Here is, yet another, Diabolik Lovers fanfiction! I got the idea late last night and wanted to update it today, so there's bound to be spelling mistakes and what not but I'll fix them when I get home! The character I'm using, Kino Sakamaki, will be marked as an OC since he isn't listed and is a new character!

Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers or the characters used in this story, I only wish I did.

Yui rolled in her bed, her skin damp with a light sheen of sweat that caused her hair to cling to her skin as did the sheets along with her-Well everything clung to her. She rolled in her bed moaning out in what could be mistaken as tiredness, the heat that was high to her, pleasure or agony, it could be anything. Yui groaned opening her eyes softly hating the heat, wanting desperately to get up and open the doors to her small balcony but her muscles were too weak and rubbery feeling for her to even get up making her feel all kinds of miserable that not even the brothers could make her feel. Her new set of marks on her neck caused by Ayato just before she went to bed stung ever so faintly with her sweat and though she wanted to wipe at the spot and get rid of the sweat pooling there she just couldn't force her hand to move even so much as an inch.

The moonlight made the room a little light but she could barely acknowledge that and she groaned softly as she rolled herself over by grabbing onto the sheets and mattress and looked at her clock. It was eight o'clock?! She needed to get up but she was breathing heavily just from rolling over and she felt so weak that her legs could possibly collapse underneath her and her breath came so fast her head spun softly. She heard her door being creaked open but as her loud breathes continued she feared it would be one of the brothers, which it would be, coming to take more blood from her. Blood she couldn't afford to give away right now.

"Oi, Chinchinashi you up?" Ayato's voice filled her ears and though she wanted to smile just a bit and turn to him she couldn't turn. Couldn't even muster the will to turn her lips up and she just shut her eyes hating how vulnerable she was. "Oi! You ignoring me Chinchinashi?!"

"No...I'm awake Ayato-kun." Yui whispered gently forcing the words out of her throat and the red head made a small "tch" noise and turned walking towards her and she panicked. "Please leave me be! I'll be up in a minute Ayato-kun!"

"Shut up." Ayato said dismissively as he sat next to her on the bed and she winced at the movement of the bed and she blinked when she felt Ayato's hand touch her forehead only to pull it back quickly. "That is disgusting! Why are you so sweaty Chinchinashi?"

"I..don't really..know." Yui whispered again her voice slowly dragging off as her eyelids drooped but her breath still came shallow like as hands curled lightly in little fists only to relax as she felt unable to even form a hard fist.

"I'm getting Reiji. Don't you dare move or you'll be severely punished." Ayato snapped as he stood up, his footsteps loud in Yui's ears as she laid there and her eyes slide shut feeling abruptly tired. So..tired...she just... needed a little...more...sleep...that's what she needed...

"And what is it you want me to see Ayato?" Reiji. Yui couldn't open her eyes. Not again. She heard two pairs of feet coming to her and she felt a gloved hand press to her forehead nearly making her moan out with how good it felt against her skin.

"Just look at her!" Ayato's voie sounded so incredilous that Yui felt like giggling but she didn't have the energy too.

"Her iron is low. Yui, open your eyes." He sounded cold, unforgiving and frosty per usual but it sounded more so much like ow Ayato sounded more irritated and angry. "Open your eyes right now." She fluttered her lashes slightly before slowly opening her eyes which felt like such a great and huge effort and even so Reiji seemed very blurry, like she couldn't even focus in on him for more than one second. "Yui, have you been taking your iron?"

". . . Huh?" She whispers feeling confused as her head swam and she felt one of her brows twitch in an effort to pull closer to her other one but she couldn't and she felt her eyes closing again.

"Chinchinashi this isn't funny! Grow up and get the hell out of bed!" Ayato snapped making some part of Yui recoil but as her eyes shut she couldn't care less.

"I wonder, do you think she's pretending Teddy?" Kanato now. She felt his violet eyes boring into her but she couldn't move and she felt so damn tired. Why wouldn't they let her sleep? Well, other than her being incredibly hot, she would love nothing more than to just sleep and sleep and sleep and...

"Yui!" Her body jerked a little bit as open of her eyes opened just a crack but it wasn't enough and it fell back down as she laid there mumbling gently that sounded like nothing but her breath still sounded loud to her.

"Hmm I wonder if giving Bitch-chan a bite would wake her up~?" Laito sounded playful as usual and she could bet he had that light blush coating his cheeks. "You know like in the fairy tales they give the little princess a kiss, but only in this case our little masochist needs a bite~."

"Well here's the question, why are we even worrying about her so much? She might just be sick, case closed." Shu sounded tired and bored, as she knew, probalby leaned back in her chair at her desk as his ear buds dangled from his ears.

"Hmm I think I'll stay home. Give her some iron shots during the day to make sure she is well by the time you all come home." Reiji thoughtfully said aloud as Yui imagined him stroking his chin softly and it was just enough to get some part of her to grin a bit though it didn't show physically.

