KUNG FU PANDA: Kung Fu White Tiger.

Summary: Basically Kung Fu Panda, but with a few Genderbends, Plot Changes, and Specie Changes. Lotus has always lived in the Jade Palace, ever since her adoptive grandfather, Master Oogway found her when she was cub, and was raised with Tai Lung, until his betrayal. But she always wondered what her purpose was. When Oogway appoints her as the Dragon Warrior, and her former friend breaks out of prison, it's up to her to stop Tai Lung, and defend the Valley of Peace and the Dragon Scroll.


Oogway was meditating by the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

As he meditated, he kept on thinking about Shifu's student, Tai Lung. Everyday Tai Lung was growing stronger and stronger, and more determent to become the Dragon Warrior.

Oogway inwardly sighed. His desire would turn him dark. He tried to tell his friend, but Shifu saw Tai Lung as his son. He believed that he was destined for greatness. But Shifu knew that power could cloud the mind and turn it as dark as night. He knew from experience when his best friend and brother in arms, Kai, turned against everything he fought for, to steal all the Chi he could, when White Tigers healed him and trained him to use and give Chi. But Kai only wanted more, so he banished him to the Spirit Realm.

It was the hardest thing he ever had to do.

He feared that Shifu would experience the same pain, if he didn't stop turning Tai Lung into what he was becoming. His excessive pride was filling Tai Lung's heart with darkness. But the Red Panda was blinded with too much pride to see.

He heard the sound of frantic footsteps coming towards him, and without turning greeted his visitor.

"Good to see you, Mr. Ping." he greeted the Goose.

Mr. Ping was the Jade Palace's head chief and made sure that the students were well feed. His specialty? Noodles and his 'Secret Ingredient Soup'. He considered his job his life, and revolved his entire life on cooking, and relished the praises he gets for his cooking. He was on good terms with Oogway, but Shifu was a bit of a hard shell.

Today, he looked tired from running as he carried a crate with a Radish picture on it.

"Is their something wrong, my friend?" the Tortoise asked, finally turning to look at him, rather calmly, before noticing the crate. "Are we running low on Radishes again?" he asked teasingly, but the Goose shook his head.

"It's not the Radishes that I'm worried about this time." he told him as he set the crate in front of him, "It's what's I found inside this crate that worries me." he stepped back, as Oogway slowly approached the crate, which was covered in a bit of cloth. Slowly, he lifted the cloth and pulled it away, almost dropping it in shock when he saw what it was.

It was a White Tiger cub, wrapped up in a blue blanket, a picture of a Lotus on the left side. Oogway studied the infant with watchful eyes. It was female, that much he could tell, and was crying slightly as she struggled to get out of her bindings. He looked at her for a bit longer, before starting to smile, when she opened her eyes, to reveal a beautiful blue, and they shimmered with joy as she smiled at him, making him chuckle. She managed to pull her arms free from the wrappings, and reached out to him, clapping her paws together for emphasis.

He chuckled, leaning down and picking her up, cradling her in his arms, as Ping watched with a small smile, finding the scene in front of him, very cute. Before he frowned.

"What do we do with her, Master?" he asked. Oogway smiled.

"I'll take her in and raise her as my granddaughter and student. Who knows, maybe she's the one to become the Dragon Warrior." he chuckled, before the cub started to whimper as she started gnawing on her fingers. He chuckled again.

"Why don't you whip up some of your famous 'Secret Ingredient' Soup for our little friend?" Oogway asked, smiling as he handed the baby to the Goose, who smiled as the two walked towards the Jade Palace.

"What do you plan on naming her?" the cook asked, to which the Tortoise smiled.

"Lotus. I like Lotus."

I've been thinking about doing this for a while now, and I hope you like it! It basically has the same plot as the original movies, with some changes, Genderbends, Species Changes, but hopefully, it'll still be good!