Chapter 11

A/N – So, who was expecting baby DiNozzo to be born prematurely?. Replies to reviews;

Bjq – Aww thank you. I hope you enjoy this chapter too. Thank you for the review.

DarkAngel2581 – Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for the review.

DS2010 – Leah will be fine. But will the baby? Thank you for the review. I hope you like this chapter.



Tony walked in and smiled. "I got food."

"T-Tony, I think I'm in labour…"


Tony couldn't believe it. He knew there was still a few weeks to go until Leah's due date. He looked at her. "Right. Let's not panic. What do we do?"

Leah groaned. "You're not helping this situation. W-We need to go to the hospital," she said as she attempted to stand up.

Tony nodded. He ran to get Leah's hospital bag. He made sure to grab the baby's sleepsuit. He knew Leah would want the baby in their own clothes.


Gibbs, Ziva and McGee were sitting in the bullpen. Ziva looked around. "Where is Tony and Leah?" She asked.

Gibbs looked up. He was going to go mad. He had told Leah and Tony to keep their relationship separate from the office.

Gibbs grabbed his phone and as he was about to call Leah, Abby ran in. "Why aren't you at the hospital?" She asked.

Gibbs frowned. "Why?"

"Leah's gone into labour. She and Tony are on their way to the hospital,"Abby said as she showed Gibbs the text.

Immediately Gibbs took off to Jenny's office. McGee had a small smile on his face. "DiNozzo is about to become a father."


Jenny had told the team she was taking them off duty for the day. She knew they would all want to be there for Leah and Tony.

The three agents and Abby all went to the hospital. Ducky was going to go up as soon as he had finished an autopsy.


Leah was in the delivery suite. She felt in absolute agony. Tony was pacing. "I should have read the books. Why didn't I read the book?"

Leah giggled slightly. She took Tony's hand. "Reading the books wouldn't have prepared you for the child birth. Nothing can prepare someone for this," she told him.

The door knocked and Gibbs walked in. Leah smiled. "Abby told you then?" She asked.

Gibbs nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't want to worry you boss," Tony said as he drank some coffee.

Gibbs looked at Tony. "You should have been the first one to tell me."


Leah wasn't dilating. The doctors were going to consider a c-section. Gibbs and the rest of the team sat in the waiting room. Each one was anxious. They all wanted Leah to be okay.

McGee was pacing the room. Ziva was sitting in the corner. Abby stood by the door waiting for some news while Gibbs sat there.

Abby looked at Gibbs. "Why are you not panicking? Your grand baby is being born."

"It's fine Abs. You've met Leah. She's a tough one," Gibbs said.


Tony looked on in shock as his baby was brought into the world. "It's a baby girl."

Tony couldn't stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. But, their baby girl wasn't crying. "T-Tony."

"It's alright. She'll cry," Tony said as he took Leah's hand. They were both terrified for their baby.

Eventually, she let out a little cry. Both Leah and Tony were relieved. Tony stood up and went to have a look. She has his hair and facial features with Leah's eyes.


While Leah was being taken back to her room, Tony went to tell the team. He walked into the waiting room. Abby ran over. "Well?"

"It's a girl."

Abby squealed. She hugged Tony and then Gibbs. McGee came and shook Tony's hand. "Congrats Tony."

"Thanks McGeek. She's absolutely beautiful. She's got Leah's eyes," Tony said.


The baby had been taken for some tests. The team all went to see Leah. Leah smiled at them. "Hi."

Gibbs walked over to Leah and hugged her. Leah grinned. "You have a Granddaughter."

Tony smiled at Leah who nodded. "Boss, we wanted to name her Gracie-Kate. But we added in a middle name," he said.

Gibbs looked at the two of them. "What? And if you say Jethro, your asses are fired," he warned. He didn't want have his granddaughter named after him.

Leah giggled. "No. Her name is Gracie-Kate Kelly."


The doctor came in and sighed. "Unfortunately the baby has something wrong with her lungs. We're going to keep her under observation for a few days to monitor how she goes. We will keep you all updated."

Leah couldn't hold back the tears. She didn't want to believe there was something wrong with her baby. Her innocent baby girl.

Tony walked over and held her close. Gibbs felt bad for them. He looked at Abby. "Stay with them."



Gibbs knew that Jenny needed to know about the baby. He walked into NCIS. Ducky smiled. "I'm just on my way to meet the little duck."

Gibbs smiled. "They have a baby girl. But she's unwell."

Ducky lost his smile. "Jethro I'm sorry."


Gibbs walked into Jenny's office. Jenny looked at him. "Well?"

"They have a girl. But she's got a problem with her lungs. She's under observation," Gibbs said as he sat opposite her. He looked at her. "We're grandparents. Bet you didn't think that would ever happen."

Jenny sighed. "I knew it was a possibility when I gave birth that she would have children one day."


The team had all gone home. Leah and Tony sat together. "What does she look like?" Leah asked as she laid her head on Tony's chest.

Tony smiled. "She looks like me but she has your gorgeous and sexy eyes," he told her.

Leah grinned slightly. As she began to fall asleep, she was unaware of just how much danger she and baby Gracie were in.


A/N – I just had to have a cutesy chapter. There will be some drama next chapter when Tony's father makes an appearance and there's a threat made towards Leah and Gracie!

Till next time lovely's xx