A/N: There will be some gruesome details in this chapter. Please proceed at your own risk. This fic is rated "M" for a reason. Sorry it has been so long since an update, I had planned on having this chapter up sooner. My son so nicely decided to help mommy clean and dumped an entire bottle of dish soap on my laptop. I wanted to cry, I wanted to wring his neck. I unfortunately lost a lot of files and this chapter was one of them. I had to start from scratch. All I can say is the kid is lucky he's so darn cute…..lol. I kid, I love my kids, even when they are destructive little goblins.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Labyrinth, I make no profit, I do this solely for my own and of course my readers, entertainment.

Sarah felt a blinding pain when she caught the crystal in her hand. Turning to ask Jareth what had happened, she found herself outside the gates of the Labyrinth. The elaborate doors hung open at an awkward, drunken angle, preventing no one and no thing from moving freely between the interior and exterior of the maze. She turned to look around, expecting to see Hoggle or the fairies somewhere near. Seeing nothing, she turned her attention back to the entrance of the maze and studied the walls on either side. Gone was the glitter and eye lichen that had adorned the walls when she had been a runner. A rusty red sort of dirt coated everything, stirring into a small dust tornado in the hot dry wind that was blowing through the open doors. Cautiously, she stepped through, looking to either side as she had done before.

Deciding to turn to her right, she followed the endless corridor, noting the same lack of life and glitter that she had seen at the gates. No eyes followed her as she made her way slowly forward. Every once in a while checking for an unseen gap in the endless stone. After what seemed like hours, Sarah stopped and leaned her back against the wall, looking around to try to get her bearings. Everything seemed the same yet completely different. The endless walls were the same, but this time there was no scurrying sounds of life all around her. Instead of the scent of magic in the air, it smelled stale and sour.

Sarah glanced down to her left and let out a startled scream. The worm, the one whom she had encountered on her last trip and had cheerfully offered her a cup of tea, sat on his little ledge, only this time there was no cherry little "Allo". He sat a rotting little corpse, bloated and bloody, what had once been his kind little eyes, blank and staring, his little mouth open in a silent scream.

"Poor little thing," she murmured. "What happened to you?" Looking around her, she sighed, "What happened to this wonderful, magical place?"

Taking a deep breath, she straightened, whispering to herself, "Well, if the worm is here. Or what's left of him, then the opening is directly across from me." As she started across the corridor to where she thought the opening may be, Sarah heard a shuffling to her right, glancing that way, she froze in horror, making it's way steadily toward her was a walking corpse.

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Jareth continued to hold Aldric by the throat, snarling at him, while keeping a close watch on Sarah. She remained trapped in the crystal spell, motionless. Tapping the ear piece he spoke to the agents connected to him, "The Queen is in danger, I need back up." Satisfied that help was on the way, he turned a murderous glare back on Aldric, "If any harm comes to her, I will end you myself," he hissed.

"My, my," Aldric said, wincing as Jareth's fingers tightened again around his throat. "Such devotion from the Goblin King. I wonder though, will she show you the same in her living nightmare?"

"What are you playing at Aldric?" Jareth growled. "What spell did you place on that crystal?"

"One that you will never break!" Aldric howled. "You are weak and pathetic Goblin King, you place your trust and love in this human whore!" He spat, his eyes flaring in maniacal rage. "You think she loves you? You think that when everything is at stake, she will choose your life, your kingdoms life, over her own? Will she die for you?" Aldric struggled against Jareth's grip, his madness giving him strength. "What will she choose? When you offered your love before, she did not choose you! She left you! She preferred her sniveling baby brother over the mighty Goblin King, your love for her made you weak! You gave her magic of your own heart, you weakened yourself for a mere human! You don't deserve to wear your crown! You don't deserve to wield the power of the Labyrinth!"

Jareth's hand tightened again around Aldric's throat, causing him to wheeze and sputter, small drops of blood appeared where Jareth's finger nails dug in to the skin. Leaning close, Jareth whispered into Aldric's ear, "If she dies, I will make you wish for death a thousand times over, but it is a release I will never grant you."

Turning at the sound of agents appearing, Jareth waved a hand over Aldric and Iron shackles appeared on his wrists and ankles, connected by a long heavy iron chain to an iron collar around his neck. Aldric hissed in pain at his bonds. Glaring at Jareth he said, "You may have me, but I have legions of shadow soldiers who will see your precious Labyrinth burned to the ground."

"Better than you have tried," Jareth drawled.

