Quartie Ever After

Chapter 5: Paparazi

By Wilde Abrams

Author's Notes: Once again, thank you to all of the readers who are reading and reviewing this story. I can't emphasize that last part enough. Reviews - even the ones that are only a few words - are what keep a writer going! So, please take a few moments and tell me what you think! Also feel free to offer some suggestions if you're feeling so inclined.

DISCLAIMER: This chapter and the ones after it contain discussion about the specifics of adult sexual relationship. While it is not in any way considered 'smut' such discussion may make some readers uncomfortable, so be prepared for that.

Like all of my work, the thrust of the story is the emotional relationships, but I can not properly tell this story without delving into some of the specifics.

I hope you like the new chapter and let me know if I should continue by posting a review!

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Quinn and Artie returned from the doctor's office just after noon, and upon checking their voicemails, each had urgent messages.

"Franny's going to come visit us on Monday," Quinn squealed in joy. "I hope you don't mind but I told her she could stay with us, since it's just going to be her."

"Yeah," he responded, clearly distracted, "That's fine."

"What's wrong?" Quinn asked, picking up on the fact that something was definitely up.

"I just got a voicemail from Antonio," Artie answered.

Quinn got an 'Oh, God' look on her face.

"Beatrix McClane is out," he said flatly. "She balked at the role when she saw the full script for the sex scene, and the studio executives didn't like her screen test."

Quinn sat down on his lap and gave him a sad, concerned look. "What...what does that mean?"

"It means," he told her, "that we are back to square one. Next week we are supposed to be working on wardrobe, makeup and other pre production details with the cast, begin rehearsals the following week, and begin Principal Photography the week after that. Every day that we don't have a person to play Donna is going to cost the studio money. Antonio isn't happy!"

"And?" She asked, sensing that there was more.

"And," Artie told her, "Antonio wants me to approach you again. He's given me until Monday afternoon to convince you to take the role."

# # # # #

Quinn and Artie spent most of the afternoon going through videos and and resumes looking for someone, anyone who might be interested in playing Donna with no real luck. They only found a couple remote possibilities and jotted them down.

Around 3:30 they had to give up for the day in order to get ready for the Directors Guild Awards ceremony. Quinn left to get her hair done by a local hair salon, and Artie used her absence to take a shower and get dressed in his tuxedo. Quinn returned an hour later with her new hairstyle. Her hair was short and up just above her shoulders. She went into her bedroom and changed into her shimmering blue dress, high heels, and highlighted it all with tasteful makeup and jewelry.

"Wow," Artie said when he saw her, "You look gorgeous, Quinn."

"You don't look so bad yourself," she told him, her hazel eyes shimmering as she bent over and straightened his tie, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek.

She pulled out her mirror to check her makeup quickly before they heard a knock on the door. The limo driver was there. Artie took Quinn's hand and they went out to the limo for the ride to the event.

# # # # #

The limo ride was relatively quiet as they rode the forty minutes to the award ceremony venue. When it was their turn, the limo pulled up before the red carpet. An aid open the rear door of the limo and produced Artie's collapsed wheelchair. He expanded it and positioned it so Artie could exit the limo and transfer to the waiting chair. The aid and Quinn helped him as necessary and the whole thing worked relatively smoothly. This wasn't Artie's first Red Carpet event.

Once he was situated, Artie took Quinn's hand and the two of them took their turn before the cameras, smiling and briefly holding hands since she couldn't exactly take his arm without bending over.

After the photographers had taken their pictures, Artie lead Quinn into the auditorium.

# # # # #

The event itself was actually rather long and boring, as these things tended to be. Several presenters talked, and musical groups performed, before the awards presentation itself began.

The presenter began to read the names nominated for Best Up And Coming Director. This was the award that Artie was nominated for, but he was convinced that there was no way that he had a chance. "There are a lot of talented people nominated this year," he'd told her.

When Artie's name was listed Quinn lay her head down on his shoulder, and whispered "I'm so proud of you!"

On stage, the presenter open the envelope and read, "And the winner is…Arthur Abrams!"

Suddenly the cameras were on them. Quinn jerked her head back up, screamed with glee, and quickly gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Artie was stunned and didn't start to react until Quinn nudged him with her elbow and he began wheeling toward the stage.

He rolled up to the stage and gave his speech, thanking the appropriate people, and returned to his seat with the mini statue he'd won. Once again Quinn hugged him, and they settled in to watch the presentation of the other awards throughout the remainder of the ceremony.

The rest of the night passed in a blur as Artie sat there with this enormous geeky grin on his face, still not believing that he'd won. Quinn sat next to him, and looped her arm in his for the rest of the ceremony.

