Author's Note:

As I slowly wrap up Olitz Reboot which is a fictionalized account of how the Scandal cast along with a set of Gladiator Writers saved the show after the mess of 5x09, I am starting this new piece, Jam and Vermont in DC.

This fanfic is what this Olitz shipper would have like to have seen as the ending for 5x09 (if an unexpected pregnancy is a plot device) as part of the set up for a 5B that would have been more in line to what we have seen from S1 to S3, or at least I think that.

Scandal and its characters all belong to the "esteemed" SR and Shondaland Productions and for that I wish had enough money to buy the IP rights to them…

As Olivia sat in the clinic waiting room waiting for the nurse to call her, she watched on the TV screen Mellie continuing with her filibuster to block a bill that contained provisions to cut funding for women's health care from being passed.

"Miss Pope, we are ready for you," said the nurse who came to get her.

As Olivia gathered her handbag and coat, she glanced around the waiting room and saw her Secret Service detail. She was glad they would be remaining in the waiting room while she went back to the clinic area to have the abortion. It was bad enough they had to be with her everywhere she went. At least she was afforded some moments of privacy.

Olivia followed the nurse through a door and the two walked down a hallway. While Olivia was walking beside the nurse, a different of image of Mellie popped into Olivia's mind. It was a pregnant Mellie when they saw each other at Pastor Drake's home. Mellie had come to pay her respects to Mrs. Drake after Pastor Drake died from a sudden heart attack while with his mistress. Olivia had been at the Drakes' home because OPA had been hired to cover the tracks of the affair and as to where Pastor Drake had been at the time of his death.

In Olivia's mind, she saw Mellie wearing a smug smile and proudly showing off her pregnant belly to Olivia – it was Mellie's way of letting her know that she held claim to being Fitz's wife and the baby she was carrying was just another affirmation to it.

Then Olivia heard Fitz's voice in her head…

Somewhere in another life, another reality, we are married and have 4 kids…we live in Vermont…

We can move to Vermont…I'm going to marry you…we are going to have babies…two babies, I think…

All of the sudden Olivia stopped in tracks while the nurse continued on walking. When the nurse realized that Olivia stopped walking, she returned to spot where Olivia was standing still.

"Miss Pope, are you all right? I know this is a difficult situation…" but before the nurse could continue on, Olivia said, "I've changed my mind. I'm sorry to have bothered…"

"It's fine, Miss Pope," said the nurse reassuringly. "I'll take you back to the waiting area."

"Thank you," responded Olivia. As they were walking back to the waiting area, Olivia asked the nurse, "Do you have any recommendations or suggestions on how to deal with morning sickness?"

Olivia wanted to be alone and knew the only place where she could have refuge was her apartment. Even though Fitz had her belongings packed up and moved over to the White House, her furniture was still at the apartment. All she wanted to do was climb into her bed and be buried underneath the covers. She would deal with Fitz tomorrow.

Olivia was already expecting a blowup from Fitz for missing the holiday dinner with the Cabinet. However, the blowup about the holiday dinner would only mask the much bigger problem that was hurting their relationship – her decision to conspire with Mellie to let her father out of prison, the man who was responsible for Jerry's death. Even though Fitz forgave her, he was still angry and feeling betrayed, and she didn't blame him for it.

She hoped by taking up the role of "First Lady in waiting" would make things better between them but it only made it worse, at least on her end. While she didn't mind playing hostess and making small talk at cocktail parties and dinners, but she was turning brain dead from it. Granted, she wasn't the official "First Lady" – the "First Lady" position could be involved in an "activist" role if that what the First Lady wanted to do. But, as the "First Lady in waiting", she was stuck in nowhere land.

Olivia needed time and a quiet place for her think about what she wanted and needed to do. Her change of mind about the abortion was already putting her in the direction about thinking wanting to have the baby. When she found out that she was pregnant, she acted on her gut and went on automatic pilot to schedule the abortion without thinking twice. However, even though her famous "Olivia Pope" gut was never wrong but she was finding herself being lead in the wrong direction by her gut more recently.

Like deciding to conspire with Mellie to let her father out of prison to stop Fitz's impeachment hearing. In hindsight, after her father told her about the secret information that could be used to stop the hearings, she should have follow up with Huck and Charlie to find out what they knew and started digging herself rather than rely on her father to stop the impeachment hearings. Instead, all she wanted was for everything to go away in an instant – like a magic wand and which was probably immature on her part.

Before arriving at her apartment, she had the security detail stop off at a convenience store to buy some ginger ale and saltines. Even though the nurse recommended ginger tea, she said ginger ale would be all right but in a limited quantity because it was still soda. Olivia would get some ginger tea from her favorite specialty tea shop. Since she didn't have any "comfy" clothes at the apartment, they made another stop at an Old Navy for her to get a pair of leggings and a tee shirt for her to change into. They made a final stop to a deli for her to get some soup – she needed nourishment for her and the baby but it had to be something light because of the nausea. She hoped she would be able to hold down the soup.

As soon as Olivia arrived at her apartment, she put the soup in the refrigerator so she could have it later when she feeling up to eating. After setting the bottle of ginger ale and saltines on the bedside table, she changed out her clothes into the leggings and tee-shirt and climbed into bed. She ate a few saltine crackers and took a swig of ginger ale to settle her stomach. Soon afterwards, she settled into the bed with the covers over her and closed her eyes.

