Jade put a dollar into the Wahoo Punch machine near her locker at Hollywood Arts, humming to herself. Jade didn't usually hum, but she was performing in the Full Moon Jam later that week and she wanted her performance to be perfect. She pressed the drink she wanted and bent down to get it, when she was interrupted.

"Hello? E-excuse me Jade?" A boy asked her. Jade wasn't in the mood to talk, but she let him continue. "Uh, I'm Braden from your history class. You borrowed my notes… Can I have them back now?" He asked.

Oh crap! Jade thought. She knew she forgot something. Jade was going to tell him that she could get them to him tomorrow because she remembered thinking he was cute. All of the sudden though she remembered that the notes mostly didn't make any sense and he was probably an idiot; I mean, everyone knows the internet wasn't around in the 18th century and Benjamin Franklin couldn't just look things up. Instead she just shot him a death glare.

"I-I could…" He stuttered. "Oh God. I'm sorry." He said and ran away. Jade opened her soda and smiled.

"Thanks Braden." She said as she walked away from the vending machine. and crossed the main stairs to her locker. Once she got her books, she started talking to her friend Jenna, who just found this really cool coffee shop in downtown L..A. She briefly noticed Beck and Tori staring at her but she didn't care., and just continued with the conversation

Beck was talking to Tori when Meredith came up to them. Meredith was ftalking about the Full Moon Jam when all of the sudden…

"So Beck, if you want, I was thinking that maybe we could hang out later?" Meredith asked. "I could sing you a few songs, you could help me pick one?" She continued, referring to the Full Moon Jam that was happening in a few days. But to be honest, for some reason Beck didn't want to go on a date, or even just hang out with Meredith.

It probably had to do with Jade. They had been broken up for so long at this point, but he still thought of her all the time. She was almost always on his mind.

For a while though, he tried to move on with Tori, but as hard as he tried to pretend she was Jade, she just wasn't. Even though Tori was the one who stopped them from kissing, at that point he was just trying to distract himself… from Jade. Beck never liked to show emotion though, so instead he kept this all inside. He was Beck Oliver for crying out loud, he was chill and collected, no one could know Jade was still driving him crazy.

"Yeah, um, I-I would but, today is not good." He finally said.

"Ok." she responded easily, but Tori cut her off.

"What do you mean today is not good?" She asked. "What's wrong with today?"

"Today… I have a big jar of coins." He made up on the spot. "-And I got to count 'em."

"Ok, well have fun." Meredith said slightly perplexed but still nicely and she started to walk away. Tori grabbed her though, and butted in to their conversation again. "Woah, woah, wait wait wait wait." Tori said giving him a strange look. "What do you mean you have to count your jar of coins?"

"You know, I've just collected a lot of nickels and quarters, and now I need to count them." He made up again, trying to hint to Tori that he wasn't interested in going out with Meredith. But of course she was Tori, she was always trying to get into other peoples business and help them.

"Um, I should really get to class. Bye." Meredith said as walked away. Beck was relieved.

"I don't actually have a jar of coins!" Beck told Tori once Meredith was gone.

'No?!" Tori said sarcastically.

"I can't hang out with Meredith, ok?" Beck told her. But of course, because she was Tori, she had to question this.

"Why not? She's cute and she totally like's you." Tori said.

"Shhh!" Beck said, just to cut her off, quickly looking at Jade, across the hall.

"Why do I have to -"

"Shhhh!" Beck said as he pulled her into the janitors closet. Once he closed the door, Beck tried to think of another lie, to keep Tori off his case.

"Ok, I get that Meredith likes me, and maybe I could like her." Beck said. Probably not. "But you know, Jade."

"But you and Jade broke up months ago!" Tori exclaimed. "Yeah," Beck said. I know. He thought. "But when we were dating, one summer Meredith and I were in a play together, and it made Jade like crazy jealous." Beck said, and it wasn't a lie, Jade did get extremely jealous, but that wasn't the reason he wouldn't go out with Meredith.

"Oh ok." Tori said, catching on. "And if she found out that you were snoodling with Meredith now…"

"Jade would explode like Trina's too tight pants." Beck said, glad Tori was finally understanding he didn't want to go out with Meredith. Honestly, Beck wouldn't mind if Jade got jealous of them, because it would mean she still liked him, but he didn't tell Tori this. That's when Tori brought up how crazy it was for him to have to always be scared of Jade, but he wasn't scared of her, even if he said he was. He had never been scared of her, nor would he ever be. Of course he could see why other people were scared of her. She could be intimidating, but to him he would always be his Jade. Still her couldn't let Tori know this, or else she might think he still loved her, which he didn't! He didn't think he did at least.

Oh great, here he was, Beck Oliver, the guy who alway told the truth and was completely transparent, lying. He hated to lie, good thing he was such a good actor.

"You know what would make Jade not care if you started dating a new girl?" Tori said. Oh great. Beck thought.

"If the new girl had no head." He said trying to distract Tori from the plan she was making.

"No! If she was dating a new guy!" Tori said. This was a terrible plan and Beck knew it, but he couldn't tell her why he didn't want her dating someone knew. So instead he said.

