Author's Note:
Uhh, I'm going to just ignore the fact that I haven't updated this in months. Shhh.

I do not own Persona or any of its characters.

Chapter Four: Stay Away.

Evening — October 14 (SUN)

Minako yawned and looked at the clock as she poured her coffee into her travel mug, it was just after sunset and her night class started in a little over an hour. Glancing out the window into the darkening sky, her mind flashed back to the previous night when Shinji had kissed her and then—practically— run away. She pulled her backpack onto her shoulders and found herself running her finger tips over her bottom lip. There had been a part of her somewhere deep down that had desperately wanted to explore him—her cheeks burned at the thought as it crossed her mind—but on the other end of the spectrum, she was furious at him. He'd taken something from her that she wasn't sure he deserved.

You're being stupid, she scowled at herself and grabbed her cup before heading out the door, that wasn't even a kiss.

"If you don't resist, it's a lot harder to hold back." His raspy voice echoed in her ears and Minako shook her head, wide-eyed. You need to focus, it's time for class. She picked up the pace and realized once she crossed through the archway to the campus that she'd been jogging.

Minako shuffled to a stop and pulled out her phone, frowning when she saw she'd made it there in record time with just under an hour to kill before her class even started. She seated herself inside a lighted gazebo and pulled her notes from her bag.

"I didn't know you had class on Sundays," A voice said from behind, making her jump up from her seat and onto her feet with her notes clutched tightly to her chest.

Minako's breath caught in her throat when she saw Akihiko standing there, silver hair matted to his forehead. A large grey sweatshirt stretched across his broad torso and matching sweatpants hung loosely around his waist, he was glistening in the fluorescent lights, and Minako struggled to find her voice as he stared down at her with cloudy grey eyes. "A-Aki-senpai!" She finally gasped, cursing herself as his eyes widened. She took a step back, bowed, and half-yelled, "I'm sorry, Akihiko-kun! I pretended not to remember you at the café! I-I was just so surprised to see you that I…" She raised her head just enough to peek up at his face through her bangs, he looked stunned but a grin was tugging at the corners of his mouth, "Please forgive me!" she managed to say as his grin settled into his face, sending butterflies afloat in her stomach.

He laughed and crossed his arms, for a moment he only looked at her and silence hung in the air.

Minako shifted and hoped he wouldn't notice the blush rising on her cheeks.

"What did you call me?" He finally said, eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Oh… um…"

He took two steps toward her and there was less than an arm's length between them, "I want to hear you say it."

Minako stared back at her first love, lips parted in uncertain excitement, as the memory of the infirmary came back to her. In that moment, she saw nothing but him, and she was almost certain he felt the same way. Just one step was all it would take… she could fill the gap and…

"I want to hear what it sounds like in your voice," His voice was barely a whisper, maybe it was just her imagination but it felt like he was staring at her lips.

Confidence flooded her and she let a smile lift the left corner of her mouth as she spoke, "Aki-senpai…" Her voice wasn't entirely her own and as she moved to take the final step a familiar voice called out in the darkness and Minako blinked the daze away, stepping away from Akihiko so quickly she thought she might fall backward.


The voice belonged to Mitsuru Kirijo.

Minako watched as she walked gracefully toward the two of them. Her heart sank as she looked over her former senpai. She was just a few inches shorter than Akihiko with her tall burgundy heels, and Minako couldn't help the flare of jealousy that erupted as Mitsuru finally stood in front of her and placed a delicate kiss on Akihiko's cheek. Her dark curls fell delicately down her shoulders in what Minako could only describe as perfection.

Right… She thought suddenly. I'd almost forgotten.

"Arisato-san, is that you?" A bright smile appeared on Mitsuru's face, "When did you come back to Iwatodai?"

Guilt surged through Minako as her old senpai pulled her into a tight hug. You're terrible. She told herself. What were you about to do? He has a girlfriend, stop being so stupid...! She laughed awkwardly, "Um, a few months ago, actually." She managed to say, glancing sideways at Akihiko. His grin was gone.