As the last of the dinner guests for the holiday dinner that Fitz and supposedly Olivia were hosting bid their goodbyes to Fitz and expressed their regret in not seeing Olivia, a Secret Service agent was on a cell phone speaking in a low voice and when the agent finished the call, he put the phone away inside his coat pocket. When the agent saw Fitz was alone, he approached Fitz and said, "Mr. President, Miss Pope is at her apartment."

"Thank you. We'll be on the move after I get changed," responded Fitz.

"Yes, sir." The agent spoke into his wrist microphone to let the other agents know that Fitz was going to be on the move and heading to Olivia's apartment.

Fitz hurried back up to the Residence to change out of his tuxedo into a pair of jeans, a tee-shirt, a Navy sweatshirt, and a pair of sneakers. He grabbed a wool overcoat before he headed into the elevator. He was soon settled into the unmarked SUV that he normally traveled in along with his Secret Service detail but without the motorcade.

Fitz was trying very hard to maintain his control and his temper. He expected Olivia to be there tonight at the dinner with him greeting their guests. Instead Olivia disappeared since the afternoon with no sign or word as to where she was going. She hadn't answered her cell phone when he called her to find out where she was.

As soon as the Secret Service agent told him that Olivia was back at her apartment, Fitz felt a sense of relief. At least she hadn't run off to another country or was doing a job for OPA outside of DC. Her being at the apartment meant she needed some distance and space from the White House and from him.

Thinking upon his action for moving Olivia into the White House, it was motivated by both anger and love. He was still angry with her for conspiring with Mellie to have Rowan released from prison. The man had murdered his son and Olivia knew this. Even though she had done it to stop the impeachment hearings and to save his presidency but in his mind, it was horrible price to pay for it. He felt betrayed and worse, he could no longer trust Olivia and he needed to keep a closer eye as to what she was doing, and which was wrong. A relationship cannot exist without trust and that he was mistrusting her was putting their relationship in jeopardy.

Even though he hadn't wanted the impeachment hearings to be the impetus for them to get married, he had been so happy when Olivia said yes to them getting married but then only to have her fleeing off somewhere. He didn't know her sudden abrupt departure from the Oval Office where they were about to have their wedding was because her father had gotten out prison to provide the necessary "incentives" to the Senate Judiciary Committee to stop the hearings.

He knew Olivia was afraid and was hesitant about marriage. He thought by moving Olivia to the White House, it would give them a chance to be a couple and have her get used to the role of being First Lady. All he wanted was for them to marry, being America's First Couple, and to start their family. He didn't have a lot of time remaining in office as POTUS and he wanted Olivia to have the privilege of having the title of First Lady, which he knew in his heart, she so rightly deserved.

Instead, all it did was create a wedge between them. He hoped there was a chance they could undo the damage that had been done.

When Fitz arrived in front of Olivia's apartment, he saw Olivia's agents were standing outside. Rather than knocking, he let himself in with the key he had. Once inside, Fitz saw the apartment was dark and the curtains were drawn. He walked towards Olivia's bedroom and found her sleeping. Whatever anger Fitz felt inside melt away when he saw Olivia's sleeping form. As he gently stroked her cheek, Fitz glanced at the bedside table and saw the saltines and ginger ale. As a father of three, he remembered when Mellie was pregnant, she kept saltines by the bedside table to help with the nausea from morning sickness.

Is Olivia pregnant?!, was the thought that went through Fitz's head. He told himself to calm down. It was possible that Olivia was sick with a stomach bug and experiencing nausea from that.

Since Olivia was sleeping closer to one side of the bed and the other side was empty, Fitz quickly stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed with Olivia. As Olivia lay sleeping, Fitz managed to spoon against her warm body so he would be close to her. As he lay side by side with Olivia, he could hear her breathe and soon his breathing was in sync with hers as he closed his eyes.

Couple of hours later, Olivia awoke to find an arm draped over her. Without needing to turn her head, she knew it was Fitz's arm. Suddenly, Olivia felt a wave of nausea swept over her and the need to throw up. She quickly hurriedly out of bed and ran to the bathroom. In course of getting out the bed, Olivia woke Fitz up. As Fitz was starting to sit up after being woken up so abruptly, he could hear Olivia throwing up in the bathroom. He quickly got out of bed so he could to tend to Olivia in the bathroom.

When he got to the bathroom, Fitz saw Olivia on her knees in front of the toilet throwing up. After Olivia was done throwing up, Fitz took a face towel off the towel rack and dampened with warm water from the sink before he knelt next to Olivia to wipe her face. Olivia then took the towel to rest it on her forehead. As she was doing that, Fitz flushed the toilet before taking Olivia in his arms to hold her.

"Feeling better, darling?" asked Fitz.

"Not really," replied Olivia. "I still feel nauseous."

"We should get you to a doctor. If this a stomach bug…" but before Fitz could continue, Olivia looked in him in the eye and said in a matter of fact voice, "It's not a stomach bug, Fitz. You are going to be a father again. I'm pregnant."