
Later that night...

Mark and Jake, as usual, sat at the bar, but these past few days they were at the club for a different reason. They've been perpetrating a secret ongoing investigation, ever since their little experiment.

"Hey Mark," Jake said, getting the attention of his friend and subtly pointing across the bar to a gentleman sitting on a edge stool, "see that guy down there? What do you think his deal is?"

Mark eyed the gentleman for a second and rose his eyebrow at Jake.

"I don't know, what do you mean?"

"It's that guy's second time coming here, sitting in that same spot and he has yet to order something." Jake replied.

"Yeah, so what?" Mark responded indifferently.

"So I'm going to go see what his deal is."

With that, Jake now advanced across the bar area, and sat down on a stool next to the presumed mystery man.

"Hey bud, names Jake." He said greeting the fellow, and exchanging a handshake afterwards.

"Austin." The man replied.

"So Austin this your first time here?" Jake responded, now starting a conversation with the man.

"Psh, nah, that was yesterday."

"Cool, so how is it so far?"

"Welp, they're a lot of furfags here I'll tell you that much."

"Really? How can you tell?" Jake responded, intrigued.

"Come on man let's be real, what sort of idiot would pay fifty bucks just to get in some weird anthro animal fetish club when there's literally a titty bar across town that'll charge a quarter of the admission here. And you're probably one of em aren't you?"

Jake frowned at the accusation, "Um, no, I'm not... but could I say the same for you?"

"What, me? Hell no; I'm just here out of blatant curiosity, and I most definitely won't be coming back that's for sure. A guy can't even get a decent drink around here."

"Really?" Jake responded in disbelief.

"Hey, fwsh." He said with small whistling sound to get Fredbabe's attention, "My friend here would like a drink."

Certainly enough the animatronic approached the two after serving two other patrons.

"What can I get you si-." It began but stopped mid-sentence after briefly glaring at Austin's chest, then walking away afterwards.

"What the fuck?" Said a slightly confused Jake.

"See what I mean?" Austin questioned.

"But she's been serving everyone that's ever been at this bar, what makes you so special?" Jake responded in bafflement.

"I don't know, the stupid AI probably only serves furfags." Austin implied.

But just before Jake could get up and leave something of possible interest caught his eye hanging from Austin's necklace.

"That's a neat little cross you got there." Jake inquired.

"What, this thing?" He responded, suspending it between two of his fingers, "Fifteen karat gold; it belonged to my girlfriend, well ex now. I gave it to her as a birthday gift, her being religious and all, but she caught me cheating on her with her sister and threw it at me."

"Interesting." Jake whispered to himself.

1 Day later...

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Neil had got off of a sexual harassment free shift from yesterday. But something was strange about this morning, Neil wasn't a real big fan of sleeping on his back, so if he was ever to find himself in this position he would usually turn on his side either it be left or right, but he found it increasingly difficult to do this almost as if someone or something was preventing him from doing so. So naturally he peeked open his eyes to investigate what was this mysterious force, his vision cleared and the figure appeared to be Fredbabe on top of him. Thinking this is a dream or some sort of weird illusion he began repeatedly rubbing his eyes until she spoke.

"Good morning sleepy-head." The animatronic said, with her vibrant blue eyes, and a warm inviting smile.

Still in disbelief Neil grabbed the thin, sleek, waist of the animatronic and began to feel on her thighs all the way up to her soft rubbery breast.

"Any more of that and you're going to owe me dinner and a movie." She cleverly remarked.

"What the actual fuck!?" He shouted in a confused rage, "How did you get in my fucking house!? How the fuck are you even here right now!? Where are my box-."

Neil was cut off by a robotic finger being pressed against his lips.

"Shhh," Fredbabe began, "none of that matters, my dear, the only thing that matters right now is you and I."

'Fuck.' Neil thought.

He already had a morning boner and Fredbabe's warm wet pussy lips pressing against his shaft wasn't helping the situation. She was the dominating factor in this equation and Neil has no other choice but to give in, because he knows any type of resistance right now would be futile.

"I don't want to tease," Fredbabe said, bringing her finger from his lips down to his crotch, "so let's just skip straight to the fun."

She grabbed Neil's now hard, throbbing, member barely able to grip all the way around it, and began to slowly ease him inside of her stretching the now sticky, hot, slit going as deep as she would allow him to go, causing her to release a loud moan in the process.

To be continued...