The garden was beautifully decorated with tropical flowers and the sparkling water, champagne and wine were plentiful.

The team started trickling in, a couple at a time, hand and hand and smiling.

"This is really pretty", JJ said.

"Not nearly as pretty as you, Darlin'", Will said, nuzzling her neck.

"Hey! Didn't you two get enough in California last month?" Rossi said, bringing out appetizers.

"No", JJ said with a giggle. She turned to Will. "Sue me, I'm in love with my husband."

"As it should be", Sabrina said, as JJ leaned in and kissed Will and she kissed Rossi on the cheek. "Leave them alone, Papa Bear."

"OK, OK", Rossi said, putting down the food.

"That was easy", JJ said. "She's a good influence on you."

"And I like that", Rossi said, dipping his wife and kissing her while she giggled.

Hotch and Emily came through and hugged Sabrina.

"Congratulations guys!" Emily said.

"Can we say that soon?" Rossi said under his breath, giving Hotch a quick, manly hug.

"If I have my way", Hotch whispered back. "I'm not ever letting her go."

Morgan walked through the gate.

"Anybody seen Baby Girl?" Morgan said.

"I thought you two were joined at the hip", Emily said with a laugh.

"Usually, but tonight she said she'd meet me here", Morgan said. "That was an hour ago. I would have thought she'd beat me."

"What took you so long?" JJ said.

Morgan looked around excitedly. "OK, don't say anything yet, but…" he pulled a black velvet box out of his jeans pocket.

"Alright Son!" Rossi said. "You're one lucky guy."

"Congrats Morgan", Hotch said. He patted his pocket and remembered his own surprise was still hidden.

"So we're waiting on Garcia?" JJ said.

"And the happy couple", Morgan said. "Anybody seen them?"

"Not a peep", Hotch said. "I got an email from him saying he had requested an additional week on top of the two weeks he got for the honeymoon. They should have been back day before yesterday."

"Hey!" Garcia said, coming through the back gate door.

"Mama get over here", Morgan said, hugging her. "Don't ever do that again."

"What?" she said.

"You should have been here. I was worried.", he said kissing her softly.

"Sorry Sug, just some last minute business to finish. I honestly thought I would have been done before you."

"Forgiven", Morgan said, wrapping his arms around her.

"Where's Layla and Spencer?" Garcia asked.

"Still M.I.A, Mama", Morgan said.

"They're going to be sooorrreee", Emily said laughing.

"Em!" Garcia said, and joined in.

As the team was laughing, Layla and Reid entered the garden.

"What's so funny guys?" Reid said.

"Can you two even stand up?" Morgan said, cracking up.

Layla blushed. "Yes we can, Derek", she said. "Now for how long…"

The team continued to laugh as they hugged the happy couple and wondered over to the large table Rossi set up with food and drinks.

"Tell us all about Italy", Sabrina.

"Nope, not yet." Layla said. "You two first. This was a great surprise, but how did this happen?"

"The night I took that picture of you guys on your engagement, Dave asked me out. I had noticed him before, though. I had done a few publicity pictures for Seabreeze; Charlie and I go way back."

"I saw her around there sometimes, but she was always so busy. And as it just so happened she was the photographer for your engagement, I felt like it was fate", Rossi said.

"So when he asked me out on that night, I had to say yes", Sabrina said.

"If I remember correctly", Hotch said with a chuckle, "both of you said yes."

Sabrina blushed a bit. "I was so excited."

"Me too", Rossi said. "The next night I picked her up and we went dancing until the sun came up."

"It was so fun. I felt like a kid again", Sabrina said.

"Two nights later, we went to dinner and a walk. We spent all night talking", Rossi said.

"Well not all night, Hon", Sabrina said.

"Alright Old Man!" Morgan said.

"That's why you were late for work!" Hotch said, joining in the fun.

"And there is nothing about this man that is old, Youngster", Sabrina said, kissing Rossi's cheek.

"Aww man", Morgan said, laughing.

"Anyway, leading up to the wedding, we spent every moment we had together. On you guys' wedding night, we drove up the north coast, just talking and singing along with the radio" Sabrina said.

"I love this song", Sabrina said.

"You're a much better singer than I", Rossi said, pulling into a well populated area. "Well, what should we do?"

Sabrina turned around into seat and looked at Rossi seriously. "How do you feel about me?"

"Bella, I'm head over heels for you, you know that", Rossi said.

"And I love you too", she said, kissing him softly. "Wanna get married?"

"Are you for real?" Rossi said.

"Absolutely. What are we waiting for? To see if we want to have kids or not?" Sabrina asked with a smile.

"Rossi laughed and hugged her tight. "There is nothing I'd rather do than to make you my one and only."

"She asked you?" Reid said.

"Uh huh", Rossi said. "And I'm so glad she did."

