Chapter 4 (Ok, yeah I know, the last chapter was stupid. I hope this chapter is a little better.) {I do not own Daria, Bevis and Butt-head, or the movie Misery.}

(Trent is driving his blue car with Daria in passenger, and Jane in the back)

Trent: (talking about what happened in chap 3) That was unexpected.

Jane: Come on Daria. Where'd you learn that?

Daria: Well, I took a self-defense class back in Highland.

Jane: You? Self defense class? How much did Helen have to bribe you to take that?

Daria: Well. actually, I took it for a different reason.

Jane: Wait. Does this have to do with those two kids you told me about? (pause) Umm. Bevis and Butt munch?

Daria: (correcting Jane) Butt-head. And no. It has to do with Tod, this gang member they kept trying to hang around with.

Trent: (looks confused) Wait, Butt-head?

Jane and Daria: Don't ask.

Trent: Umm, ok.

Jane: Well? What happened?

(Daria's eyes glaze over, and she looks away from Jane)

Daria: (quietly) I don't want to talk about it.

Trent: (trying to change the subject) Why don't we rent a movie or something.

Daria: Sure.

Jane: Yeah. Beats riding around in this shit box you call a car.

Trent: Hey!

(Trent pulls into Lackluster video rental's parking lot. They go in and search for a movie that all of them can sit through.)

Trent: (Reading the cases as he walks by) Crossroads? (reads the back) Brittany Spears? That sounds like a chick flick.

Daria: Funny, I'm a chick. But that's something I wouldn't watch if you were holding a gun to my head.

Trent: (laugh/cough) You're funny Daria. (gives her a peck on the cheek, she blushes.)

Jane: (diverts her eyes, picks up a movie) What about this?

Daria: What is it?

Jane: It's called Misery. (reads the back) Sounds pretty good. Why don't you two go wait for me in the car, while I rent this? It'll give you two some time alone.

Daria: (reddens) Jane!

Trent: Come on Daria.

(Daria and Trent start to leave. Trent puts his arm around her as they walk out)

Jane: (to herself) Why does that bother me so much? I should be happy for them.

(Jane comes out of the store and walks over to the car)

Jane: (covering her eyes) I'm back. Finish whatever you two are doing in there, and lets go.

(Jane uncovers her eyes to see Trent in the driver's seat, and Daria in back. Jane gets in next to Daria. And they head home)

Jane: (to Daria) Hey. Why aren't you in front?

Daria: (to Jane) I wanted to talk to you.

Jane: (to Daria) Um, ok. What about?

Daria: (to Jane) The way you were acting. What's wrong?

Jane: (to Daria, innocent) Why do you think something is wrong?

Daria: (to Jane) Come on. Ever since Trent and I confessed our love for each other, you've been acting weird.

Jane: (to Daria, defensive) No I haven't.

Daria: (to Jane) Are you afraid that if Trent and I ever broke up, that you would lose me?

Jane: (to Daria, mumbling and looking down) Something like that.

Daria: (to Jane) Well, I don't want you to worry. Can we just go along with it and not worry about what might happen?

Jane: (to Daria) Hmm, I'm the one worrying over everything, and your laid back, and relaxed. When did we suddenly switch traits?

Daria: (to Jane, shrugs) When you were asleep. I wanted to see what it would be like to act like you.

Jane: (to Daria, raises an eyebrow) Oh? And how is it?

Daria: (to Jane, smirking) Scary.

Trent: (stops the car) We're here. (as they are walking inside, to Daria) What were you and Jane whispering about?

Daria: (unconvincing) Oh, nothing. Just girl talk.

Trent: (letting it slide) Hmm.

(They're watching the movie. Trent and Daria on the sofa, Jane on the chair)

Jane: So Daria. Ever wonder if this will happen to you when you're a great writer?

Daria: Naw. I'm never going to write a stupid series. After everyone dies in the first book, I can't write about them again.

Jane: Unless they come back from the dead to kill more people.

Daria: Hmm. I hadn't thought of that.

Trent: (watching the movie) This lady is creepy. She kinda reminds me of someone, but I just don't know who.

Jane: Yeah, I know. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Daria: Hmm.

(When the movie is over, Trent falls asleep on the sofa, and Daria and Jane go upstairs.)

{Ok, I know. This story is going down the drain. It took me 4 chapters for one day. I'm sorry. I promise it will get better. Just work with me for the time being.}