AN: I should be writing cute, happy, fluffy stuff. I should be. Don't hurt me after this chapter. Please. I'll go into hiding. Actually, that would be a lie. I won't do that. I need to work on the next chapters for Burning Bridge and You can run. Well, I hope you all can appreciate that this story has so many more chapters to come. Happy Reading.

Curve Balls and Gut Checks

Curve balls and gut checks. That is life. Change is the ever constant thing you can count on. Intelligence was dealing with that. Her family was going to be dealing with that as well. Kim was setting up her desk in Intelligence and really could not believe her luck. She would be using Antonio's old desk and she honestly could not think of a better spot to be. Adam swore up and down that he had the best seat since he could tuck away when he needed to or be in the thick of things. Kim however liked that she would be out in the open. Plus, she was next to Erin and would be looking right at the love of her life and her best friend. Perfect view.

It had been a month since she had talked to Voight. Her transfer paperwork had taken more time than they thought it would. In order for her transfer to go through, she had to hold off on submitting her paperwork to go on desk duty. That had not bothered her too much since they had decided to hold off on telling anyone for awhile. This included Zoey. Kim was nervous about springing another baby on her niece. She wasn't sure why, but she was actually worried that Zoey would be annoyed or upset. Plus, she really just wanted to make sure that things were going okay with the pregnancy. She was becoming superstitious as she was getting older.

Zoey had been slowly getting back to her old self after the break up with Gavin. There were no new crushes on the horizon as far as Kim knew, but she knew this would only last for awhile longer. Next school year would bring more changes. High School. Kim brought this up to Adam the other day and she saw his face turn to stone. She knew what he was thinking. Time was going by too fast. Before they knew it, she would be asking to learn to drive. Ugh. Kim was so making Adam take that one.

Kim's cellphone began to ring and she quickly checked the caller id. Zoey's number was lighting up the screen, so Kim did not hesitate to answer it. It was lunch, so the phone call was unusual.

"Aunt Kim?"

"Is everything ok? Are you sick?"

She could hear Zoey laugh.

"No. Nothing like that. I realized that I forgot to tell you and Adam about the big news from school yesterday and Miranda is trying to make plans."

"What plans?"

"The school is hosting a Father Daughter dance at the end of the month. Adam will take me, right?!"

Kim looked up to watch as Adam and Kevin were both analyzing something on a laptop for the current case. Adam must have been able to feel her gaze because he looked up and smiled in her direction.

"Of course, he will. Just let me know the date and I'll make sure he puts in for the day off so he doesn't get called in."

"Thanks, Aunt Kim! That was the bell. I got to run. Love you!"

"Love you, too."

Kim set her phone on the desk and started looking through her desk drawers. She had some paperwork to fill out for Adam.

Adam was sitting at the lunch counter next to Olinsky as they were waiting for their CI to show up. He knew he was smiling and he could not help it. His heart was full to overflowing. When he would look back over the last two years he could not believe how much his life had changed. He went to take a sip of his coffee and had to take a quick breath to try and calm himself down. He quite possibly had a bit too much of the dark magic liquid that day.

"Knock it off, Kid."

Adam set his cup down and turned to look at his mentor.


"Smiling. You'll scare the guy off. He's twitchy enough as it is."

"Sorry. Can't help it. I can move."

"What has you so happy?"

Adam took a breath. He knew that Kim was trying to keep the in the know circle small right now, so he went with the news he could tell.

"Zoey wants me to take her to a Father Daughter dance at her school."

Adam could see the gentle smile that had graced Al's face and the understanding nod of the head.

"Take pictures."

"Of course."

"How's Burgess handling the move up to Intelligence? Is she frustrated that Voight has not let her out of the precinct? I would imagine that she would be itching to get her hands dirty after all this time."

Adam took a deep breath and realized that this was his mentor's round about way of asking what was going on. Sneaky. Adam took a sip of his coffee to try and give himself time to think.

"I've never seen Voight this protective of an officer."

Adam rolled his eyes. He had no choice.

"We've been trying to keep this quiet."

Adam saw Al shift his eyes in his direction without moving his head an inch. It was like the old guy knew he only had to wait so long to break his younger counterpart.

"We're having another baby."

"And Voight did not want her to have to give up this spot. He knows how to work the system."

Adam knew all he had to do was nod for confirmation of that suspicion.

"Congratulations, Kid. Well, looks like our friend has finally arrived."

It was show time.

Kim sat outside the dressing room waiting for Zoey to finish changing into the fifth and final dress that she had taken back to try on. She was truly hoping that this would be the one. The store they were in had a smell that she just could not put her finger on what it was, but her stomach was not at all happy about it. She was rubbing her forehead and eyeing a trash can that was near the entrance counter. Using that thing in the middle of a dress shop was the last thing she wanted to do, but she had not been able to spy a bathroom and she didn't want to leave Zoey. Plus, Aaron was currently toddling his way down the dressing room hallway. Kim got up to go follow him just as Zoey's dressing room door popped open. Aaron continued his trek to his cousin as she was adjusting the bottom of the dress. Watching Zoey smile as Aaron reached her made Kim's heart melt.

"Thoey, up."