"I'm surprised Yukari didn't tell me," Mitsuru said, pursing her lips.

"Ah… I haven't actually contacted anyone since I've been back. I've just been really busy with the move and starting school." Saying in aloud made Minako realize it was just a terrible excuse, especially since Fuuka had informed her that Mitsuru was graduating early to take over her father's company. Her own life seemed little and gut-wrenchingly insignificant next to hers.

Mitsuru nodded like she understood nonetheless, but her attention had shifted to Akihiko, "Were you just finishing up your run?"

Akihiko took a gulp from his water bottle before answering, "Halfway done." He said shortly, "I just stopped to say hello when I saw her sitting here." He nodded toward Minako but she avoided his eyes.

"Ah," Mitsuru said curtly, "It looks as though you interrupted her studying."

Minako clutched her notebook tighter to her chest. The atmosphere felt heavy and the lack of wind only seemed to make Minako feel even more uncomfortable.

"It wouldn't kill you to stop and say hello to me, would it?" Mitsuru's words were sharp but her smile was still bright; Akihiko didn't seem to notice, though. Or maybe he just didn't care. "Walk back to the dorms with me," She urged him, "I need to talk to you." She sent a soft smile in Minako's direction, "And I don't think we need to bother Arisato-san any longer."

Akihiko ran his fingers through his damp hair and looked at his watch, "Ah, I've got class soon, so I need to jog back. Maybe tomorrow."

Minako swore she could reach out and feel the tension building between them and her heart was still pounding in her ears, "Ah… I should probably get to class." She cut in awkwardly, shoving her notes back into her bag and grabbing her coffee. "It was… great to see you again, Mitsuru." She forced out, stealing a final glance at Akihiko. He was staring back at her, an unreadable expression in his grey eyes.

Walking briskly away from the couple, Minako let out a heavy sigh and tried not to look back.

Akihiko didn't want to stop running. His legs ached with each step as his feet pounded against the pavement, he could feel the sweat soaking through his clothes and running down his brow, but still he willed himself to go faster.

One, two, three, inhale… One, two, three, exhale…

His lungs were on fire, he felt like he was gasping with each breath.

One, two, three… Minako's face seemed to be burned into the undersides of his eyelids. Each blink, every breath, there she was. Inhale…

One, two, three… Her voice rang through his ears like a song he wanted to hear over and over again, in a million different ways, every hour of each day until… Exhale…

Heart pounding, blood surging, Akihiko stopped. He could see her not too far away, likely headed home from her evening classes—that he'd missed, he realized suddenly—auburn hair swaying gently back and forth with every step she took.

She was going to kiss me. His brain announced as he looked after her. I was going to kiss her back. He shook his head as the fantasy threatened to take over—lips on his, softly at first until he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her against him, she'd open her mouth first, and he'd take her all in greedily

He exhaled sharply and wondered if he'd ever catch his breath. The warning was clear; it flashed brightly in his mind, sirens blared in the background: Stay Away from Minako Arisato. But he didn't want to. It felt like he was being pulled after her, and soon he realized he was jogging again, this time toward Minako as she left campus.

He opened his mouth to call out to her but hesitated.


Guilt wrapped him up like a blanket and he stopped. He should head back to the dorms and talk to her; she was obviously upset with him. He knew it was only a matter of time before she caught on to the fact that he was ignoring her, but a part of him resented it. It's her fault, anyway. He thought suddenly, knowing full well it wasn't true.

He looked back at Minako getting ready to cross the street, rocking back and forth on her heels, and started after her again.

Stay away. He warned himself.

But he pushed the thought away, "Minako!"

She spun around quickly, ruby eyes wide with surprise. The street lights illuminated the copper in her hair while the evening breeze gently lifted her bangs from her face and Akihiko couldn't help the huge grin that settled into his cheeks as he approached her. A faint smile lifted her pale pink lips and a knot tied itself in his stomach.

