Cap's P.O.V
Sam and I have been hunting down Bucky ever since our first encounter with him 3 months ago, here we are stuck in the same situation where Bucky's only mission seems to be to try and kill me again. Something was off, though, Bucky's mood seemed...different.

I was watching my companions battle Bucky's fellow Hydra Agents when I heard pounding footsteps coming from behind me. A first I thought the footsteps were Sam's but then when I turned I saw the Winter soldier himself headed full speed straight towards me.
He ran right into me and punched, me hard in the gut, I probably would've avoided this if I wasn't so distracted I thought as I flipped him off me, making The Winter soldier AKA Bucky hit the ground his head slamming onto the pavement. I must admit I was getting pretty tired of the fighting and a part of me was wondering why doesn't he just give up the bad guy act and join the good side already but then there's one other side, a small tiny side screaming just put the kid out of his misery, please! Don't worry I always ignore that side.
Bucky got up quickly and got his gun out, it was aimed right at me. I pulled my shield up fast yet the was no fire of his rifle, I carefully lowered my shield and saw Bucky with his poker face on and his gun resting on his arm, ready to shoot me at any moment.
"Cap, give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you in the face right now." He growls harshly. I take my cap off so he knows that yet again I'm not the enemy his gun should be aimed at, that he's pointing his rifle at the wrong person.
"Please Bucky, you don't have to do this."
"Why is it that I find myself having to tell you that, YOU'RE MY MISSION, and cap for the fifteenth time the mission is to see you dead, so why not just make my job a lot easier and drop dead now because killing you will get my arm all bloody and you know how hard it is to wash that stuff out of a mechanical arm." He grins at me but I disobey his orders...As always. I run at him and punch him in the face, I twist his arm backward and pinpoint him on the ground holding him there like a prisoner.
"Don't make me do what I'm about to do, please Bucky I really don't wanna have to do this." After I say this Bucky looks straight up into my eyes and says this." Who the hell is Bucky?" He smirks after he says that, he was trying to taunt me into remembering when I first saw him as the winter soldier. I broke his arm and punched him in the gut then I punched him twice in his face.
I got off of Bucky and let him catch his breath I heard something go into his earpiece it sounded like "Kill the red-white-and-blue bastard all ready." But then Bucky surprised me with this response,"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!"
After he said this Natasha and Sam came up behind me, they always have my back.
Bucky stood up and rested his gun by his side.
"Buck don't do this, your a good person deep done, try and remember who you were before all of this."
Bucky cocked his head sideways.
"Steve let him go, he's not worth all this." Nat says to me, I hear Sam mumble "Yeah Steve, he broke my favorite pair of wings."
I heard the ear piece go off again,"HEY, would you like to spend some time in a room where robots scream at you, or how about ten years in cryo again, get your ass in gear and kill him already we're awaiting your return with a dead Captain America in your arms and if you don't kill him now there will be consequences, one's that you won't like." Bucky frowned at the remark that hydra had told him I heard him mumble something along the lines of "I'm done with this shit.", Buck (For the first time) laid his gun down and put up his hands in surrender, something I have never seen him do, that's why I was so hesitant to actuality take him in.
"Yeah I'm being told what to say by the way." He says as he motions for me to come and arrest him. I walked closer but Natasha ended up holding me back.
"Steve he could be tricking you." She says but that was the last anyone had said before a shot rang out, I was unaware of what happened because of the smoke that has just gone off but once it settled I saw what had happened, Bucky was on the ground unconscious and his earpiece had fallen out of his ear.
Me, Sam, And Natasha all ran to Bucky when I got there I quickly picked him up bridal style, I looked at his body and found that the shot had been aimed for the upper right corner of his chest and succeeded, blood streamed down my suit as I started to panic. Natasha picked up an IV needle off the ground and put it in her pocket.
"What are you doing?" I ask breathlessly, I'm still panicking as you can tell.
"It was right next to Bucky, I'm thinking maybe it's a clue." She says and Sam comes around the other side of her holding his earpiece.
"Guys I think we've got something here." He says and then I here the earpiece go off once more," We told you that there's be consequences." And the intercom shorted out.
"We need to get him on the Heli-carrier now!" I say as I start to breathe heavily.
It felt like almost a billion years before we got Buck on the Heli-carrier and then to and available doctor but thank god we did because I would have had a heart attack if we didn't, I couldn't bare to watch the doctors pick away at him it hurt too much to see Bucky in such pain and discomfort. Just as I was about to get a water out of the vending machine, I heard my name be called out, it was fury he came up to me and then stopped when he looked through the glass and saw the patient that they were working on.
"I'm sorry Fury," I say while looking down towards the ground, I only say this because I wasn't granted access to bring such a character into the ship but instead of yelling, Fury puts a hand on my shoulder.
"He's a friend, I get it." I couldn't believe my ears, did I just hear the director of S.H.I.E.L.D tell me that I could have a man who has murdered millions of people over the years in our Heli-carrier. Yes, yes I did.
I look up and see Natasha holding a hand over here mouth. Without even looking at us she motioned for us to come over towards her, I looked at her and she was drained of color she looks about ready to gag.
Fury turned to me and said this," I need you to go on an important mission." I look at him with a look of disbelief Fury wants me to go on a mission while my heart and mind are here where my bestest friend is stuck in med-bay.
"How important is it?" I say maybe a little tone in my voice.
