This chapter is pathetically small. But I can't do much until Season three had ended, so all you're going to get in the mean time is depressing little chapters like this. Maybe even some chapters in Murphy's point of view. Either way, all very sad stuff.

My feet pounded through the sand, and I could feel my boots starting to get filled with it. It slowed me down, but I couldn't stop. Not when following this damn drone was the only way I could find Murphy. In the distance I saw a dock, and it appeared the drone was leading us there.

"Both you and this damn drone need to slow down!" June yelled from behind me, her exhaustion clearly evident by her deep gasps of breath.

I was right, it lead us to a boat. A much bigger boat than the one Jaha had taken a few days ago. Then the drone started out, towards the open water. Towards the north.

"How the fuck do we drive this?" I yelled to myself as I hopped onto the boat, throwing my head back as I looked every direction for some sort of steering wheel. The boat was a lot bigger than it looked on the outside.

"I found the steering wheel!" June yelled from somewhere up front, and I watched as Breton quickly went to help her.

"We need to go north, now." I screamed as I jumped onto the front of the boat, looking out ahead.

It felt like days had gone by, with me sitting on the boat's front as we sped north. It hadn't actually been that long, though. I had just been so nervous, worried about what I would find.

I hadn't expected to find Jaha at a dock, standing regal as if he was waiting for us. My heart leapt when I saw a tall figure next to him, but then dropped when I realized that figure wasn't the one I was looking for. I had no clue who the person next to him was, actually.

I didn't even wait until the boat had came to a halt, I jumped off the front and onto the pier, running towards Jaha. I halted a few feet away, watching Jaha's friend warily. He was tall, He was a couple years older than me, with tan skin and grounder tattoos covering his neck and arms. He raised a brow at me, amusement forming on his face.

"Where is Murphy?" I asked as I pulled my eyes away from Jaha's friend, and looked desperately at Jaha.

Jaha let out a deep breath, looking down at the pier and shaking his head before looking up again and into my eyes, "He's gone, Riley."

"What?" I whispered, my vocal chords no longer working. I looked from Jaha, back to his friend, whom was no looking down at the pier. "Gone where?"

Jaha let out a deep breath, and my eyes shot back to him as he started shaking his head again, "Gone."

Suddenly, I couldn't breath. I tried, but I wasn't getting enough oxygen. It felt as though everything around me was caving in, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I couldn't be here, not anymore. Not with Jaha's sympathetic stares, and I could tell by the silence behind me that Breton and June had heard his words, too.

Involuntarily, my head started shaking. I couldn't do this, not now. This was too much for me to face. I had just gotten him, how could he be gone? I saw a gap between Jaha and this strange man next to him, so I took it.

"Riley!" June screamed as my feet brought me off the pier and onto solid ground, but I didn't listen.

"Tore." Jaha said, and when I heard feet pounding after me, I realized that must've been this guy's name.

I only picked up my pace. I couldn't do this, be around people. Not now, not with him gone. I needed Murphy, why the hell wasn't he here? Why the hell was some grounder chasing me through the woods at dawn? Why wasn't Murphy here to punch this grounder's dumb ass?

I could feel exhaustion kicking in, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to run for much longer. This guy was good, too. He was clearly a runner, like me. I slowly pulled out Murphy's knife from my pocket.

I had managed to keep it hidden from the thief in the dunes, not like the thief would've wanted a bit of scrap metal with some guy's initials on it.

Murphy's knife in my hand gave me the strength I needed to wheel myself around, pointing the knife in Tore's direction. His eyes bulged as he came to a halt five feet away from me, his hands flying up in defeat.

"Whoah, calm down." Tore said as he looked from my eyes back to the knife.

"Stay away from me." I hissed, taking a step back. I could feel my eyes watering up.

"Look, I'm sorry about your friend." Tore said, "But you can't just run away."

"Don't talk about him." I spat, and I could feel the sadness turning into anger.

How the fuck could Murphy leave me like this?

"Okay." Tore let out a deep breath. "My name is Tore. You're Riley, right?"

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to take a deep breath as I nodded.

"That's a pretty name." Tore said, and my eyes shot open to glare at him.

"What happened to him?" I asked as I slowly dropped my arm that was holding the knife.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you. I work for Allie, I never knew your friend." Tore said as he dropped his hands, biting his lip as he continued watching the knife.

"He's my everything." I admitted, and I felt my body having trouble breathing.

Murphy was gone. My Murphy. The love of my life, my best friend. The guy who's saved my life in so many ways. I could feel my heart shattering into a million pieces, and I had no clue how I was going to put it together.

I hadn't slept for nearly three days, and I had ran too far. Then, I couldn't breath. It was almost as if my body didn't want to breath knowing he wasn't there.

My view went foggy, and before I knew it the ground was coming up to meet me. Then, I let the darkness wash over me. I could only hope that when I woke up, it would have all been a dream.

But it hadn't been. And I couldn't even cry. I felt numb. I became numb.