Au for the end of Legacy


"I think you might know my parents, Ephriam and Mira Bridger." Ezra took his chances as he stepped out from behind the rock.

The firing stopped and the man lowered his gun. "My name is Ryder Azadi. And yes, I know your parents."

Relief flooded Ezra, this could be his chance to find them again. Not just relief but hope… Hope for his parents lives.

The boy turned back to Kanan who was standing straight now and smiling down at him. The reaction from his master was all it took before Ezra shot off to where Azadi had set up a tent. Kanan almost laughed as he hurried after the boy. It was good to see him this happy… It wasn't often his eyes lit like this. Not just the sarcastic spark that normally sat there but a light of hope joining with the electric blue.

The man was already waiting for them with the white Loth-cat purring on his lap as he massaged the creature's ears.

"You were part of the prison break from last night." Kanan stated with his usual calm, Ezra already trusted the man so the Jedi had made the decision to be the skeptical one.

"I was." The old man motioned to the ground before him, his 'guests' sitting in the dirt across from him. "It's been a long time since I saw you last." Azadi now addressed Ezra. "You've grown into an impressive young man."

Ezra would have normally puffed up in pride at these words but he was too nervous at the moment. "My parents… They didn't make it did they?"

Azadi gave a small shake of his head. "It was just like your parents to refuse to leave until everyone else was out." He had stopped petting the cat and just cradled its head in his hands. "I was among the last out. They were on their way when the Stormtroopers caught us. Your parents were grabbed and taken back into that fortress. The rest of us had no choice but to run."

This caught Ezra slightly off guard. "You mean, they're alive?"

"They were last I saw." Azadi admitted but his voice was sad. "But all prisoners who failed an attempted escape were executed within 24 hours… Imperial protocol."

The happiness that had caught Ezra suddenly deflated and he was left staring at the emptiness of the ground. This was why he didn't allow hope to infiltrate his mind.

"Why the long wait?" Kanan still held out hope. He didn't want to lose his padawan but Ezra's happiness was first and foremost. If this would make the boy happy then he would do anything to accomplish the mission.

"This specific prison has no officer with the proper authority to declare the death sentence on prisoners. They have to wait until one arrives and gives the order." Azadi grabbed Ezra's shoulder and sighed. "I'm afraid your parents only have a few hours if they've even made it this long. I am sorry."

Ezra finally crumpled, falling into Kanan's arms and crying softly. This was it… They were gone.


The blue light on Kallus' desk began to flash, alerting him of an incoming holomessage.

"Yes?" He asked with a bored voice the moment the imperial figured appeared before him. He hadn't taken his eyes off the reports he was reading.

"Agent Kallus." The man adjusted his hat in a nervous fashion. "I am Officer Griff from Imperial detention facility 257. We have had a mass break out."

Kallus now glared at the lower officer. "And?" He spoke when the man went awkwardly silent.

"49 prisoners escaped. But we were able to detain two individuals involved in the planning of the escape." He hastily added the last part as Kallus' eyes narrowed.

"Why are you telling me this?" The agent finally spoke with a clipped tone.

"Sir, our facility does not have high funding and as such we don't have a high enough ranking officer to pass the sentence." The man wore a worried look as he spoke but Kallus simply sighed. "You are the closest ranking officer who has that authority."

"Do you have the details on these two prisoners?" Kallus hated this part of his job. Not passing the sentence, but rather being constantly pulled into matters that didn't pertain to his mission.

"I just had them sent to your datapad." The officer seemed relieved now, though his motions were still a little tense.

Kallus picked up the pad and opened the prisoner information, he really didn't have time for… "Are these the two prisoners who were detained?"

"Yes." The officer sounded more certain of himself now that Kallus seemed to be interested in the matter.

Kallus pressed the button to the internal coms on the bridge. "Captain, new course. Sending coordinates now." After a second of thought he added, "Send the Inquisitors to my shuttle." His smiling face turned back to the prison officer. "Place these two in a secure cell, nothing is to happen to them. I'm on my way."


The shuttle ride had been silent after Kallus convinced the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother of the relevance of the prisoners, though he refused to tell them who the prisoners were.

Once the Imperials arrived at the facility they followed the guards to a cell on the lower levels of the prison. Two figures were huddled on the bench inside.

"Ephraim and Mira Bridger." Kallus spoke, finding a certain joy in the quick flash of shock that touched both inquisitors faces. "I am Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau." Funny, wasn't that the first thing he had said to Ezra Bridger?

"We know who you are." Mira suddenly spat. "Your reputation precedes you."

Kallus puffed his chest out slightly, choosing to ignore the outburst. "And these are the Inquisitors." He motioned to his companions.

"Here to pass our sentence?" Ephraim was lower spoken than his wife.

"I'm not passing that sentence on you… At least, not yet." His eyes flashed as he returned to his normal stance with his hands behind his back.

