I've had a reviewer talk about the genetic memory being only for the Goa'uld but our DNA holds the very Genetic memory of our race right be to the start of it and Andromeda's magic just tapped into it instead of evolving to use it like the Goa'uld did so I hope this helps ease any confusion.


"The cloak is active, all environmental wards are active along with the space expansion charms" Hermione says to Andromeda who smiles happily though the Cloaking Device used a lot of energy to cloak a ship the size of her Hiveship but she was only planning on using it until they was near mars before de-cloaking and using the Hyper-drive to leave earths solar system to find their own planet to claim as their own so that they can grow without the pure-blood idiots limiting her or the people and magical beings that chose to follow her to a new planet.

"Prepare to launch the ship and head to the 1st of our target stars for possible planets we can claim for our own" Andromeda says as she sits in the commanders chair on the bridge instead of the using the Throne in the queens chamber that grew in the center of the Hiveship as the bridge crew went about the last checks before the Hiveship launched from where it had been birthed at and rose into the sky before it started heading towards mars.

"Everything is working fine Andromeda so why don't you leave the bridge to me and take a break as I know that you've been over exerting yourself once again" Hermione says as she looks at Andromeda who was her best friend and sister in all but blood with her hands resting on her hips.

Andromeda could only laugh softly at her sister in all but blood before nodding at her.

"I'll be resting in my chamber wake me when we find a planet that'll suit our needs or something happens like running into a hostile race" Andromeda says before she stands up and gives Hermione a nod before heading towards the Queen's chamber so she could rest.

{Time Skip: 3 Week later}

Andromeda stared at the remains of a gaudy looking pyramid ship belonging to some human looking being with glowing eyes and a echoing voice claiming to be a god and demanding her to surrender to him before Andromeda had it destroyed.

"This 'Goa'uld' is a fool don't you think Hermione?" Andromeda asks her friend who only sighs and nods.

"I noticed the writing in the background behind this 'Goa'uld' and it's very close to ancient Egyptian meaning at some point they ether influenced ancient Egypt or was influenced by it" Hermione says not exactly happy with her friends choice to destroy the pyramid shaped ship but the 'goa'uld' had threated them and Andromeda didn't take threats to those under her protection lightly and right now that meant those on the hiveship.

"We'll land on this planet and claim it for ourselves and we should help the humans our sensors are picking up anyways if only to defend them from other threats like more of these 'Goa'uld' things" Andromeda says as she walks over to the navigation controls to start the hiveship's decent towards the planet as while normally another would be at the controls she was personally taking the ship down due to her connection to the hiveship, they would also need to build more technological ships for the rest of the beings and humans on the hiveship as well while she tried to figure out a way to let others connect better with a Wraith Ship without having Wraith DNA in them like she does some she knew would take years to figure out.

{Line Break}

Okay i'm ending this chapter here mostly due to writers block I'm also letting my readers know that if you've not noticed yet I have another HP/SG1 fic out that you might enjoy as well