Santa Carla, California. Such a beautiful place filled with wild people. I think it is the perfect for me. My parents, Heather and Greg, finally decided it was time to leave the stereotypical black ghetto neighborhood and try to make lives of our own. I had wished we could have left for better reasons. My brother Jermaine, was killed in a drive by shooting. He was just caught in the crossfire.

"Ophelia, look." Mother said and I turned and looked to see the beautiful water and a board walk. "I can already tell it is a busy place."

My parents traveled for work filming documentaries. They were about to travel to Africa then Europe then god knows where. It's a seven month project and I'd be alone must of the time. But I was used to it. We had moved in to our home near the boardwalk yesterday. We were just getting groceries now. I just lied my head against the window. I had large tight black curls and they cushioned me.

I didn't say much anymore, not after Maine's death. We were a year a part, and we were so close. By the time night came, I was sitting on my window looking out towards the beach. It was warm out tonight. There was a knock on my door, and I looked over to see my father with a plate of pizza in his hand. He motioned towards the window.

"It seems like a nice night." he said moving over to sit by me.

"Yes. It would seem so." I replied. Dad looked at me worriedly.

"Baby, you can't stay cooped up here every day. You need to go out and get some air. If you don't your mother will worry every day while we work." he said. I huffed gently.

"And do what?" I asked. He held up the plate to me.

"Live." he said. I looked down at the plate before nodding and taking it. He leaned over and kissed the top of my forehead and left. I looked at the slice of cheese pizza and just ate it in silence. I continued to look at the ocean and sometimes the boardwalk. I could hear music and see a crowd. A party was going down. I guess I could go. It was eleven, but what did it matter. I moved over to my closet and pulled on a red summers dress. The straps were thin and my back could be shown. On my right shoulder blade was the tattoo of a raven and beneath it a quote from Edmund Burke.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

I snuck out of the house and walked to the boardwalk. There were a lot of people walking past me. It was loud and I could see a stage where a man was singing and playing a saxophone. It was really nice. Someone was selling cotton candy so I reached into my dress pocket and bought some. I continued to walk around biting off little pieces as I walked. I felt very out of place. The majority of the crowd was white with a few blacks and Mexicans.

David's POV

It was the same thing every night. A new batch of food came to the boardwalk. Now all we had to do was pick who was worthy enough. I was sitting on my bike with my brothers claiming our food.

"I see a blonde, blue eyes, white dress." Marko said pointing towards a petite young thing who stood in the middle of a group of men. Preps from school.

"She doesn't look like she's easily impressed." Dwayne said looking around before motioning his forehead downward. "I got a red head, biker chick covered in tattoos."

The three of us looked over to see the human smoking. I scowled.

"She's gonna taste rotten with all of that nicotine." I said causing the rest to laugh. Paul grinned looking around.

"I want a challenge. Maybe a male." he said with an entertained look. I only smirked.

"So a fuck and kill then." I said and he looked my way with a smirk.

"You know it." he said. We laughed again and I looked to see Star and Laddie coming our way. She smiled at me and Laddie sat on the back of Dwayne's bike. The two have yet to join and kill someone turning them into full vampires. They had only a few more weeks before I disposed of them both. Dwayne found Laddie and turned him. Star is reluctant which makes the child reluctant. I was looking around until a flash of red caught my eyes. I had my face lazily lying in my hands, but this sight caused my head to lift and my eyes to lock on the target. It was a woman, but not just a woman, a Negro woman. She had midnight crazy hair and dark brown eyes. Her jaw was small, her face is round, and they are curious and lost. She has curves and tattoos on her back. Now I was really interested. I'm not prejudice with my meals, so this was her lucky day. I could see her markings clear as day. She has a bird on her back and a… Edmund Burke saying?

I was already impressed. In Santa Caral, I have yet to meet an educated Negro. Is she educated… who is she?

"Ahh David's got his eyes on a chocolate bunny." Marko teased obviously catching my gaze. Paul smirked.

"He's drooling like a human boy." he said. Star leaned over and looked at me.

"Shall I get her attention?" she asked. I shook my head moving off my bike.

"No. I got this. See you guys later." I merely said and now everyone went oooh. I rolled my eyes and made sure they stayed locked on the chocolate bunny. I may have to take Paul's approach and fuck her before I kill her. I moved through the crowd with ease. My shoulders moved back and forth merely passing by anyone who bumped me. She was getting closer to me, her scent for some reason drawing me closer. I stared at her curly hair. Negro hair was so strange, they had different types. Why was hers so curly? Bigger question is, why did I care? Why am I curious?

It was not until I was inches behind her. She was looking at the stage of players. She didn't even notice me. My nose is embedded into her hair and I accidently breathe and different fruity and tropical scents filled my nostrils, but that was not the only thing I smelled. I smelled her blood moving endlessly through her body. I feel a thumping in my body and I freeze immediately. The chocolate bunny has walked on, but I remain still. My right hand reaches for my chest and I gently grip my heart. It may have been a quick gesture, but I felt it. My body won't let me stop feeling the soft tremors from that one beat.

Max told me about this. It was the same thing that happened to him when he found his mate, Lucy and turned her.

"It's a feeling you boys never ignore for it only happens one time and for a mere second. When your bodies have come in contact with a person who is meant to be your mate, your lifeless heart will but one time beat. Don't ignore it and don't dismiss it. For if you let your mate go, you will feel pain for all of eternity, it is like you are meeting the sun every minute of the day. Having a mate causes many different primal instincts to rise in you…"

I didn't even notice my facial features were breaking and my true form was taking on. I found the woman leaving the boardwalk and heading down to the beach. She would be alone good, because tonight I will make her mine.

(Author's notes)

Summer is only a few days away for me now, so I will be adding on to my other fanfics, but I just had to start this one before the idea leaves me.