Zoey shook her head no, but Aaron's little lip pout always did her in. Zoey pulled up the dress slightly so she could bend down and lift her cousin into her arms. Kim quickly pulled her phone out to capture this moment as Zoey was making faces at Aaron. It was quite the scene. Formal dress, heels, and messy haired toddler. It was then that Kim felt the wave of nausea hit her hard. She tried to breath through it. She really did. However, her stomach was done. The mad dash she made to that trash can was a relief at the same time a huge embarrassment. She was kneeling on the floor as one of the sales associates came up and asked if there was anything she could get her. Hell, the woman even began to help hold her hair back. Kim could feel her face turning red.

"Aunt Kim. Are you okay? I can change real quick if you are sick. I'll keep Aaron with me. Just give me a minute."

"No, Zoey. I'll be fine. You need a dress."

"It's okay. I actually really like this one. We can just pay and go."

"Are you sure?"


Kim just nodded as she watched Zoey turn away with Aaron on her hip to change her clothes. Oh God. What a way to find a dress.

It was a few moments later before they were getting in the car to head home. Kim had paid for Zoey's dress and even offered to tip the sales associate for dealing with her. The lady had just shook her head.

"I puked every hour when I was pregnant with my son. I know how that goes."

"Wait, how?"

"People typically do not turn green that quickly. I hope you don't deal with it too long."

Kim sighed. If her pregnancy with Aaron was any indication... fat chance. Kim made her way to the car with Zoey's dress and saw that she already had Aaron strapped in and ready to go. Kim got situated and went to put the key in the ignition when Zoey spoke.

"So, when were you guys planning on telling me that you have a bun in the oven?"

That girl never failed to amaze and shock her all at the same time. Where in the world had she heard that phrase?

"Ummm... I've honestly been waiting for the right time. Adam will be disappointed that he wasn't here."

Zoey was smiling. Good sign.

"You weren't worried that I would be upset?"


"Come on Aunt Kim! Why?"

"Do you forget all the sleepless nights with a crying baby?"

Zoey just rolled her eyes.

"He didn't wake me. Adam bought me earplugs."


Zoey just nodded her head. The things you learn. That man took care of stuff that she had no idea about sometimes. He was going to get a reward for that as soon as her stomach quit making her feel like she was going to lose her lunch every minute.

"Ok, well. Yes, you'll have another cousin at around the new year. Wow, you'll already be in high school then."

Zoey was shaking her head in excitement over this. Kim was thinking that she was sooo not ready for it.

It was the day of the dance when Adam was at home that the gut punch came. The day that reminded all of them how precious every second that they got to spend with each other was. The team was in the bull pen when the call came in. Or came in for Halstead. Kim would never forget that day. She was verifying that Aunt Jenny was doing okay wrangling three teenage girls to the salon for mani's, pedi's, and hair when they all heard Jay answer his phone. It was the silence that caused Kim to instinctively hang up with Aunt Jenny.


Erin's voice was tight and it made Kim immediately look in Jay's direction. His face was as close to a mask as a person can have. His jaw was flexing and his free hand was clenched on his desk. He just kept listening and only spoke when the person on the phone must have asked if he was still there. He stayed on the phone for a few minutes more and then placed the cell on his desk. He got up and grabbed his jacket and phone and then just walked out. There was no big display of emotion. He just walked away. Erin quickly ran after him and the rest of the unit just looked to each other. They were all confused and would remain that way for the next thirty minutes. This was when Erin slowly walked her way back into the room. Her eyes were blood shot and swollen. Kim's heart sank because she knew that look. Voight had come to his doorway and he took the few steps needed to place a hand on Erin's shoulder.

"It's Mouse. He didn't make it. That's all Jay will say. He didn't make it."

Voight wrapped Erin up in a hug as the whole bullpen fell silent. For the first time since they had all lost Natalie... you could have heard a pin drop.

Kim sat behind the steering wheel for a good five minutes just looking at their house. How could she do this? How could she walk in that door and tell Adam this news right before he would be leaving with Zoey to go to the dance? Should she say anything? Should she keep it to herself? What was a few more hours? The tapping on her window nearly made her come out of her skin. Adam was looking at her with worry and Kim knew she would never be able to keep this from him. She went to open the door and he reached for her hand to help her out.

"Why are you sitting out here, Darlin'? What happened?"

Kim could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks before she could open her mouth. She whispered out the news to Adam and could see his whole face fall. As the tears began to well up in his eyes, he pulled her to him. They stood in the driveway holding each other for God only knew how long. Adam buried his face into her neck and she felt his whole body shake when he finally let go. She held on as hard as she could and then finally let go with him as they mourned their friend. There were no words to ease this. Nothing was going to make them feel better in that moment. Adam finally pulled himself together enough to begin to walk them towards the house. Kim knew that Zoey was still out with the girls, so she let Adam lead her wherever he wanted to go. He led them to the couch and then pulled her down next to him so he could wrap her up in his arms. Kim just listened to Adam's heart beat in his chest and found herself counting them. Their world was changed. Again. And Kim could not begin to fathom how much it would affect their whole family.

Post note: Thank you to everyone that has followed this story from the beginning or has joined us along the way. I am absolutely amazed at the following. I honestly thought back in the beginning that people would hate me for what I was going to put them through. I hope you will continue to enjoy this ride with me. Zoey has a lot more story to tell. I know it is not in her point of view, but she is what drives it. Thanks, again!