After the ceremony itself, Artie sat and took the expected questions from the reporters, Quinn at his side until finally returning to the limousine for the ride back to their apartment.

They were so tired from the long day that they didn't notice the photographer snapping photos from some nearby bushes.

# # # # #

The following morning Quinn and Artie were snuggled up in bed after another round of attempted baby making - and a little celebrating Artie's award - when they were awoken by a phone call. Quin's phone was ringing and and she lazily reached for it on the nightstand. In addition to the incoming phone call, she could see that she'd missed a whole bunch of text messages.

She tapped answer and, hazily answered, "Hey Santana, what's up?"

"So it sounds like you and Wheels had a good time at the DGA awards ceremony last night," her friend said with a bemused tone.

"Yeah," Quinn answered, not picking up on the tone in her friend's voice, "Artie won the award for Best Up And Coming Director, isn't it great!"

"Yeah," Santana said, sensing that Quinn hadn't picked up on what she was getting at. "You haven't read today's TMZ yet have you?"

"You know I don't read that trash!" Quinn told her, yawning. "You shouldn't either, after the way they tried to ruin Mercedes' engagement a few years back with their articles insinuating that there was still something between Sam and her. Besides, we haven't even gotten out of bed yet."

"Q," Santana said, with concern in her voice, "You really need to read today's issue."

She'd inadvertently given Santana an opportunity to let out a real zinger with her comment about still being in bed with Artie, and she hadn't taken it. That got her attention, and suddenly she was fully awake. She tapped the speakerphone icon, dropped the phone onto the bed between Artie and herself, sat up and reached for the iPad that Artie left on his bedside table. Artie, picking up that something was up, sat up and looked over her shoulder as she pulled up the TMZ website.

They were greeted by the headline: 'Best Up And Coming Director Getting A Little Cozy With Starlet' along with a giant picture of Quinn laying her head on Artie's shoulder moments before his award was announced.

"Crap!" Quinn said.

Below that was the sub headline reading: "Is struggling actress Quinn Fabray desperate enough to sleep her way to the top?"

"What?!" Artie exclaimed. "That's ridiculous!"

The full page article went on to insinuate that Quinn was using her relationship with Artie to gain a role in one of his films, and featured several pictures of the two of them taken the night before, including close ups of the two of them holding hands, she giving him a kiss on the cheek, and the two of them entering their apartment the night before after bringing dropped off.

"That was all taken out of context and completely innocent," Quinn exclaimed

"If you say so," Santana replied, bemused.

"It is!" Artie added.

"I know it is," Santana responded, seriously, "I just couldn't resist going for the reaction. I'm sorry.

"Oh my God," Quinn said.

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news," Santana said, "but I wanted to make sure that you saw it so you could address it."

"Thank you Santana," Artie said. "We appreciate the heads up."

Santana hung up and Quinn turned to Artie, with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh my God, Artie," she said. "I'm so sorry!"

"For what?" He wanted to know.

"For ruining your award!" She answered, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

"You didn't ruin anything," he told her, softly.

"Yes I did," she responded. "You should have been able to remember last night as one or the greatest nights of your life. Now you're going to have to remember this!" She pointed at the picture on the iPad, bitterly.

"It WAS one of the best nights of my life," Artie said sweetly. "I won a really nice award, and I got to share the experience with my best friend." He reached over and dried her tears with his fingers.

"You're so sweet," she told him. "I've always been kind of touchy feely with the people I care about. People who don't know me that well sometimes get the wrong idea. I should have been more cautious about my body language. I was just so proud of you... I don't deserve you."

"That's ridiculous," Artie said. "Of course you do! Look, this is just one article. We've been in the tabloids before. It's always blown over in the past." He paused for a moment, looking her in the eye, before adding, "I'm more concerned about their character assassination of you!"

"It's my own fault," she told him. "I'll just have to deal with the consequences."

He learned in and gave her a hug, telling her, "it's no one's fault."

The two of them turned to Google to determine how much damage the article had done. Hopefully not much.

But they soon realized that it wasn't just one article. When Quinn and Artie began searching the internet, they found a half a dozen other tabloids, and gossip sites running similar articles and pictures. They were shocked. They had been the target of tabloid gossip before, but it was always isolated articles that read a little too much into the fact that they always attended these events together or whatever, but they always faded away in a day or two. This was the most elaborate article ever written about them, flat out stated some very unsavory things, and they could tell that this wasn't just going to go away.

Over the next hour or two, they each got a multitude of messages and phone calls from their friends and family members wondered what was up, as well as their respective agents wondering what to tell the press when asked.

Just when they thought that it couldn't get any worse, Antonio called, summoning the two of them to a meeting with the studio execs.