"Wow", Garcia said. "So romantic."

"Really?" Morgan said.

"Absolutely", Garcia said. "The urgency of it all. Being swept away by emotions and love. It's so romantique!"

"Oh you", Morgan said, hugging her close.

"Well cheers to you", Hotch said. "May you guys have nothing but happiness and good times."

"Here, here", the team echoed, raising their glasses.

"Now, can we please hear about Italy!" Sabrina said.

Rossi whispered in her ear. "I'll take you there myself. And I bet you we won't leave the room."

Sabrina blushed.

"Italy was amazing, y'all" Layla said. "The first night…"

Reid cleared his throat.

"Ooops. Sorry. So the second night…"Layla trailed off to the team's laughter.

"Did you take any pictures?" Garcia said.

"Yeah we did!" Layla said. Reid cleared his throat.

"That I need to go through before I send them out", Layla finished.

"Oh you two…"Garcia said.

They sat at talked for hours. The teams actually did eventually hear about the great cafes and museums Reid and Layla went to and Layla even took a picture in the fountain that is in one of her favorite black and white movies, La Dolce Vita.

As everyone was getting ready to leave, Rossi asked everyone to share one dance together.

He turned on the outside radio and a really pretty jazz song slow started. The couples started to dance, and as Emily turned around, dancing with her back to her one and only, she felt a jab in her upper thigh.

"Is that your gun, or are you just happy to see me?" she joked quietly. "Wait, your gun is in the car and that's too high up for…" She whirled around. "What is that?"

"Emily", he said as they stopped dancing. The other couples stopped watching the scene unfold.

"No, Aaron", she said, covering her mouth with her hands as she watched him get on one knee.

"Emily", Hotch said, smiling brightly. "I really need to ask you a question."

Garcia felt Morgan stiffen in her arms.

"What's wrong, Hot Stuff?"

"Nothing", Morgan said grumpily.

"No, not nothing. "What's going on? This is happy! Boss Man's asking Em to marry him!"

"I know. He's kinda stealing my thunder."

"Say what?" Garcia said. She watched Morgan pull a ring box out his jeans pocket. "I was supposed to do that."

Garcia screamed and everyone whipped around to look at them. Morgan laughed and got down on one knee.

"Penelope Garcia…" Morgan looked over at Hotch and nodded.

Hotch grabbed his cue. "Emily Prentiss…" Hotch said.

Morgan finished. "Will you marry me?"

Hotch followed. "Marry me, Love."

The girls just stood there dumbfounded. For all their screams and gasps, now that the questions were out there, they were very silent. There were two men kneeling on the ground that were getting quite nervous.

"Um, Ladies", Rossi said, holding his wife close to him. "I believe these men are waiting on answers."

As if on cue, both women screamed yes at the exact same time.

Hotch hopped up and grabbed Emily and spun her around putting the ring on her finger and kissing her softly.

Garcia fell to her knees in front of Morgan and he kissed her deeply, putting the ring on finger while she cried happy tears in his lap.

"Well, isn't this a turn of events", Rossi said.

"Yeah, what gives man?" Morgan said. "I showed you guys my ring first!"

"Well, my girl felt my ring", Hotch said. "It was time."

"To be frank, I thought it was his..." Emily started.

"Emily!" Hotch said, and covered her mouth with a kiss.

"That's one way to silence her", Will said. "I gotta try that!"

JJ punched him lightly in his arm.

"I'm not even going to suggest we talk about this tonight", Rossi said, watching the couples kiss in his back yard. "But I am going to kick you guys out."

"With pleasure!" Morgan said, standing up and bringing Garcia with him. "See ya!" he said as he pulled her out the garden, Garcia giggling behind him.

"Please don't be that Neanderthal with me", Emily said rolling her eyes. Hotch raised his eyebrow at her.

"Please." Hotch said with a hidden smile. "We're older. More mature. Civilized human beings." He winked at Reid, grabbed Emily by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Aaron Hotchner!" Emily screamed, with a surprised smile.

"You know you like it", Hotch said, smacking her on her backside and carrying her out the garden. She smiled.

"I really do!" she said waving to the last two couples.

Reid and Layla smiled and said their goodbyes as they made their way home.

"You kids go get some rest", Sabrina said.

"Yeah right", Reid said as he tickled and chased Layla out the garden.

"Baby", Rossi said, grabbing Sabrina around her waist and nibbling on her ear. "Can't we leave this for tomorrow?"

"We should get it cleaned now", she said weakly as Rossi spun her around and kissed her deeply.

"Oh hell, it'll be here in the morning", she said embracing her husband and deepening the kiss before he pulled her into the house and locked the door.

*Thanks for reading guys! I appreciate each and every one of you! Be on the look out for the continuation of this soon. I love you all, and review please, I love reading all of your comments! You help me tremendously!*