"I can do it." She felt a little surprise at hearing Subaru's voice pipe in and she knew the other brothers' were probably just as surprised.

"She's a liability right now, you sure you would seriously want to take care of Chinchinashi?" Ayato doubtfully said as he obviously raised a brow and she could just see now Subaru either blushing a bit and shrugging or glaring. Or both.

"Really Subaru, I should stay here, I know how to administer the shots." Reiji coolly said as he no doubt looked at his brother but Yui was losing focus on the conversation before a soft low pained sounding moan slid from her lips grabbing everyone's attention. She all but feel the disapproval rolling off all the brothers' but suspiciously not Subaru.

"I'll stay here." Subaru said sounding firm and a little..eager? Insistant? "You all go to school, I can take care of her."

"Ha! You couldn't take care of a hamster Subaru!" Laito barked out laughing slightly as he smirked to his brother who just raised a brow eerily calm. This wasn't like Subaru.

"I can take care of her. She trusts me far more than all of you." Subaru now sounded slightly irritated and when a clock, lord knows where it could be, chimed and Reiji sighed.

"Okay. Come with me and I'll get you the vials of iron and the needle. The rest of you get to the car and wait for me there." Reiji ordered which sounded more like a bark of authority.

She didn't hear anything and just assumed the brothers were gone and she heard Reiji and Subaru walk out of the room shutting the door behind them as they left. She laid there feeling more miserable than she could ever remember being and she groaned rolling onto her back, her heart beating to fast for her liking, her muscles to weak and the feeling of spiders running over her skin made everything worse.

She felt like a prisoner in her own body as she laid there when she heard the soft footfalls of feet coming towards her room then the door opened again and only one pair of feet came towards her and she tried to stay calm but it was hard too. She panted ever so quietly as her breath hitched and came uneven, her heart beating fast and she felt like she was sweating too much and she felt like screaming for someone to cool her down before she burst into flames or even passed out. She couldn't remember a time she felt this damn sick but she felt it and she felt like there was nothing worse than this.

"Don't worry I'll help you." A soft voice said but it wasn't Subaru's voice. It was a little deeper, soothing and it got her heart beating faster but not with the sickness but with another feeling even as she wanted to run away. She felt the prick of a needle enter her inner elbow and a cool stream of the iron liquid. She felt a little better but not by much and she forced her eyes open looking up and her breath would have gotten stuck in her throat if it could have. It was a boy, or looked like a boy, who had short length black grayish hair and copper rose eyes that made her heart beat a little faster but they were beautiful. He wore a school uniform but it looked like a more defined and better version of the brothers.

"Who...?" She couldn't get the words out whne he grinned at her, his fangs lengthened as he stared down at her.

"I am Kino Sakamaki. And you, Yui Komori, will be MY bride and wife. You shall not belong to any of them and you will be with me for eternity. Must sound much better than being drained by these stupid idiots. Am I right?" He smirks at her still as she blinks groggily. "You'd only become like this more and more until you'd be too weak to even move and then they'd just suck you dry."

"How come...I never. . . met. . . you before..?" She panted out gently and she felt drained again just by speaking and she felt like desperately clawing at her skin.

"I am an illegitimate son of Karl Heinz, the bastard. I am the half brother off all the Sakamakis'." He tried to sound calm, she knew he did, but she could hear the resentment under his tone of calmness. He didn't want to be a Sakamaki any less than she wanted to be here right now. "Now, close those pretty pink eyes of yours and when you wake up you'll feel so unbelievable you'll look at the world with new eyes.

"Why are" She whispered as he slid his arms under her shoulders lifting her up and her head flopped back giving him a clear view of her pale, slender neck and the faint healing bite barks the brothers left and he growled softly.

"I am helping you because you fascinate me, Yui Komori. Now shut your eyes and just..go to sleep." He murmurs to her gently and she could've sowrn she heard some sort of form of affection in his voice but she knew the Sakamaki family felt no affection. Not for anyone or anything. She closed her eyes, she felt to tired to keep them open anyways, and she felt a sting of fangs sliding into her neck and her blood leaking out into his mouth which he gulped down until she felt her mind slowing and her heart stuttering a bit.

He was going to be the one that was going to kill her if he didn't stop! Just when she felt the urge to scream he pulled away letting her gulp in a breath but her throat felt numb, inside and out along with the rest of her, her limbs tingled like they all spontaneously fell asleep. She felt a wrist press to her lips leaking with a sort of liquid and when she opened her mouth the coppery, yet thick and heady, taste of blood slid into her mouth and she gagged once before sucking the blood down and she clung to his arm as he stroked her hair softly.

She kept gulping the blood down, feeling more and more hungry, more and more alive but in a different sense before the wrist was pulled away and she growled softly but laid back feeling abruptly tired. What had he said? Right, for her to go to sleep. She got one last look at the beautiful Kino Sakamaki, the one brother to take eve a fraction of pity on her and she fell into a deep, black, hot and restless sleep.