# # # # #

At 2:00 PM that afternoon Quinn and Artie arrived on the lot for their meeting. Antonio stood as they entered the room. He shook each of their hands. He presented Steve Winkler from the studio who also shook their hands. Linda, the Casting Director was also present.

"I assume you know why we are all here?" Antonio began.

"I don't know why you bothered to invite me," Quinn told them. "There's no way I am taking this role. As I told you before, I don't do nudity or simulated sex, and-"

"-I'm afraid you don't understand," Steve interjected, "We can't cast you now, even if you were willing."

Both Artie and Quinn gave each other confused looks.

"Really," Artie asked, "why?"

In response Antonio produced a paper copy of the morning's TMZ. "This is why," he told them. "If we cast you in this movie, it would cast a negative shadow over the whole production, and that could cost us money down the line."

"That's all you care about," Quinn asked, incredulously, "money?"

"Of course!" Antonio yelled, "You're intelligent. You've been in Hollywood for a long time Ms. Fabray. You should know by now that the purpose of all of this," he gestured all around them, "is to make money!"

"If you don't want me for the role," Quinn asked, "then what am I doing here?"

"The purpose of this meeting," Steve answered, "is to figure out how to spin this," he gestured to the paper, "to minimize the damage to the film."

"And Artie's and my reputations?" Quinn asked.

"Mr. Abrams's definitely," Antonio said. "Not so concerned about yours."

"So you don't care that the tabloids paint me as a whore!" Quinn exclaimed, "as long as it doesn't hurt your precious movie?"

"If the shoe fits!" Antonio responded.

"How dare you!" Quinn yelled.

Suddenly Antonio and Quinn were on their feet, and Artie would have been too, if he weren't confined to a wheelchair. All three of them were shouting.

"ENOUGH!" Steve exclaimed. "Sit down. Both of you!"

Everyone slowly sat down and calmed down.

"There," Steve said, "thank you. What we need is some sort of explanation about what happened last night."

"It's really not that complicated," Quinn told him. "Artie and I have been friends and roommates for a long time. A few years back we just decided that it was mutually beneficial to attend these Hollywood events together since we tended to attend the same ones and live together-"

"-You live together?" Antonio exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because it's really none of your business," Artie told him.

"Anyway," Quinn added, "we always attend these together. It has nothing to do with this film. We enjoy it and it's convenient. He's one of my closest friends, and sometimes I get a little carried away when I show affection. My head was on his shoulder because I'd just whispered how proud of him I was over his nomination. The cameras just caught us at the most inopportune time. The other pictures were just taken out of context.

"Now," Quinn said, locking eyes with Antonio, "I'm only going to say this once so listen closely. I have never, nor would I ever, sleep with anyone for a role. Artie and I are just friends, close friends to be sure, and I have worked with him several times over the years. I have never known him to be anything but a consummate professional when directing. I've seen more than one actress try to throw themselves at him, but they have never gotten anything in exchange for it."

"So," Artie chimed in, "if you're done assassinating our characters, can we go now?"

"I think," Steve answered for Antonio, "that we've got enough information here to draft a statement on this. We'll send a copy to Mr. Abrams within the hour, and if it's acceptable we will have it released by our PR Department."

"Thank you," Artie said.

The two of them turned and left.

# # # # #

Artie and Quinn were walking in silence, taking their time getting to their car when Linda, the Casting Director approached them. Linda had been surprisingly silent during the meeting.

"Excuse me," Linda said softly as she approached them.

Quinn and Artie slowed down allowing the tall, long legged, African American woman to catch up with them.

"What is it that you need, Linda?" Artie asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Actually," Linda responded, "I was wondering if I could talk to Miss Fabray about something?"

Artie and Quinn stopped and gave each other a confused look. "Sure," Quinn said, not looking away from Artie.

"I just wanted to say how much I admire you standing up for your principles like that," she told them.

Quinn and Artie turned to face her. "In my line of work I've seen plenty of actors and actresses willing to do anything for a role. Even though it's making my job a lot harder, I just wanted to say that it's very refreshing to meet someone who is willing to stick to their principles, even under pressure."

"Wow," Quinn responded. That was the last thing she'd expected to hear. "Um, thanks."

"Unfortunately Antonio does not agree with you on that," Artie told her.

"Antonio is an ass!" Linda responded. "You should know that but now."

"I didn't," Artie responded, "until this mess!"

"Anyway," Linda responded. "I have to get back to the office and keep searching for an actress to play Donna, but I just wanted to let you know that I support you, and if I ever work on any projects that are right for you, I'll let you know."

"Thanks," Artie and Quinn said together, and watched as Linda headed back to the office.

