I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had writers block and I had thought of this other story that I needed to get out of my mind before I actually finished this story. my other story is called Soulmate timer, if you would like to check it out, I hope you like that story. Anyhow if this chapter doesn't make any sense I am sorry. here is the next chapter.

Jason ran out of the Pandemonium club and tried but failed to get a taxi. Maddy ran up to him.

"Wait, how could you leave me like that. You just embarrassed me in front of this perfectly nice guy. and you all but shout at me like I'm a freaking slut!"

"You know what Maddy?" he said in a calm voice, that even scared her a little bit. "I tried to pretend I didn't notice your little outings. your a horrible friend. your an absolute bitch to everyone. like hey what happened to Holly. you text your friends every single day and tell me about them every day, but you haven't mentioned Holly for a while. has she disappeared like Clary and Simon did too?" he voice started to get louder but he quietened his voice.

"Actually, Clary has new friends and dresses like a whore now. Everyone is talking about it, I even saw her at the shopping centre with these two weird looking people. this one sparkly, glittery Asian guy and a tall big breasts, ink black hair kinda girl."

"You, are so cold hearted. you just say what ever comes to mind and don't care about what it might do to other people. For example, I'm hurt." he called for a taxi and it pulled up at the curb. he got in and the cabbie drove away, leaving a stunned and slutty Maddy behind.

"Where do you wanna go then mate?"

"Just anywhere away from that girl their" he pointed to Maddy.

"She looks like a piece of work, that one"

"She is, go to central park would ya? I want piece when I just found out that my girlfriend had been cheating on me every single weekend with a different guy in that club.

"Whoa, that's not something you wanna here is it?" he said while driving through the busy roads. Jason just sighed and looked out the window, his head pressed against the glass. The pathways were empty and no one was walking along them until he saw two familiar shaped people walking along with each other.

"Can you slow down a bit please. I think I know them."

"Sure mate." the cab slowed down a little, he gasped as he saw Holly and Simon walking down towards what looked liked an abandoned church.

"Can you stop. Please, but wait?" The Cabbie nodded his bald head, and stopped the car. Jason ran out of the taxi.

"Holly, is that you? and Simon Lewis? where have you been for two years then? also where's your friend Clary. you know, short, artistic, red head?" they both startled, at his voice but they both tried to keep the surprised look off their face.

"I have been doing combat training and am now a soldier in the army fighting to protect the Mundane humanity" Simon said. Jason took a proper look and could see he was wearing a tight fitted T-shirt and he has more muscles than before he last saw them. he could also see a few tattoos on his arms and he could see one at the base of his neck. He tried to not look surprised but it was kind o hard to. but that wasn't what he said.

"What's a Mundane?" he could here another person whisper yell 'idiot' but when he looked around he saw no one but him, the taxi driver in the car and the other to people. he looked at Simon again and saw that he just got shoved by an invisible force.

"I mean human, yeah I never said Mundane now me and Holly got to go." they started walking again like nothing g ever happened, they started walking over to the abandoned church and walked in. That was weird, Jason thought, why would anyone go into an abandoned church? he walked back into the taxi while scratching his head in confusion. when he got back in the taxi driver didn't bring him home.

Holly felt bad or Jason, she had had a major crush on him since forever. When Simon had mentioned Mundanes Jace had muttered idiot and shoved him. Jason had obviously seen it but he never said anything. when they entered the Institute, the whole group were surprised to see a counsellor from the Clave, a warlock, a faerie, a werewolf and a vampire. Isabelle walked in front of the group.

"What's this?"

"we are here to speculate what this girl is. Maybe she just has the Sight, we don't know." the counsellor said. each down-worlder walked up to her and eyed her suspiciously. Until the faerie spoke up.

"Yep, she's half faerie" with those words Holly fainted.

Sorry this chapter is so short and sorry it took so long to post it but like I sai d at the start I had writers block until one day I was just like "I know what to write" so yeah the next chapter will be longer that this one, but at least its a story right? Anyway I will see you in the next chapter!;)