"None of the guys at this school will ask her out." Which he knew wasn't true, because tons of guys were dying to ask her out, but she always pushed them away.

"Why not?" Tori asked.

"Because Jade is terrifying!" Not. "All she has to do is look at most guys and they start shaking" Most guys, but not me. He thought. "And peeing" He added so Tori would just stop getting involved.

"There has got to be some guy at Hollywood Arts who will ask out Jade." Tori said, ignoring Beck's peeing comment, and Beck wished she would just stop. He was tired of lying.

That's when that weird guy Sinjin opened the door and offered to go out with Jade. Most definitely not. Beck thought. Tori and him exchanged a look and Tori closed the door in Sinjin's face.

Beck wanted to tell Tori one more time, not to get involved, but he could tell it was already to late, she had a plan.

"Hey Tori." Cat said as she passed Tori's locker.

"Hey Ca- Tori started to say before she was cut off by Cat's scream.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Robbie's sister's butterfly was stuck in her ear and every few minutes, he would move again and cause unbearable pain.

"Are you okay?" Tori asked Cat.

"Yeah." Cat told Tori.

"Well, why are you screaming?" Tori continued, wanting more information.

"Robbie brought a butterfly to school and he flew into my ear, but I think he's gone now." Cat said.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed when he moved again.

"Nevermind." She told Tori. "What's up?"

"I'm trying to find a guy to ask Jade out." Tori said.

"Why?" Cat asked.

"Because Beck wants to go out with Meredith, and Jade will freak out when she finds out." Tori told her "So, I figure if I find someone to go on a date with her, she'll be distracted and won't be mad.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cat asked the brunette.

"Yeah." She answered. "The only problem is that no one want's to go out with her."

"Sinjin would." Cat responded, knowing very well that there were many guys at Hollywood Arts would like to go out with Jade.

"Ugh. Someone other than Sinjin." Tori said. "Anyways, the only way a guy would go out with Jade is if we paid him. So that's what I'm going to do."

"Really?" Cat asked Tori sceptically. "Jade won't be happy when she finds out about that."

"Well, she's not going to find out." Tori said. "Right?"

"Okie dokie." Cat replied, but she felt bad for Jade. Jade didn't deserve to be treated like that and Cat couldn't just watch. This was one of those times Tori was being just awful, without even realizing.

Cat walked over to her locker and got her books for the next period.

"Hey Jade." She said as Jade passed.

"Hi Cat." Jade responded, not really paying attention, as she got her books from her locker.

"Tori's paying someone to ask you out!" Cat blurted out, not being able to hold it in anymore.

"What?!" Jade replied.

"Beck wants to date Meredith and Tori thinks you're going to be mad so…" Cat said.

"So she's paying someone to go out with me, so I won't care that Beck has a date." Jade finished. "I already told Beck I didn't care who he dated!" She said as she slammed her locker shut.

"What are you going to do?" Cat asked. Jade thought for a moment.

"I have a plan, don't worry." She said.

Jade was at her locker, putting some of her books away, when a boy came up to her.

"Hey." He said.

So this is the guy Tori paid to ask me out. Jade thought as she slammed her locker closed.

"Oh" He said sheepishly. "My name's Gilbert."

"So?" Jade cut him off.

"Oh my god." He said to himself. "I-I, I really like your shoes."

"I hate the shoes." Jade said loudly. "They're ugly and they hurt my feet."

"Well then why do you wear them?" Gilbert asked.

"Because I like to punish myself." Jade said to scare him off.

"Well, I-I think you look really nice today." Gilbert tried again.

"Oh, so yesterday I looked gross?" Jade said.

Wow, this was taking a while. She thought. Tori must of paid him a lot of money.

"No-no, no, no, I-I just meant-" Gilbert said starting to sound scared.

"That I usually look disgusting but today I got lucky?" Jade told him.

"No. Not at all. I-I just, I just." He stuttered.

"Oh forget it!" He said turning towards Tori and Andre. "I'm not asking her out! You can keep your money!"

"Wait! Gilbert, don't you run away like a coward!" Tori ran forwards, towards where Gilbert ran off too.

"Coward!' Andre shouted.

"You paid a guy to ask me out?" Jade said angrily. It worked, Tori and Andre looked scared out of their minds.

"Run away!" They shouted and Jade chased after them as they ran out of the hall.

"So-so now what?" Andre said to Tori after running into the janitors closet, away from Jade. "We hide in here forever?"

"Just till Jade is calm" Tori responded wearily.

"So forever." Andre told her.

Andre knew this plan was a bad idea, and he only told Tori to pay a guy to ask Jade out as a joke. He didn't think she would actually do it. He supposed he could have just asked Jade out, considering he did still have a crush on her. But he didn't want Tori to know that, if he ever wanted to go out with her. As well, Beck was his best friends, and he wasn't the kind of guy to go around dating his friends exes. Especially because he knew Beck still had feelings for her…

Beck opened the closet door and Tori and Andre jumped together, screaming, thinking he was Jade.