"Then why are you here?!" Mira was on her feet in a second, only her husband's hand stopping her from advancing on the man.

"The two of you are going to help me." Kallus stated as if this was obvious. So this was where the young Padawan got his fire.

"We would never help you!" Mira's voice was full of venom.

Ephraim stood and pulled his wife close. "We don't know where any of the escapees went and even if we did we wouldn't tell you."

A short chuckle curled from Kallus' throat. "I don't care about the escaped prisoners. I am after rebels."

"Ha!" Mira tossed her head back. "We've been locked in here for so long no rebels even remember us."

"Oh, I know a cell of rebels that remembers you." Kallus leaned forward. "A young rebel in particular. A boy who has been a thorn in the side of the Empire for too long."

Mira's confidence broke as her head shook slowly.

"A rebel who transmitted the message that inspired your little escape." Kallus paused, relishing the look of horror in the woman's face. "You're going to help me capture Ezra Bridger and his rebel cell."

Mira couldn't speak, her voice caught painfully in her throat as she stuttered a few times.

"You'll never catch him." Ephraim finally spoke for both of them, pulling Mira in to hide her tear soaked face.

"We shall see." Kallus leaned back so the Seventh Sister could step forward, igniting her lightsaber as she did so.

"I hope you're as fun as your son." Her almost metallic voice echoed as she advanced.


Ezra finally hit the target Rex had placed for him. "Ha!" He cheer as he tossed the blaster back to the clone.

"Not bad." Rex stroked his beard as he eyed the burnt Storm Trooper helmet on the ground.

"What can I say? I'm a fast learner." Ezra bragged before marching up the ramp into the Ghost.

The Padawan and the clone found Hera and Kanan in the common room, the Imperial holocast playing in the background.

"Does that have to be on?" Ezra plopped down at table and began tapping his fingers at the surface.

"With the fleet separated we need to keep our ears out for possible ways to mess with the Empire." Kanan leaned back on the table behind him as he spoke.

Ezra huffed and lay his chin on his arms.

The fleet had separated after what had happened on Garel. It was decided that each cell should take a small leave in order to regroup. After Princess Leia's ships had been delivered Rex had opted to join the Ghost crew for a short while and Ahsoka had stayed with Commander Sato. Two days had passed since Ezra had learned of the death of his parents.

As the imperials most recent program ended a familiar voice came on. Causing everyone to snap to attention.

"Citizens of Lothal and nearby systems." Agent Kallus. "As many of you are no doubt aware there has been an escape from a detention facility not far from you. There is no need for panic. However, there are two prisoners who failed to escape."

"My parents." Ezra was standing now, leaning on each word.

"Ephraim and Mira Bridger. They were traitors on Lothal eight years ago. I know many of you saw them as friends and neighbors and as such we have decided to forgo the normal execution." Kallus paused. "Of course this ruling only stands if all escaped prisoners are returned within 10 rotations. All sightings should be reported to the nearest Imperial official. Thank you for your cooperation."

And then the transmission was over.

Ezra looked up from the table. At some point during the message Sabine and Zeb had entered the room, most likely called by Hera when Kallus began reporting.

"They're alive." Ezra looked in the eyes of everyone in the room. "They're alive. We have to find them!"

"Don't need to." Rex moved over to the holotable and sat before placing a holodisk in the drive. "Just after we arrived on Lothal a single star destroyer arrived to orbit the planet. I can guarantee that is where the Bridgers are being held."

"So we take one of its 'anger bays and get the Bridgers off the ship, just like we did when we first met Ezra." Zeb suggested, jabbing his thumb towards the boy as he spoke.

"That won't work." Rex shook his head. "The Empire is killing two birds with one stone here. They are drawing in any of the escapees that are sympathetic to the Bridgers but they also know you will come for them."

"So what do we do?" Sabine stepped farther into the room as she spoke.

Rex pushed a button on the side of the holotable a star destroyer appearing before the crew. "Cody and I helped to design these destroyers for the clone wars. Before we knew they were going to be used in the empire." He added the last part before Kanan could have an outburst. "We dock to the ship here." He pointed to a small port on the side of the ship.

"What is that?" Sabine leaned forward to look at the hologram.

"It's an airlock for docking with smaller ships." Rex answered as if it were obvious.

"Why would a star destroyer need an airlock like that?" Hera stepped forward to inspect the other ship. "Each one has at least three hangers."

"Standard on all Republic designs." Rex explain. "Once the Ghost is docked with the Destroyer Chopper, Hera and I will use the Ghost and the Phantom to protect our ship while the rest of you sneak onto that destroyer and get Ezra's parents."

"It's such a small space." Sabine said as she looked over the specs for the ship.

"It is rather small. But it's also never used." Rex paused for a chuckle. "I would be shocked if any of those Storm Troopers even knew it was an entrance. It's the best way onto the ship."

"Then it's settled." Ezra jumped up.

