Hey, I'm and this is Gods of Protection and Death, originally Doragon Shinigami by Ichifell. If you're reading this, Ichifell, wanna Beta this?

As always please read and review, also no flames.

Amongst the ruined landscape of a battlefield stood three men, though the term man was used lightly for one of the combatants. Standing tall, an orange-haired teen grabbed onto the blade of a man dressed entirely in white with wing-like growths on his back. As the teen caught his foe's blade, the land behind him shattered, and the attacker's eyes widened in panic. The pose they struck, the teen standing still with the other's blade in hand as his foe shook ever so slightly, was broken when the one dressed in white leapt back The third combatant was wielding a scythe with a handle made entirely of bone, was dressed in a long black cloak with a hood covering his face if you could call it that as you could see the hands of a skeleton holding the scythe while yellow lights were visible from the hood.

"Why do you retreat, Aizen?" The teen and the skeleton asked dispassionately. "Did you not say earlier that a retreat only works when two fighters are of equal standing?"

Aizen harshly laughed, caught up in his own madness. "You think that you, lowly humans, are my better because of a miracle? Don't be so full of yourself, Ichigo, and Wilhelm!" The madman lifted up an arm, pointing straight to the sky, before continuing his rant. "And to make sure that you two cannot pull off another such miracle, I will destroy you in your entirety with kido!" Purple energy visibly built up around him as he began to chant the incantation. "Seeping crest of turbidity; arrogant vessel of lunacy; boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! Hado #90, Kurohitsugi!"

As he chanted, solid black squares build up around and past Ichigo and Wilhelm, climbing several stories in height as the skies darkened, closing itself as black swords stabbed their way into it. As Aizen began to gloat, the whole kido shattered like glass when Ichigo simply chopped his hand sideways, maintaining the lack of emotion that held itself up throughout the fight. Rage visibly boiled to the self-proclaimed transcendant's breaking point then spilled over as he let lose an inhuman noise of pure hatred. The black sliver that was on his forehead then twitched and split, a white iris forming in it, twitching in random directions, as florescent energy billowed out from him.

Shielding his eyes, Ichigo barely saw the red ball of energy speeding at him, exploding in a fiery vortex when it collided into him as red scales covered his body at impossible speeds while Wilhelm simply took the attack and came out unscathed save for his burnt cloak which revealed his whole skeleton to the world though he decided to use his hollow mask which resembled Grima's Dragon mask from Fire Emblem Awakening. From the purple plume stood Aizen, who was now almost entirely unrecognizable; his wings now had eyes in the middle of them and mouths at each tip and his face was split in two, revealing a black, three-eyed face with bared teeth, raggedly breathing as hate continued to course through him. "That will teach you two, mere humans, to stand up to a God!" He then sucked on his tongue when the dust and fire dissipated, revealing a man clad in red armor that had a draconian appearance to it and a human skeleton with a dragon skull on it.

"Let me tell you something, Aizen, because I am tired of listening to you." Ichigo said, his voice containing the dispassion he felt. "When I trained in the Dangai, I was going for a sacrificial move to wipe you out in one hit. But funnily enough, something inside of me told me that would not work, a Sacred Gear called Boosted Gear." The mask he wore folded itself back, revealing his face to Aizen. "This entity told me that you had reached the point of godhood, and that nothing I alone could do could stop you entirely." The skull-faced man opened his mouth to gloat more before a quick glare shut him down.

"At the same time, it revealed that it would not matter that you were a god, for it had the power that nullified your immortality. Now watch as I show you the power of what this being that is not quite human, shinigami, hollow or dragon!" And with that declaration, the mask reformed itself, this time twisted, as if it were a dragon that was staring hungrily at its prey, though Wilhelm said to Ichigo, "Allow me to rip that accursed Hogyoku out of his body first" To which Ichigo nodded knowing that Wilhelm was beyond pissed off at Aizen. Wilhelm simply vanished from Aizen's sight in a split second and the next he felt the Hogyoku being ripped out of his chest by Wilhelm's bony hands before Wilhelm left the battlefield entirely leaving only Ichigo and Aizen.