Tori started explaining her plan to Beck and Andre made sure to insert that he had been dragged into this.

"Ahhh!" Andre and Tori screamed as Jade jumped down from the ceiling.

"Yeah, I should have told you, this is a bad place to hide from Jade." Beck told them.

"I ought to take this and kill you both with it!" Jade screamed at them.

"How could you kill us with toilet paper?" Tori stupidly asked.

"Put it down." Beck commanded Jade. "Put it, down. What are you all wazzed off about?"

"These two butt cheeks paid a guy to ask me out on a date." Jade told him.

"We were trying to help." Tori cut in.

"Why do I need your help?!" Jade asked.

"Because guys are scared to ask you out!" Tori yelled at her.

"That's how I like it!" Jade yelled back.

"I got dragged into this." Andre said, not believing what was going on.

"See we thought-" Tori said.

"You thought." Andre interrupted.

"We thought" Tori said again. "That if you got asked out by a guy, you'd be more ok if Beck asked out a girl."

"Oh my god." Jade said exasperatedly. "How many times do I have to say it? I don't care who you date! We broke up, ask out any girl you want."

"See, I said you should just ask out Meredith." Tori said.

Why did Tori think she had any reason to put anyone in this situation. Jade thought. This was just another reason she hated Tori. So, to piss Tori off, Jade responded angrily.

"Meredith!" She yelled. As Andre gathered up all the toilet paper. "Oh, I knew it. I knew it two years ago when you were in that awful play with her."

"I think I wrote that play." Andre cut in.

"And Meredith was always like: 'Oh Beck! Why don't you come over to my house to rehearse our lines! Oh, Beck I brought you some cupcakes!'." Jade continued.

"Meredith brings everybody cupcakes." Beck responded. "Her dad owns a cupcake shop."

"He does?" Tori asked, once again stupidly.

"Yeah, Frank's Cupcakes." Beck told her.

"Ooh there good!" Tori said.

"Yeah, they make some legit cupcakes." Andre added.

"You know what?" Jade asked, getting bored of this conversation. "I don't care. Go out with Meredith. Enjoy her cupcakes." She said as she left the closet.

It is perfectly reasonable for a girl to not be happy once her ex starts dating someone knew. Jade thought. But she wasn't going to kill anyone. Although it was not cool for Tori to pay someone to ask her out. Did Tori really find her that repulsive, she thought no one would ever go out with her. Jade didn't care what Tori thought though, what upset her was that Andre went along with the plan. She thought they were friends.

Beck was on his long awaited date with Meredith, well it wasn't really long awaited by him, Tori was the one who set it up, and it was awful. All Meredith did, was agree with everything Beck said. It was dreadfully boring and so far all he wish for was to be with his friends. He excused himself and walked over to the food table where Tori was watching the concert.

"Hey." He said to her.

"Hey," She responded. " So you and Meredith, huh? You guys gonna snoodle?"

"There will be no snoodling." He told her.

"What?!" Tori cried. "After everything I've done? I was almost attacked with toilet paper!" Somehow Tori always managed to make everything about herself.

"Look, Meredith is… nice. Too nice." Beck told her. "I think I've learned something about myself."

"That you're ungrateful to your friend who tried to fix you up with a cute girl?" Tori said exasperatedly.

"No." Beck responded. "I just think I like dating a girl who, you know, fights back."

"You…?" Tori questioned.

"I mean a girl who's got strong opinions, you know? And a big mouth." Beck said, realizing he was starting to describe Jade.

"Why?" Tori asked.

"Because it's not easy." Beck responded. "Easy is boring."

"Ok, I get that." Tori said. "So, who's not boring?" Beck wanted to tell Jade, Jade was not boring. That he missed being with her and that he… still loved her. But Beck didn't want her to know that, because he and Jade weren't going to get back together and he didn't need Tori getting into their business again. All of the sudden though, his train of thought was cut off by Andre, announcing that Jade was just about to preform.

As soon as Jade started singing Beck knew her song was about him. And it just reminded him of why he loved her in the first place. When he pushed her she would push back, but still underneath all of their fighting they knew each other. Well. Beck made Jade a better person, but Jade made Beck's life so much more exciting and wonderful. And they loved each other, or at least they used. Beck smiled, maybe Jade did still love him, and he knew he loved her.

As the song ended, the whole crowd gave Jade a standing ovation. She was an amazing singer. Before he knew it Beck was onstage with her.

"I've missed you." He said, careful to not show his love for her, to the entire audience.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Jade asked him.

He didn't answer, instead he stepped towards her and kissed her. The whole audience cheered even louder and he could hear Andre's grandmother screaming for him to "get it, baby!" but he didn't care anymore.

Jade smiled at him and turned towards the audience, and he looked at her. Beck needed to be with someone who challenged him, grounded him and excited him. He needed to be with Jade, and he was pretty sure Jade felt the same way about him.

Author's Note: So, I hate this, so much. It was one of my first stories I wrote, but the only one I was able to recover. Anyways, I hope you liked it. If you review it would mean a lot! Thanks.