Hera placed her hand on his shoulder. "It sure is. Everyone, prep for an op."


As the Ghost connected to the airlock Ezra felt a pit beginning to fill in his stomach. He was finally going to see his parents again, but something was off. He shook his head and thought about his parents again. What would he say? Would he have to leave the Ghost? Leave Kana, Hera… Sabine, Zeb… Even Chopper… The names played through his mind. No he couldn't think about this now. He had to focus. With that last thought Ezra placed his multicolored helmet over his head.

"Remember, once the Empire knows we're here they'll jam our coms so I'll be taking off as soon as the airlock is secure." Hera's voice came over the internal coms.

Seconds later the airlock opened with a hiss.

"Let's move." Kanan led everyone onto the Star Destroyer. Only moments later they came to a terminal where Sabine began searching through the files.

"Found them." The Mandalorian called out before rushing down a new hallway.

Several winding turns later and the rebels found themselves in the detention area with the large cell door looming over them.

"Wanna do the 'oner's kid?" Zeb motioned to a panel that sat next to the door.

With a nervous hand Ezra hit the button and jumped in front of the door.

Two huddled figures sat on the bench on the far wall. As their eyes turned up Ezra stepped down a few steps and removed his helmet.

"Mom… Dad?" The teen's voice seemed to shiver as he saw his parents for the first time in years.

"Ezra!" Mira jumped to her feet and ran to her son but was cut short.

"Ezra, get up here!" Kanan's voice had caused the boy to turn, cutting off his mother's advance. "We have company."

The teen smiled cockily at his parents before rushing back up the stairs and into the hall. The elder Bridgers at his heels.

Standing in the hall were the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother, both holding their activated sabers. The Seventh Sister's probe droids hovering around them.

Hiding his fear Ezra turned to his parents with a cocky smile and tossed his helmet to his mother. "Hold this for me?" He then turned and let his smile fall as he stood next to Kanan.

In unison Master and Padawan activated their sabers. Ezra heard his mother's gasp but was forced to ignore it as the inquisitors rushed forward.

The Fifth Brother landed a hard blow against Ezra's blade. Calling on the force Ezra pushed him away before landing several quick blows of his own.

After a few minutes of fighting Kanan called out to the younger Jedi. "Ezra, switch!"

The teen again used the force to push the Fifth Brother away before jumping towards Kanan, who used the force to throw the boy at the female inquisitor. As soon as he landed he used the force to push Kanan towards the Fifth Brother before bringing his blade across his back to defend from a blow the Seventh Sister attempted to deal.

"How interesting. It's about time the two of you learned some new tricks." The Sister taunted.

"Unfortunately the same can't be said for you." Ezra growled as he blocked a few more swings.

"Hmmm…" The Sister hummed as the two locked blades. "Perhaps you are right." A sick smile spread across her lips. "In that case, let me try something new." She released her second blade and spun it around quickly before slashing across the side of Ezra's knee.

The Padawan yelped but continued to fight as the pain in his leg swelled.

"I may have misjudged you. Even injured you are able to hold your ground." The Sister sounded more annoyed then impressed.

Kanan was suddenly by his Padawan. "We don't have time for this."

Ezra nodded in response and the two used the force to push the inquisitors down the hall before turning and running with the others.

Sabine led the group with Mira and Ephraim in tow and Zeb pushing them along. Kanan ran alongside the Lasat with Ezra just behind him. Or he thought the boy was right behind him. Really the injury to his leg was causing him to fall behind. Ezra glanced back, the inquisitors were gaining on him as the crew drew away.

They rounded a corner to come to the long hall to the airlock.

But the Inquisitors were too close… If Ezra made it to the Ghost so would their enemies. This whole mission was about getting his parents to safety but no one would be safe if…

The second the crew crossed the airlock Ezra called out to Kanan. The older Jedi turned to see the teen throw his lightsaber at him. It seemed wrong to let the Inquisitors get a hold of his weapon.

It only took a split second for Kanan to figure out what was happening. "Ezra, No!" But it was too late.

Ezra raised his hand and used the force to crush the control panel. The airlock slammed closed but Ezra kept running. He didn't want to caught, though it was now unavoidable, and determined to put it off for as long as possible.

His flight ended seconds later as a large foot slammed into the back of his already injured knee, causing him to collapse. His knee's slammed to the metal but before the rest of him could follow a hand grasped his hair, pulling his head back to reveal his throat. Red light illuminated his face as the heat of the saber came close to his neck. It was odd to feel something so hot and cold coming off the same object.

"Wait." The Seventh Sister stopped her comrade from striking. "Tarken will decide his fate."

The Fifth Brother released the boy as Stormtroopers rushed in and cuffed him.

"Take him to a secure cell. Be sure to give him a force suppressant." The Seventh Sister grabbed Ezra's face with a smile. "I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay." Acid dripped from her voice as her fingers slid down his face.