. He was there in every step of my life and I was there in his. He was a famous doctor in Forks and well known to Seattle, he was divorced for the past seven years and his current girlfriend was Tanya Denali. I hated her because she didn't care for Edward or Alice just for their money and every time I had a sleepover and saw her kissing him my heart was breaking. His emerald green eyes were my undoing and I wanted to run my hands through his bronze hair every time we were close.

I knew I shouldn't have those thoughts about him because he is an older guy and my best friend's dad but I really tried to get over him but I just couldn't, he was stuck in my mind and he was starring in my dreams.

I was lost in my thought during the road trip to Seattle so I was a little surprised when Alice opened her door.

"Jazzy" she exclaimed happily and jumped in his arms.

"Alice you saw him last night stop acting like you had years to see him" Rosalie said rolling her eyes as she hugged her boyfriend.

"Isabella" I heard a smooth voice and I closed my eyes

"Hello Mr. Cullen" I replied shyly

"We are both adults Isabella when are you going to start calling me Edward?" he asked and gave me one of his half smile

"Dad, her name is Bella" Alice corrected him and I blushed deeper.

Truth to be told when I was younger I never let anyone call me Isabella because I just hated the name but after I started developing my little crush I didn't let anyone because in a way I wanted him to be the only one who calls me Isabella. I know stupid and silly but I had the right to at least have that.

"Eddie… let the kids to choose their rooms" evil woman aka Tanya appeared and wrapped her arms around his waist.

I stormed inside without another word letting the spacious rooms for the couples. I knew that Alice and Rosalie would sleep with their boyfriend as soon as Edward returned to Forks so I chose the smallest of the bedroom. I didn't mind really I decided long ago that the next relationship would be with someone who would make me forget Edward or I would end up alone.

From my open door I watched as he was concentrated to something Alice showed him and he was running his hand through his hair. His other hand was in his pocket his full lips were in a very tempting little pout.

"Hey Bells come with us what are you thinking?" I heard Rose's voice.

"I'm going to die alone" I told her and sighed softly.

So this is the first chapter I know I make mistakes so don't bother tell me. If you don't like it don't read… bye for now.