Prompt: "I swear it was an accident."

She's not exactly sure how it happened, all she knows is that one moment she was talking to Cynthia Rose and Ashley, and then the next there was a loud, audible gasp and the beer that was supposed to be in her cup was on Aubrey.

Okay, she knows her first instinct should be spouting a profound apology, but sue her if her mind went straight to the gutter because when soaked through, Aubrey's blue shirt clung deliciously well on the blonde's body.

She was raised right. She knew she should be apologizing.

So why were the first words out of her mouth, "I swear it was an accident."

Aubrey, Ashley, and Chloe all stared at her in disbelief, while Cynthia Rose looked on like it was the best damn show she'd ever come across.

Aubrey merely grunted in response, and in a way that Stacie had only ever imagined in slow motion, started to unbutton her soaked shirt, and if Aubrey sporting a tight, wet button-down shirt had stirred Stacie's want, watching her peel said shirt off was a whole other level of hot.

She's sure she could stop staring at one point.

"Stop staring." Ashley hissed.

Stacie would've answered falsely, but then Aubrey revealed herself to be wearing a tight black tank top, and there was no point lying. She took the cup from Aubrey's hand and drank it down to keep from implicating herself.

Aubrey turned to Chloe, and lifted her shirt. "This needs to soak. And I'm all wet."

Okay, that wasn't fair. Stacie bit her lower lip, because oh so many things she could say to that.

Chloe smiled in sympathy at Aubrey, and nodded. "Want me to go with you?"

"I'll be fine." Aubrey shook her head, and turning to the rest of the Barden Bellas, gave them a faint smile, her gaze lingering on Stacie a beat longer than with anyone else. "Enjoy your night."

Stacie watched her go, until she realized her friends were all looking at her. "What?'

"Honestly, I expected you to be smoother." Ashley admitted.

Stacie frowned. "What?"

"Throwing your beer at her?" Chloe reminded. "That wasn't nice."

"I didn't…" Stacie turned to Cynthia Rose, who only nodded. Her expression went from confused to horrified. "No."

"And you just kept staring," Cynthia Rose added. "Girl probably thinks you threw that cup on purpose."

Stacie couldn't scramble out of her chair and out of the room fast enough, catching up with Aubrey just outside the building. She grabbed the girl's arm, forcing her to turn, and Stacie would have killed whoever put such a sad face on Aubrey's expression except she knew it was her fault. "I'm sorry. That wasn't… I didn't… It was an accident."

"You've said."

"No, I mean," Stacie shook her head. "Synaptic misfire. I wanted you out of that shirt and I guess my hand…" Stacie frowned as she finished her sentence feebly, "took matters in its own hands… I swear I make more sense than this usually."

Aubrey blinked, her expression now a lot less sad and more confused. "You wanted me out my shirt?"

Stacie's eyes widened in mortification. "I swear I'm not a perv."

"And then what?"

Say what now? Stacie blinked. "Huh?"

"Mission accomplished." Aubrey lifted her damp shirt. "Now what?"

Stacie gaped at her, because what?

Aubrey smiled faintly, and nodded. "You think about that, because beer smells foul when left out, and I wouldn't mind smelling like a brewery but we're clearly going to have to go out so I can teach you how to choose your beer, because this cheap stuff is disgusting and I'm just soaked in it."

Stacie had to smile. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Well, you've already tried and succeeded to get me to take off my clothes, so…"

She's pretty sure she's skipping ahead so many steps, but for all her daydreaming she'd never imagined Flirty Aubrey, and her mouth tastes of the caramel-tinged beer she'd been drinking and Stacie can't help but wonder what Aubrey tastes like without the beer. And by the way Aubrey's kissing her back, she clearly doesn't mind the way Stacie had stolen her drink earlier.

When they break the kiss, panting softly, Aubrey can't help but ask, "synaptic misfire?"

Stacie grinned. "Wish fulfillment."