Stay away. The warning echoed

"Let me walk you home," He said, motioning for them to cross the street as the walk signal began to flash, "It's late."

Her smile faded for a moment and she shook her head, "It's alright, I don't live very far." Minako forced the smile back, but it wasn't the same. "Besides," She murmured, looking ahead, "You really ought to talk to Mitsuru—ah, I know it's not my business." She laughed nervously and continued, "But whatever the problem is… it can't be fixed by ignoring it."

Akihiko nodded but continued walking by her side nevertheless, unsure of what to say. He tried to keep his eyes forward but struggled when she began to speak again.

"You're still boxing, right?" She said with a giggle, pointing her thumb at his face. "Those bruises are worse than they were yesterday."

He shoved his hands in his pockets and let out a quiet laugh, "I'm not as good as I was in high school, I get my ass kicked now."

She shrugged, "But you love doing it, right?"

Akihiko blinked, "Huh?"

"Boxing," She clarified. "If you love doing it, it doesn't matter if you win every match and break school records—"she glanced sideways at him and smiled, "—or if you lose over and over and your face looks like that after every match. As long as you love it… it doesn't matter." Minako stopped and motioned to the building behind her. "Thanks for walking me home, Akihiko-kun."

He stared at her for a long moment, should have stayed away… "Minako—"

"Oh," Minako turned from him and waved at a figure approaching the two of them, "Shinjiro-kun, thanks for all your help… yesterday…" She trailed off and Akihiko couldn't help but notice the blush that crept onto her face as she lifted her hands to her lips.

Akihiko raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth between the two of them before feeling a ridiculously unwarranted pang of jealousy. The curiosity only spiked when he heard Shinji chuckle quietly when he looked back at her and scratched the back of his head. He does that when he's embarrassed. Akihiko realized.

The jealousy hit him again, but it was a tidal wave this time that threatened to drag him deep down into the depths until he drowned in it.

"It was no big deal," Shinji said, grinning. "Not the first aid and the dinner, anyway—"

Minako cut him off with a loud, nervous laugh, "It was really great—the uh, the tonkatsu! I… really appreciated it." She hooked her thumbs on her backpack straps and rocked back and forth on her heels awkwardly, "Anyway…" She looked up at Akihiko sheepishly, "Thanks again for walking me home." She pulled on her straps and puffed out her cheeks, "I've got a lot of homework so… I'll see you both soon."

Akihiko gave her a small wave and watched her as she disappeared into her building before turning to face his friend, "That was something." Was all he said.

They began walking before Shinji replied with a chuckle, "She sure is."

Akihiko frowned and gave him a sideways look, "Did… something happen? With Minako?" He didn't want to sound like he really wanted to know but… he really wanted to know.

Shinji shrugged and shoved his hands deeper into his coat as the wind picked up, "Eh, not yet. I'd like to think the waters are warm though, man. I never thought I'd see her again, it feels like it's meant to—" he looked at Akihiko and cleared his throat, as if embarrassed. "Well, she definitely would have kissed me back, anyway."

"Huh," Akihiko tried to sound indifferent. He knew that any person—any good person in this situation should root for him, cheer him on. He was Shinji's friend, it was his responsibility to try and guide him toward happiness in any way he could… but instead, the only thing that settled in his mind was, I doubt it, she was going to kiss me. There was an ugly pit in Akihiko's stomach swelling up at the idea of a new found, completely unprecedented, rivalry. "Just don't get her hopes up and hurt her or something."

Shinjiro turned to take his route home and put his back to Akihiko, "Don't worry," He said over her shoulder. "I won't."

Author's Note:
Bear with Aki, please. (And my writing as I try and get back into the swing of things).
Writing can be fun and all, but this took me days to finish and maybe five minutes to read. Meh.