Author's Note: This is a very, very short fanfic. (Like seriously, it's only 201 words.) It's just an idea that I had that seems to never escape my mind. Sorry if this does not pass to your standards. Enjoy~

All rights reserved to Rejet

"Oi, Chichinashi. I'm thirsty. Give me your blood." Ayato demanded, standing at the foot of her bed. Yui tried to complain, but was cut off when Ayato clicked his tongue and said "I have no time to hear your stupid complaints, now give me your blood!"

The vampire bit her neck, painfully she might add, and sucked large quantities of blood. She suppressed a cry of pain, for she's afraid that Ayato will laugh and make the pain worsen. They are lying on Yui's bed with Ayato on top of her, pinning her down. As the world turned black, she thought, I wonder what his reaction will be when I tell him I love him. Closing her eyes, Yui caught sight of Ayato smirking down at her. Perhaps he'll just smirk and mock me. Or maybe, just maybe, he'll smile a genuine smile and say it back. If weren't for her weakened state, she would have laughed out loud. That's impossible. Yui isn't even sure if he even knows what love is, how it feels like.

She drifted off to sleep, dreaming of strolling in a rose garden, hand in hand with the heartless creature she hopelessly fell in love with.