"You're going to be my P.I."
Jessica Jones looked up from her cell phone at the rude man outside her office. "You're going to be polite." She didn't have time for assholes right now — she was too busy trying to patch things up with her best friend, Trish, who'd just informed her in the most awkward way possible that no, she did not have feelings for her back.
The man looked confused, although she couldn't exactly tell through the thick glass window. After a few seconds, he asked "Could you please open the door and let me in? I really need someone's help."
Jessica sighed and stood up. Maybe dealing with an asshole actually would help her remember that Trish in fact was not one, just one who thought of her as more of a sister than a girlfriend for legitimate reasons having to do with them actually living together for some of their teen years. Trish always wanted to hear about her "interesting" customers, after all.
"Yes?" she asked, taking in the man. He could be attractive if he shaved more — he looked pretty beat up. The British accent was certainly a plus.
She could imagine Trish with her, telling her to stop checking out everyone just because she didn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend right now. And Trish would be right.
"I'm sorry for being rude. I really need help. Will you help me?" the man asked.
"Sure, whatever." Jessica threw her hands in the air and leaned back against the desk. "Welcome to Alias Operations. My name's Jessica Jones, and as someone's probably already told you, I only take interesting cases. First things first, what's your name?"
The man took a deep breath, seemingly hesitating on his name. "Zebediah Kilgrave."