Hi guys hello. How are you doing? Oh you're doing well, thats cool. I uh wanted to write a story about Luffy (of course) and about how he grew up on Whitebeard's ship. I really enjoyed reading stories like that. I hope I'm not stealing ideas tho. I've read quite a bit a of them

Kinda like the other Luffy and Whitebeard stories, it will be slow because Luffy has to grow up.

The plan is to have the story about Luffy for a good while and then Ace and Sabo will be introduced and I will probably end the story with Luffy leaving Whitebeard's ship for his journey to become pirate king. Might put out a sequel out (not too sure tho.. That is far away tho)

Also if the first few chapters work out well, I will update once or twice weekly

Reviews are welcome. Don't be hella harsh

I do NOT own One Piece. The wonderful being named G(Oda) owns One Piece.

A Phone Call

In a bar in Foosha Village a Marine Vice Admiral is eating his rice crackers and has a bottle of sake with him.

Puru puru puru puru - puru puru puru puru - puru pur *gachaa*

"What who is this? You better not be Sengoku!"

"Hi." He hears a strong familiar voice through the snail.

"Who's this!?" Garp yells at the Mushi wondering how that person got his number

"It's your son. You know, *sighs* Dragon."

"Dragon? Is that really you?" Garp shocked that he is hearing from his son for the first time since the incident.

"Yes pops. It's me. I'm alive, thanks for asking. Where are you?"

"I'm back home. Where are you? Don't tell me you're still in the New World."

"In the Grand Line father. But I have things I need to talk to you about."

"And what may that be you bastard son?"

"Well for starters, you will be a grandfather soon. In a few weeks, you will have a grandchild."

"A grandchild huh." the man exclaims happily. "Hey Makino, Woopie you old shit I'm about to be a grandfather!" Garp clearly excited about the news and starts to think of ways to train the child.

"Makino? She's there?" says a curious Dragon. Makino had always been that younger sister for him. He was older than her by a few years and he did take care of her when he was in Foosha.

"Hello Dragon-san. I hope you are well and congratulations for the baby. I hope to see him one day." Makino says with a smile. Woop Slap takes the Den Den Mushi from Makino

"Hey now.. It may be a girl Makino. We don't know ourselves." says a happy Dragon.

"Hey Dragon you bastard, congratulations the kid." says the Mayor Woop Slap

"Hehe, thank you guys. And don't worry Makino, you'll see the little brat one day."

Garp takes the snail back from Woop Slap. "Is that all you called for?"

"Sadly father, no. I have more to talk about. Can we speak in private?"

Garp leaves the bar and goes to the docks. It was night time and no one was seen to be found.

"What do you want you Monkey?" (Monkey see.. Monkey D. Dragon.. Get it XD) Garp asks in a concerning and annoyed tone.

"Well, after the child has been born, I cannot keep the baby. It will be in more danger being with Jasmine and myself."

"Then give me the child. I can take care of him."

"And let him grow up beside the son of Roger? Now you do know that it won't be safe for either of them within a few years. Akainu will probably take my spot as Admiral. And you know he's still fixed on finding any bit of Roger's bloodline."

"Don't worry about Akainu. I'll have him under check."

"Don't worry? Ohara was HIS fault! AOKIJI AND I WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF IT!"

"That was 3 years ago. Why are you still on that."

"So Sengoku didn't tell you why I left then.. I'm surprised about that."

"And just what did Sengoku not tell me about?"

"Akainu killed him."

"Who did Akainu kill you brat?" Furious at his son and is just as clueless as any other person would be.

"Akainu killed HIM father. Along with another Buster Call on the island.

"He killed Lu?" shocked to hear this. He didn't know what to say

"The Gorosei specifically wanted Sakazuki and CP-0 in the North."

"CP-0? But they work under the Nobels. Why would they wan.." before finishing his sentence he realized why they wanted to eliminate their target.

"So that's why you left the Marines? That bastard Sakazuki. No wonder Roger and Newgate called him the bitch of the World Government."

"Speaking of Newgate father. I want my child to grow up on his ship."


"Because he will be safe there. No one in their right mind will fight Whitebeard while he still is quite young. He's 55 years of age. And is known as the World's Strongest Man. His crew is also strong and trustworthy. The one reason why we could not capture Roger and Newgate was because of Rayleigh and Marco. I trust them more than anyone father. You should too with letting Ace grow up there."

"And just why would I let Ace grow up on Whitebeard's ship when I can take care of him?"

"Fine. Just do whatever you want with Ace, father. Roger did trust you with him so try to keep him safe. However, I WILL keep my child safe and let the baby grow up with Newgate and his pirates."

Garp hesitantly says "He will grow up to be a fine Marine one day." he states with a defeated voice.

Dragon sighs "Now father, I know you mean well but your grandchild will eventually see the same stuff I saw. Akainu will be Fleet Admiral one day. I have a feeling the higher ups will choose him. And plus, either you or myself could have taken that horrific position."

"Sengoku isn't doing a bad job you brat. I'm already fine with being Vice Admiral. I can do whatever I wants. AND you just decided to leave the Marines. You would have been a great Fleet Admiral."

"I am NEVER working under those Gorosei. Only you and Sengoku had authority over me."

Garp sighs at what he hears knowing full well his son is telling the truth. "Fine you shitty son. But before you go, let me talk to MY daughter in law." On the other line, Dragon calls his wife to speak with Garp.

"GARP-SAN." He hears the sweet voice of his son's wife.

"So, you're about to give me a grandchild huh.. Do you have any names planned out?" he says happily

"Dragon wanted to name the daughter and he picked Rose."

Garps smiles "Dragon did have quite a bond with his mother hehe."

"What if the child is a boy? Then what will you name it?"

She answers "Luffy." Upon hearing the name Luffy, Garp had a frown with sadness in his eyes knowing he was the man who Akainu killed

"You named him after your brother?"

"I wasn't going to, but after Dragon and I found out that Akainu had destroyed the whole island, I wanted his memory to live on." Garp could hear the emotion in her voice. He could almost see her tears.

Without thinking Garp replied with "Don't cry child. Your brother will always live on. In yourself and in your child whether it be boy or girl. As long as you are alive and always have him in your heart, he won't die."

She takes a deep breath after a few tears fall down from her eyes. "I know he will live on. It's just I miss him." After another deep breath, "Anyways we have to go Garp-san. I think you should be here when the child is born. Both Dragon and I will need you. And you need to name the child." she says in her normal happy tone which makes Garp smile because he knows she is a strong woman.

"Meet us at Drum Island father. We should be there shortly."

"Fine. And Dragon you piece of shit, you better keep your wife safe. Otherwise I'll kill you." Garp screams through the snail but knows full well that Dragon will keep her safe no matter.

"Goodbye father. Goodbye Garp-san!" the two yell through the phone and the line cuts.

Dragon always knows how to handle situations. I know he'll keep an eye on the child.

Ok guys thanks for reading. Yes I used OC's for Dragon's wife and her brother. And I used CP-0. And the Gorosei.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I should update soon.

Thanks for reading.. Hope you enjoyed. Leave a review.