Chapter 65:

When I wake up I feel entirely to comfortable for what iv endured the past few days. I stretch out and the texture of the fabric around me makes me realize im in my own bed. My eyes shoot open and I sit up. Looking around the room, I can see light coming from the living room through the slightly cracked open door. I rub my eyes and push the hair out of my face, I examine my skin in the soft light. The marks are gone... but im in new panties and bra. I still feel I need to shower and wash the King off me. I turn to get out of bed, knocking a glass of water on the floor from the nightstand, causing the glass to clink against the floor. I pause and decide to scoot back into bed when from the other side of the door I hear a shuffle and footsteps. He knows im awake and my heart speeds up waiting for him to enter the room, anticipating him yelling at me for being so dumb and going in the first place.

The door slowly opens and he stand in the doorway, leaning against the frame in just his pants that I love. His tall broad figure blocks out most of the light. His arms are crossed but his face is surprisingly light. He doesn't look as though he wants to yell at me, instead his face reads worry and regret.

"You almost died." He says. I look away from him and down at my hands, twiddling my thumbs together. I cant bare to look at him and admit he was right all along. That they cant be trusted.

"I..." I start to say I know, but instead decide to just not talk.

"You what?" He straitens up and starts walking towards me. He sits on the bed with his feet still on the floor but twists his body and puts his arms on either side of me.

"I thought I was dead when you came." I look up at his eyes. "How did you find me, I couldn't feel you... I couldn't reach you." He reaches up with his left hand and strokes my face running his thumb down the bridge of my nose and leans and kisses me. This kiss was soft and loving. I let out a long sigh through my nose and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a deeper kiss. I could never get enough of his touch or kisses. He pulls away and takes a deep breath. Resting his forehead against mine.

"I was distracted by General Green the moment our connection was tampered. I was instantly aware you were in danger. Its my fault for not being more alert. I thought I lost you... again." He pulls away and looks at me. His hand still on my face. "But no drug can totally sever our bond. I could still feel you, it was just harder. Like you were fuzzy and distant. I could tell when you were awake and when you were asleep."

He pulls the blanket away from my lap and runs his hand down my leg, just then I remember my foot. I pull up my leg to look and my ankle, examining his fine healing work.

"You put yourself in great danger. Never again ask me to let you do something so reckless." He says. Running his hand down to my ankle. He shakes his head at it and lets go of my leg. It pained him to see me in pain.

"But how did you know where I was? Could you sense that?" I say.

"No, actually it was a call from General Phasma that had me confused. They were patrolling his planet when a few resistance ships entered the area. Careful to not intrude they followed and watched from afar when they took you off the ship. She called me and I told her not to intervene till I got there. I knew them attacking would only put you in more danger and I was not willing to do that. You were already at risk. I cant piece together though why they brought you there." He looks at me and raises his hand to the side of my head, "I need to see what happened." I nod and close my eyes.

I feel his force like a cool breeze on my mind, it overwhelms me at first. Hes being intense and thorough. His other hand, the metal cold on my skin grabs at my neck to steady me. He runs his fingers down my neck in a patterned tapping motion. I can tell what hes seeing is disturbing him. His thumb grazes my jaw where a large bruise should be. I dont open my eyes as he proceeds on to the king...

His finger stop tapping, his thumb stops stroking my jaw and I can tell he is refraining from having a snapping episode. I open my eyes and his are shut tight. He seeing what I felt, the feeling when I was dieing. He opens his eyes and looks at me. The feeling overwhelms me of what I believed were my final moments.

He is hesitant now with me. He looks as though he wants to say something.

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't have gone. It was stupid of me to think they would listen. I just had no idea they would be working together. I fear I have made things worse." I look down. I don't want him to blame himself for what happened to me. I'm a big girl, I can see that it was all my fault.

"Your right, you shouldn't have." He puts his finger under my chin and tilts my head up to meet his gaze, "But now I have a reason to slaughtered them all. Look what they did to you Rey, he basically sucked the life out of you. I am in no way going to allow him to live another day. Tomorrow I am leaving and I am going to wipe out his entire flock."

"I... I..." I start but he cuts me off.

"Not another word. You still need rest and the kids will be up soon. You've been out of it for a few days. I had to keep you under till I could heal all your wounds." He says and runs his fingers through the tips of my long hair. "If I would have lost you... If I hadn't made it there when I did... I don't know what I would have done." His words are so sincere, his voice alittle shaky. And in my head I make a vow to never make him feel like this again.

