(Hello everyone! Thanks for the review! I'll respond to that below. Some people might seem a bit OOC, hopefully not too much, enjoy!


Lunardusk: As for if the appearance of Nai and Gareki will change the canon events, answer's yes. An example is that I believe Mikoto Suoh (previous Red King) dies at the end of S1 of K project, in this fanfic the arrival of Gareki stops that. There will be canon events in here/mentioned although.

Not too far away from Ashinaka High a boy stood among a pile of rubble. Above him in the sky floated a silver Sword of Damocles. This boy was the first King; the Silver King.

Yashiro kneeled down, a weak hand clutching his shirt. He chuckled quietly saying to himself, "It's too bad those two kids showed up. I guess you'll have to stay inside me until I figure out what to do with you. Play nice until then." The King trapped inside him rumbled in anger. At this he grimaced. It's taking a great deal of his strength for him to contain the Colorless King. Hopefully the matter will be dealt with soon.

With a sigh he stood. As he walked back to pick up his umbrella he ran a hand through his messy hair. His amber colored eyes flickered into the distance where the school lay.

"It's quiet."

Nai had finally made it out of the school-that place was like a maze-and he found himself in a tense situation.

He had exited right into the middle of the battle he'd witnessed being ended from above. The outside air was silent, both opposing sides gave him glares. His eyes flittered over the people, none looked friendly. Nai shuffled back slightly, he hoped they would forget about him, continue talking, so then he could grab Gareki and run.

But it was the opposite. One scary looking man in particular-he happened to be the one carrying Gareki-called out, "Oi kid, who're you?"

Nai froze. Tilting his head to the side so he could meet with the sharp gaze of the red-haired man. His lips twitched up into a nervous smile and he asked, "M-Me? Um…I'm-"

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" A door banging open clashed with the sound of a loud voice shouting, followed by a Nai getting hit in the head. The boy clutched his head startled, bending down close to the earth. With wide eyes he spotted the swordsman, Kuroh, towering over him with a furious expression. In a low growl Kuroh began, "I told you to stay up there where it was safe…" Kuroh looked towards the Red and Blue Kings, both armed with their forces and either ready to end this war or get it started again.

The Blue King, Reisi, narrowed his eyes at the man's entrance. Kuroh Yatogami, a member of the Silver Clan…just what is he doing here…

Kuroh gripped the kid by his collar and and said in a formal tone, "We're sorry for intruding. Continue, if you must."

Both Kings scoffed at the sarcasticness used. To everyone except the two Kings and their Clans this war was everything but pointless. While Kuroh had been talking, no one noticed a new arrival.

A laugh erupted from somewhere in the sky putting the group below back on alert. A familiar voice then said, "Kuroh be more gentle, you're scaring him."

Everyone whipped their heads up to see the boy known as Yashiro standing on thin air, twirling an umbrella behind his back.

A relieved smile grew on Kuroh's face and he called out, "You did it?!"

Yashiro didn't answer, merely closed his eyes and descended to the earth. He landed gracefully and opened his eyes to face his friend saying, "I'll fill you in on the details later. But now, Suoh-san, could I have that boy you're carrying?"

Mikoto furrowed his brows at the request. What would the Silver King need of some high school student? Ah whatever…Before he could start to hand him over that kid from before suddenly jumped up.

"That's right! Please hand over my friend mister!" Nai shouted as he took a step forward.

Reisi tilted his head to the side at this new information. "Your friend?" He questioned.

Nai nodded firmly, "Yes! Gareki's my friend! I'd like him back now…please." The fire in his voice died out and he became timid once again. The dramatical change in his tone caused some chuckles to go around in the group.

Mikoto felt his lips twitching into a smile. So that he wouldn't have to deal with the kid anymore he quickly walked over and dumped the sleeping boy in the swordsman's arms. As he turned to walk back he felt the annoyed face of the man burning into his back the whole time.

"Gareki!" Nai exclaimed, gently shaking the boy in an attempt to wake him. As he shook his friend he took how bad he looked. He was dirty, there were tiny scrapes here and there but thankfully nothing too major…His eyes wandered to Gareki's leg where he spotted badly wrapped bandages.

"Oh yeah, and the kid's hurt. Better get him some help…" The scary looking mister called out. But his words were faint. Slowly, Nai reached out to touch the bandages. His fingertips brushed them and he winced. It was wet, was it blood? Quick as a flash he pulled his hand back.

In his daze Kuroh had already ran inside the school, heading to the infirmary to treat the wound.

Mikoto and Reisi decided to take their quarrel off school grounds, wherever they landed they'd decide if they'd end or continue their fight.

Now, it was only Yashiro and him. Yashiro gave the boy a sympathetic look as he stared at his hand in horror. Nai's fingertips-which he'd barely brushed against the bandages, had thick droplets of blood that trailed down his palm. It was Gareki's blood.

After a few moments Yashiro hooked an arm under Nai's pulling the numb boy to his feet. "Come on," He said. "Let's go wash that off, then we can go see your friend." Nai nodded slowly, closing his bloody hand into a tight fist.

As they went up the steps he asked in a shaky tone, "Will…Gareki be okay?"

Yashiro gazed at the floor lost in thought. He hadn't gotten enough time to look at the wound but it was bleeding pretty badly. It was small though. He'd most likely survive. Before he could answer Nai continued in a low tone,

"You know…it's pathetic. I can't even remember how Gareki got hurt. When I first woke I didn't think of him until I saw him…I wonder if it's the same situation for-"

"Nai!" Yashiro suddenly snapped. The boy faced him with angered eyes, "I know you feel bad but you shouldn't pity yourself. It'll only make things worse. Think, you might not even had anything to with Gareki's injury. And when he wakes up I'm sure he'll tell you the full story."

Nai paused in walking, blinking rapidly. A smile grew on his face and he slapped one of his cheeks, an action that surprised Yashiro. In a way more positive tone Nai said, "You're right! I don't know why I was so down! Thanks for cheering me up Yashiro!"

Yashiro chuckled, "It was nothing. And please, it's Shiro. Yashiro's a bit too formal for friends wouldn't you say?"

Nai's eyes widened in happiness, "Friends? That's great! When Gareki wakes I'm…"

Yashiro smiled and nodded, only ever now and then giving his thoughts on his new friend's ideas. He had to focus. The Colorless King was pushing. It was a limited time that he was going to be able to keep him at bay. During that time somehow Mikoto Suoh is going to have to be convinced to use the last of his power to kill him. It's the only choice. A new Red King needs to be born, if the current's Sword of Damocles falls it'll be a catastrophe.

Myself of course won't die…immortality can be both a gift and curse. Although it'd be a shame to leave this world when I've made such good friends…