Happy birthday, Yamamoto! Yay! I'm not late for his birthday fic ,lol-sorry, Dino. Anyways, this is a small fic for one of my favorite characters in KHR! and I'm planning on doing a small series of birthday fics for each of my favorite KHR! characters! Without further ado, please enjoy the small birthday fic!

April 24: Yamamoto Takeshi's Birthday

Yamamoto was known to be a forgetful person. He would 'forget' his homework at home, he'd be a bit off about the next baseball game, and would occasionally forget about his chores at home. But, the worst one by far that he ever forgot, was his birthday.

He never really remembered. It wasn't because he hated his birthday or anything, it was just because to him, it was another day of the year. Nothing more, nothing less. Heck, his own father occasionally forgot- I mean, it is pretty tough to have to raise a son single-handedly and run a sushi shop yourself. Even his friends forgot. I mean, Tsuna has a lot going on- school, training with Reborn, and of course being the tenth generation Vongola boss. Ryohei is a forgetful person and has boxing and Gokudera straight up didn't care. But, Yamamoto being Yamamoto, harbored no hard feelings.

So, the morning of his birthday was nothing new. Ate the same breakfast, went to school with the same friends, walked and joked to school, slept through the majority of the day, ate his bento, slept more, and then, school was over and he had baseball practice. The practice flew by quickly, and before he knew it, his teammates left. And he was all alone in the middle of a field in the park.

"Haha. They must have been gone for a while. That was a good prank to pull." He laughed cheerfully to himself as he began to pack up his equipment.

"YAAAMAAAMOOTOOO-SAAAANNN!" The baseball player looked up to see a certain brunette running up to him, panting as she reached him, a bag in her hand.

"Oh. Haru. What are you doing here?"

"H-Haru...forgot your birthday present...at home...so Haru...had...to run...back. Happy birthday, Yamamoto-san..." Haru panted as she reached in her bag, pulling out a small red velvet cupcake in a small container and a baseball. "Haru is sorry that it isn't muc-" Before she could even finish her sentence, a strong pair of arms hugged her tightly with no intentions of letting go.

"Thank you, Haru.''

"Huh? For what?"

"For caring..." He murmured as he leaned for a kiss. Yamamoto was never one to remember much, but he certainly won't forget this one.

Note: sorry it's a bit short bit please review! Should I do a birthday fic series on KHR! characters? Please review and tell me your opinion.