"Can I just go peak at them, oh Iv missed them." I plead. He nods his head and stands up. He walks across the room and disappears into the closet for a moment. I swing my fee out of bed and stand up only to realize I'm much to cold in just my bra and underwear.

As if he already knew what I was going to say, Kylo emerges with a soft, thin, long, black robe. He holds it out for me to step into. It's soft, like cotton but even softer. It feels so warm on my tingling freshly healed skin. In some spots I swear I can still feel the residual bite marks. I pull up the sleeve and rub a spot on my arm. Kylo reaches over, softly grabbing my arm to comfort me. How one large hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me to him.

"What he did to you was monstrous and he will suffer because of it." He says. Warmth radiating off his chest onto my tear soaked cheeks.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

I cry and wrap my arms around him. He pulls away and holds me at arms length. "You have made me into who I am today. I am stronger, faster, more powerful because of you. And with that power comes the responsibility to protect my family. Never again will harm come to you." His voice, his posture, his face, all read serious and honest. He is pouring his heart out and I can't help but love this man even more for being so open with me.

"I love you Kylo Ren, all the dark you have inside you doesn't matter to me because I will forever love you and only you till my dieing breath." I reach up, grab his neck and pull him in for a hard kiss. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine. He wraps his arms around me tight and deepens the kiss. He pulls away but grabs my hand and leads me past the living room to the kids room.

One by one I check on them. Watch them breath for a few minutes and kiss their sleeping faces before going to meet Kylo back in the hallway, but only to find him not there. I look down to the end of the hall and notice his office door cracked and a light on. I walk down there and slowly push the door open and see Kylo standing over his desk, fiddling with something I can not see. I walk over to him and place my hand on his back, running it down his spine and back muscles. He is built like an ox now. So strong and solid. He's been training hard and it shows. He turns around and I'm shocked to see my saber with in his hands.

"Please don't leave this behind next time, though I'm not sure when I'm going to let you back out of here." I know he's serious. "My solider found it when I sent him to retrieve your ship. Said it was just lying on the seat. Do you mind explaining it to me?"

Confused I respond, "Dont you think you would have seen if I had anything to do with that. I thought it was lost for good because when Duke caught me off guard I reached for it but that was the last I remember. Maybe he put it back?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I'll find out when I search his mind, as soon as I find the fucker I am going to split his head open." He makes a fist and punched his table, causing some papers to fly in the ground and a tiny statue of his ship to tip over. I jumped alittle. His metal hand can withstand punching hard metals apparently.

"I'm really tired now." I turn and start walking out of the room. Even saying Dukes name makes me want to vomit. I want to know more about where he came from and what he meant by Poe and Finn resigning in counsel after my abduction. I would love to know why... My mind is running a million miles a minute. I reach the living room, clutching my saber tight, I walk over to the windows and look outside at the trees moving in the violent wind. I hear him walking into the living room but I dont turn around. I continue t watch the trees sway.

"Do you believe me now?" He says, his voice is close. I know hes standing behind me waiting for me turn around, his question catches me off guard.

"Believe what?" I say, still not wanting to face him.

"That the Resistance is the true evil." He says, gloating. I spin around bumping into his chest he is so close. He grabs my arms to prevent me from tumbling over.

"Not all of them." I say.

"You really believe that?" He archs an eyebrow at me and I have to admit, hes right. I dont believe in anything they stand for now. I cant bring myself to think that they will do whatever necessary to eliminate our family. Where is Leia? Would she really order them to kill me or kill Kylan and Ana. I doubt it.

"I believe that their is still good in everyone." I know my response is not what he wants to hear but he knows what I mean.

"All that matters now is that your safe. okay?" He sighs. "Lets go to bed."

Im entirely to exhausted to fight right now and he knows it. I want to get to bed so I can see the kids in the morning, oh how I have missed them. My senses reach out and feel them, feel how close they are and I smile at Kylo. A smile to hide how I really am feeling.

Confused. Overwhelmed. Angry... the list goes on.

I go crawl into bed next to Kylo, my back to his front. His warm hand wrapped around me, his other cold hand under my pillow. He pulls me extra close and snuggles his nose into my hair. I can feel his warm breath on my skin and its comforting. The night I have laid awake thinking about how much Iv missed him, and this was one reason. When we touch my body goes numb to my surroundings. I can forget the other things going on and just peacefully drift into a deep sleep.