[Boost! Boost! Boost!]

A deep voice called out before Ichigo shot forward, vanishing entirely from Aizen's sight. When nothing happened, the man looked around before mind-numbing pain overwhelmed his mind as innumerable cuts littered his body.

[Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!]

The voice called out again, and this time Aizen felt his limbs and wings flying from his body, losing them as fast as they tried reforming themselves, slowly exhausting what he believed to be limitless. Then, he felt Ichigo grab him by his face, tossing him up into the sky.

[Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Transfer!]

"This is the end, Aizen. Getsuga..." Ichigo calmly said as energy charged up in his blade. Aizen could feel space itself warp around the blade as it was swung, sucking in the reishi around them greedily. "...Tensho." The stored power exploded from his blade, spreading out in a colossal wave of crimson red death, covering all of the sky like it were a veil. In that one attack, all the matter that made up Aizen was erased from existence, as it shot into the sky and beyond.


Looking up at the sky, Ichigo sighed in relief as the scale armor shrunk back into of him, leaving behind only a gauntlet. 'I did it.' He thought to himself as he squared his shoulders. 'I did it without having to lose Zangetsu...Thank you, Ddraig.'

The dragon scoffed at him, if the rumbling he caused could be considered a scoff. [It wasn't me, kid. I just supplied you the tools. That was all your instinct to destroy the enemy before you that helped you more.]

'I guess you are right.' Ichigo mulled.

"Ichigo!" A male called out, attracting the teen's attention. Looking to the voice's direction, Ichigo saw Kisuke walking up to him, sans his hat and fan, with a grim look on your face. "How are you holding up?" The man asked as he finished his approach. "I only saw that last attack, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Why wouldn't I be, Kisuke?" Ichigo asked back, his face shifting from mild happiness to mild confusion.

"Well, I know about the technique your dad taught you, as well as its cost, so I wanted to make sure that you were satisfied with the conclusion."

"Oh, that? Never learned it." Ichigo said, looking back up to the sky. Kisuke tripped over himself when he learned that, his mood whipping from grim acceptance to shock then awe and fear in the span of a second. The man, after standing back up, pointed up at the sky, his mouth gaping as his voice failed him. "What, that? That was just a Getsuga Tensho." Ichigo said, shrugging, before amending his statement. "Well, a Getsuga that was powered many times over by good ol' Ddraig." He said, patting the gauntlet on his had that was previously hidden from Kisuke's view.

"Oh." Was the scientist's intelligent reply. They stood in silence for a moment before Kisuke spoke up again. "Was the situation as bad as we thought it was? I also see that Captain Oeder isn't here."

"Oh, no, not at all." Ichigo said, turning back at him to give a serious look. "It was much worse. He had actually attained godhood, Kisuke. If I had used Saigo no Getsuga Tensho, then I would not have been able to defeat him and would have had lost my powers, being at his mercy." Ichigo shook his head. "If I didn't have Ddraig, then we would all have been done for. Oh, and Oeder left the battle after ripping the Hogyoku out of Aizen's chest."

Kisuke shook his head. "It isn't just using Saigo that would have made you lose your powers, it would have been you using more energy than it was supposed to that would cause the loss of power!" He said, sadness in his eyes. Ichigo's eyes only widened in fear at the revelation, him shaking his head, hoping he could deny what the man said.

"Ichigo!" Orihime called out as she and Ichigo's other friends came running to his side. When they got halfway to him, they watched him fall to a dead faint, their cries for his safety getting cut out as they too fell unconscious when an overwhelming power made itself known. Only the shopkeeper clung to consciousness, even if he barely managed, and saw a portal to a void open beside Ichigo, pulling him in. He tried to reach out and grab Ichigo but fell flat on his face, clutching only the ground he fell upon, blacking out like the rest.