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Mac and Siobhan searched the shadows of Battery Park, eyes scanning the tree line and ears intently listening for the faintest rustle of the shadows. Siobhan began to speak but Mac held up a hand as he tracked movement to his left. Deciding it was nothing, he motioned with his head for Siobhan to follow him to a park bench under a solitary light.

When they reached it, Siobhan leaned in close and whispered in his ear, "Something is wrong."

Mac raised a brow and looked around, "I don't see anything," he whispered back.

"Not down here," she said, gesturing to the Flatiron, "Up there."

"How do you know? Jareth hasn't radioed us," he said, scowling at the roof of the building.

"I have felt an enormous surge of magic, many Fae have congregated on that roof," she hissed.

"What do you want to do?" Mac asked.

"The King has not called for us, I do not know if he wishes or needs our assistance. All I do know is, something or someone has called for magical assistance, The King and Queen were the only two left on that roof, I have a very bad feeling."

"Can't you reach out with some kind of magic?" Mac asked her, "Get a feel for what's going down?"

Siobhan shook her head, saying, "Sadly, no. That is not where my power lies." Then she looked at him and smiled faintly, "But you could."

Mac gave her a look of astonishment. "Me?" He asked, "I don't have that kind of magic."

"Of course you do!" Siobhan exclaimed. "Why do you think you are so integral to this mission? You have more magic than most humans, except maybe when the Queen was human. I have never seen a brighter light on a mortal than her and now you. Her magic shifted and changed when she became Fae, marrying the Goblin King and becoming the Goblin Queen gave her a link to the Labyrinth and a stronger magic than other Fae possess, she and the King are linked to the underground in a different way. You have magic, a pure aura and a valiant heart." Siobhan said, lightly kissing his cheek.

Mac was sure that his ugly mug turned an interesting shade of crimson at her praise. Pleased and embarrassed he asked, "What do I do?"

"Reach out with your heart and mind. See them in your mind's eye and then push that image out and it will find them." She directed him.

Mac concentrated on a mental image of Jareth and Sarah, pulling the details from his memories, the proud, haughty King with his wild hair and strange eyes, then, the image shifted to his aboveground persona and his slickly styled hair and snappy three-piece suit. Once he had Jareth in place, he put Sarah with him. Long, dark hair and emerald green eyes, her no nonsense attitude and gentle heart. Once he had the images locked in, he tried pushing them into the last image he had of them standing on the roof.

Jareth came in loud and clear, he looked angry and worried. He was speaking to someone but Mac couldn't see who. When he tried to shift to Sarah a black wall went up, he couldn't push past it or see around it.

Siobhan watched as Mac began to glow, with a soft golden light at first, then more powerfully, she shielded her eyes from the brightness. Placing a hand gently on his shoulder, she asked softly, "What do you see?"

"I see Jareth, he's pissed, he's yelling out orders but I can't quite make them out and I can't see who he's giving them to." Mac answered.

"What of Sarah?"

"Nothing," he said. Whenever I try to see her, I just get this black wall, I can't get past it."

Siobhan sighed softly and shook her head, "Something is wrong. Come back to me, my love," she whispered stroking his arm. "You have seen all we needed."

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Sarah stared in horror as the corpse made its way to her. As it got closer she realized it was the mutilated body of Barry. With a steady shuffling step, he made his way toward her, holding his severed head in his left arm, cradling it like a football. Blood dripped and ran in rivers from the severed arteries and his right arm wound protectively around his stomach. As he got closer he reached his arm out toward her and his entrails rained out on the ground before him. Putting his head down, his body crouched to try to scoop his innards back into his body.

"S-s-s-a-a-a-r-r-r-a-h-h," his disembodied head hissed. "How could you let this happen to me?"

Sarah looked at him in frozen horror, her mind raced but her feet stayed rooted in place.

"This is not happening." She said to herself. "This cannot be happening."

Again the disembodied head spoke to her, sending chills down Sarah's spine, "I had a wife, Sarah, children. What's going to happen to them now?" The voice became louder in anger, "Why did I have to fucking die, so that you could dabble in magic?"

Without warning, the corpse launched itself at her, bloody hands reaching for her throat, Sarah screamed in terror and ran toward the doorway in the opposite wall. Once through she turned to look back at Barry's decaying corpse, only to see an empty corridor. Even the little body of the worm was gone.

What. The. Fuck. She thought to herself. Looking back once more, she turned to the right, the same way she had gone when she had run ten years earlier. After all, the cheery little worm had told her never to go the other way.