"In order to save your friend," He points to Bucky. "The mission is crucial." I thought about it and eventually agreed, I was sent away before I could say goodbye…And I was not happy about that.

Nat's P.O.V
Fury had left me and Sam in charge of Bucky because Steve had to go on some mission.
I'm still looking through the window that leads to the operator's room, right now there trying the take the bullet that is lodged in Bucky's chest out of his body. Every time the doctors pick him I cringed, if Bucky hadn't been kept in a frozen prison for most of his life then in real life Bucky would only be a year older than Steve so really he's still pretty young, and even though Bucky was an enemy I still feel bad because I know what its like to have a bullet lodged into you, that must have hurt like hell for him since he's usually the one who does the shooting.
Sam walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"You ready to take care of him?" Sam asks and then I look up to him.
"No, I'm an ok nurse but I'm not your go to an emergency doctor, what if something horrendous happens then what do I do?" I say nervously because now that I think about it, what if something does happen on my watch that I can't fix what would I do?
"You try your best to fix the problem and even at that if you can't fix it, banner's only one call away." He says and I smile for two reasons, hearing Bruce's name brings back amazing memory's of when we saved the world from Loki and the other reason is that they succeeded in taking the bullet out of Bucky's chest now there stitching him up. Thank god.
Sam smiled too.
"The question is, are you ready Sam?"
"Yes, I learned how to take care of people at a young age and my time with Riley."
"Good luck to us". We both say in unison.
I heard rushing footsteps and looked to my left to see Bruce coming our way.
Bruce waved and I waved back, Sam smiled at Bruce, "Oh I forgot to introduce you two, Sam this Bruce Banner and Bruce this is Sam." They shook hands and Bruce looks into the window.
"I've only ever heard about you, banner, never actually had the pleasure to meet you," Sam says as he glances at Bucky then back at bruce.
"Do you think I could scan him." I didn't know how to respond and the only thing that came out of my mouth was "..Sure.."
all the nurses and doctors cleared the way when Banner came through with us following behind him.
"Jarvis, run health scan on Mr. Barnes.
"Yes, sir." Jarvis obeys the order. "Mr. Barnes has received severe injuries to the upper right-hand corner of his chest, and..." Jarvis's voice fades out leaving us hanging.
"..And what else."
"Virus detected."
"Can you give me the symptoms." Bruce asks but Jarvis doesn't answer back.
"Jarvis, what are the symptoms?"
"I can't tell you," Jarvis says back.
"And why is that?"
"Because sir, the virus hasn't been yet introduced to mankind."
"What do you mean?" I chime in.
"The virus seems to be man made, and currently multiplying by the millions inside Mr. Barnes."
"It look's to be some kind of unknown biological warfare, Dr. Banner I suggest you check his blood maybe your surrounding resources will be more helpful than I am," Jarvis suggested,
"Excuse me doctor banner." One of the other doctors say.
"If you need to see Mr. Barnes blood work I have his test results right here."
"Well aren't you helpful." Sam chimes in.
We all follow the doctor over to where he told us the results were.
"I've been running some test on Mr. Barnes and I was beginning to notice that there was something affecting his cells." The doctor says as he adjusts the microscope he was looking into, he motions for Bruce to come and look at what he's looking at.
"Jarvis is right it is man made, the bacteria has almost no natural features." Bruce pulls up what he's seeing on the microscope so we can all see.
Bruce points out the bacterium among all of the other cells. I frown at how many germs there are in his bloodstream.
"So do we know if this is going to be catastrophic as in a terminal virus, or is this just going to end up being cold."Sam asks and Bruce responds with, "Well generally biological warfare has the intent to kill or incapacitate a human, animal, or plant as an act of war, do we know if Bucky has any traces of the serum that Steve has in his system?" I shrug to this question but Sam seems to know the answer to it.
"Yeah Steve says that Bucky has something like that in his system, why do you ask."
"Because right there you can see that he is producing new cells and burning of the old, or infected ones. Which means that he may be healing faster then the bacteria can regenerate, you can already see an uninfected cell right there, but he may not have the same formula because it looks different than Steve's," He points at the cells on the screen.
"Sam you said Bucky is an assassin for Hydra, right?"
"If the virus is truly from Hydra then we can't know exactly what the effects of the virus could be," Bruce says as I feel I prick in my side, I remembered that I still have that syringe in my pocket, I took it out and stared at it.
"I think I may have something that could hopefully help us determine what the effects are." I pipe in as I hand it to Bruce, he grabs a new slide and pours the rest of the liquid/bacteria in the slide then he puts the slide under the microscope so we can see it.
"It looks almost like malaria but there are differences, and also with Bucky's serum it may affect him as the stomach flu, still I can't make it out-" Bruce says as Jarvis interrupts him.
"Dr. Banner, may I remind you that the syringe that Ms. Romanov gave you was found right next to Mr. Barnes, I have the recording of what happened and it looks like Mr. Barnes had been directly exposed to that syringe,"
"What do you mean." Sam and I chime in.
"What I mean Is that direct exposure to that much bacteria can be terminal, and I believe the correct term that you should be using is super virus because what he was exposed to is a super virus developed by Hydra."
"I thought you said you didn't have enough information to tell us more about the virus." I say but Jarvis comes back with," I gathered that Intel from the recording."
The room fills with an uncomfortable silence, and for the first time in a long time I began to have emotions, and I don't usually have emotions for our enemies but this is Steve's best friend and Steve would be so heart broken it wouldn't even be funny right now so someone has to have emotions.