With a sudden intake of breath, Ichigo came to, tensing up upon finding himself suspended in in midair, surrounded by an overwhelming nothing. 'Is this what death feels like?' Ichigo thought to himself as he closed his eyes, relaxing his muscles.

"Not quite, Ichigo." A wisp of a voice slid into his ears, making him alert. "In fact, you are very far from being dead."

'Joy. I am already going crazy and hearing more voices in my head.' Ichigo dryly thought. The wispy voice laughed, surrounding him in the white noise.

"Again, no. Your mental facilities are quite intact, Ichigo Kurosaki."

'If that is the case, how can you read my mind?' Ichigo mused. 'And for that matter, who are you?'

"I, my new god, am the Universe in of its entirety. I am every thought, every atom, every figment of imagination and reality. That is how I can read your mind." Ichigo opened his mouth to retort, the snarky reply on the tip of his tongue, when the Universe spoke again. "I understand your aggravation, young one, in how I can allow people like Aizen to exist. Quite simply, it is so I can find more champions, powerful beings who can embody aspects of the world and act as my instruments of my will, for I cannot directly intervene with world events without risking tearing all of creation asunder."

"Oh." Ichigo said dumbly. "Wait, in that case, why am I here?"

Again, the Universe laughed its white noise. "You are here because you are going to be my next god, a true God of Protection. Never before had a person been so focused on the safety of others, to accept those of opposing races despite your differences, and with how you throw your all for the sake of those you care for without asking for anything in return. I watched you as you threw away your fairly normal human life to take on the powers of a Shinigami to protect your friends, when you went to the Seireitei to save the life of your friend who was going to be so unjustly executed, and when you not only went to Heuco Mundo with no promise of an exit to save your friend, but to be willing to give up your powers to protect the stability of all the realms from Aizen Sousuke."

Ichigo's emotions were raging inside him, crossing through most of the spectrum that he was capable of before landing on disbelief. "But...I am just a teenager, only fifteen years old!" Ichigo cried out.

"A teenager who used so much power that you warped space itself."

"But I will lose all but Ddraig's power after doing that, returning back to being a human again!"/p

"No you won't. My will already made you capable of such feats as a normal attack."

Ichigo was at a loss. No matter what he could think of, this omnipotent being was shooting him down. "Why me though? I get it, I beat Aizen handily, but combat powers alone doesn't make me fit to be a God of all things!"

"Then think about this. Not once since, in any of the times you received your power-ups, did you even consider using your powers for personal gain. You focused entirely on protecting your precious people. You are a forgiving person, befriending beings who are supposed to be your enemy, and almost everyone you had beaten became your friend, all willing to follow and support you. You fight against rules that went against logic and never gave up on your ideals. You, Ichigo, are a Paragon of power and protection, as well as a herald of demise to anyone who stood in your way."

"And I did all of that using power borrowed from that damn hollow, Zangetsu, and Ddraig, especially by the end there!"

"And? You used what you had available, something even other gods do."

"You are not going to let up on this, are you?"


Ichigo sighed, relenting to the entity. "Fine, you win. I will be this God of Protection for you, but what about Oeder? I mean surely you thought about him."

"Good, because soon there is going to be a Fallen Angel that is going to destroy a city in Japan and spread Chaos by means of a War that he desires to reignite after many centuries of waiting."

"Wait, wha-?"

"Go, my God of Protection, and show them what will come to those who desire to bring Chaos to counter this time of peace! Also, as for your friend, Alexandre 'Wilhelm' Oeder, he came here from my Master's universe after being experimented on and betrayed by his version of the United States of America, but I made him the Supreme God of Death, seeing as he already is a god-like being anyways."

I already have the main pairings for Ichigo planned, but I need more women for Ichigo's harem

Main Ichigo pairing: IchigoxOrihime

As for Wilhelm he is going to have Issei's harem as Issei is not going to exist in this. And yes Wilhelm is from the 'original' universe.