Without any doubt, Wally has now officially declared Wayne Manor as the scariest place on earth. The place is big, dark and the fact that you are in one house with 4 people that would rather see you death then alive is also quiet terrifying.

The fact that he had actually lost his boyfriend in this huge place wasn't helping him either.

"Dick?" he tried as he turned around a corner. He mentally slapped himself. As he continued his search he made a list of what not to do in a place like Wayne Manor.

Never leave your boyfriends side.

And just like that, he saw his boyfriend standing there. Dick stood on top of the staircase, looking down at something as he held a hand through his hair. Wally took a moment to admire the sight.

Dicks hair was going everywhere on his head, probably because he kept putting his hand through it every one minute for some reason. Not that it bothered Wally, he loved it when it was like that. And to top it all, he was wearing a white t-shirt and and some gray skinny jeans. And Wally loved those jeans, because Dick's butt looked really beautiful in it.

Suddenly an idea popped into the speedsters head. Dick still hadn't noticed him yet.

A perfect situation for a perfect surprise kiss.

The speedster suddenly had a devious smirk on his face as he ran to his boyfriend.

He could feel Dick freeze in his arms as he quickly turned him around and kissed him.

Dick didn't loosen up as he mostly does. After a while Wally pulled back, giving Dick a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" he asked, smiling deviously. "Was it too surprising?"

Dick pulled back, taking Wally on arm length. "It definitely was a surprise." He looked down the stairs. "And I think they find that too."


Wally followed his gaze, and his stomach dropped into his shoes.

On the stairs were three pair of eyes gazing up at them, all having a murderous look in their eyes.

"West! How dare you do that to Grayson! I will murder you!" Damian yelled, lunging for him, but he was pulled back by Jason. "Ha! No way! I'm going to kill him! Nobody touches Dick like that and gets away with it."
"Oh both of you shut up," Tim said, glaring at Wally. "I am killing him, no matter what."

"In your dreams, Drake!"

"I'm killing him!"

As a huge discussion broke down between the three bat-brothers, Wally's face turned more pale and pale every minute. Dick saw this and pulled Wally back.

"Maybe it's better if you skip the dinner." Wally only nodded, backing away more and more.

"You know what? Why don't we all just get our best shot at him and see which one of us will eventually get him to burn in hell!" Jason yelled with two voices agreeing with him.

Dick gave Wally a quick kiss on the cheek before he said: "Run, I'll calm them down."

Within a split second Wally was gone, running to the nearest zetabeam to lock himself up in their apartment.

Another rule was added to the list.

NEVER kiss Dick in front of his little brothers. NEVER.


This one really sucked I know. I didn't really have the inspiration for it. Sorry if some characters are a little or just AU, but that's just the way I would think all of them would react. But hey, happy family!

I also want to say that I am accepting prompts, and this prompt was given to me by ZenomorphBitches. Thank you! I hope it wasn't that sucky. ;-;