# # # # #

Artie and Quinn had just gotten back to their apartment when Quinn got a phone call from Mercedes inviting them over for dinner, an invitation that they happily accepted. It had been a long, eventful day, and both of them liked the idea of relaxing evening with their friend. Mercedes' husband Michael was out of town, so it would be just the three of them.

Steve had keep his word and emailed Artie a copy of the statement regarding the TMZ article. It was short and to the point. Both Artie and Quinn had approved of the wording and Artie had messaged them back to go ahead.

# # # # #

Around 4:30 Quinn and Artie arrived at Mercedes' door and were greeted with hugs. Mercedes also made sure to congratulate Artie on his award.

Over the past fifteen years Mercedes' career had really taken off. After struggling with two different agents and record labels, she'd finally found one that supported her vision. Shortly afterward she'd been hired to be Beyonce's opening act for her 2015 World Tour, and been contracted to do her third album and the rest was history. She'd married her husband Michael a few months before her thirtieth birthday and currently resided in a home that reminded Quinn more of the home she'd grown up in than the middle class home she'd known when she'd briefly lived with Mercedes' family during the final few weeks of her pregnancy. Mercedes had a chauffeur, maid, cook, and even a butler, but tried to keep herself grounded by continuing to do some mundane things like answer her own door when possible.

She lead them into the living room and gestured for Quinn to have a seat. Artie parked his wheelchair next to the couch where Quinn had chosen to sit and smoothly transferred himself out of it next to Quinn. She'd offered each of them a glass of wine, which they had accepted.

"So it sounds like the two of you had an interesting day," Mercedes started after everyone had taken a sip.

"That's one way to put it," Artie began. "We've been lucky so far that we haven't attracted too much attraction from the tabloids. I suppose we were due. How do you deal with it?"

"Well, now I have a publicist, and I'm proactive with letting the public know what's going on. I've also had to be more guarded about what I say and do in public. My staff have also all signed non disclosure agreements.

"But as you may recall, it hasn't always been this way. Before I opened for Beyoncé no one much cared about who I was or what I was doing. But that changed overnight when I was opening for a headliner.

"Suddenly the paparazzi were following me around, snooping into everything, asking questions. At first I was pretty open about things. But before long they began prying into my personal life. Suddenly I was apparently dating every guy or girl I was seen being alone with. They got the wrong idea about Sam giving me a hug one time and insisted that he was my secret boyfriend. One even went snooping around Lima and interviewed my ex boyfriend Shane and shamed me for cheating on him with Sam."

"That's terrible, Mercedes," Quinn said. She could only imagine what it would be like if someone began snooping into the details of her life from her days at McKinley. She had done a lot of terrible and embarrassing things back then.

"When I got engaged to Michael," Mercedes continued, "but still talked to Sam and others they started an online poll as to how long it would be before I cheated on him too. Finally the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, was when TMZ posted an article flat out stating that I had cheated on Michael with Sam, citing an unnamed former employee of mine as a source. Michael was not amused."

"I can imagine not," Artie said.

"That was when I finally got a lawyer, and had to sue their butts off!" She told them. "I've gotten to the point where I am proactive with things and watch what I do and say in public now, so I'm not as interesting as I was before. Most of the stuff they say now is minor and can be safely ignored, and I try to do just that. But if someone crosses a line, my lawyers seed out a letter and they almost always back off or recant their allegations. Just the threat of a lawsuit is usually enough."

"That's great, Mercedes," Artie said. "But do you have any specific advice for us?"

"Well," Mercedes said, "I doubt you actually need a lawyer. But you really do need to think about how the things you say and do are perceived. You also can't just ignore the TMZ article."

"We aren't," Quinn said. "We had a meeting with Artie's producer and a guy from the studio this afternoon."

"Here's a copy of the statement that the studio PR department is releasing," Artie added, handing her his phone.

Mercedes took it from his hand and read it.

"This is good," She said, handing it back to him. "But unless you want to be spending all of your time reacting to stuff like this, you need to get proactive. The fallout from last night could have been avoided."

"How?" Artie wanted to know.

"Well the biggest thing," Mercedes answered, "is you need to pay attention to how you are perceived. I know you guys keep insisting that you're just friends, but you really need to watch your body language. If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were dating." She gestured to the fact that they were absently holding hands. "People get the wrong idea about that kind of thing. You really need to watch that in public." Suddenly they broke hands. "The two of you came off as being very affectionate last night. Laying your head on his shoulder, kissing his cheek, holding hands. Just the look you give each other. All of those sent a message that you don't want to be sending.

"Have you figured out what you're going to tell the press when you get pregnant?" Mercedes asked. "You ARE still trying to have a kid, right?"

"Yes," Quinn said bitterly, "but at this rate it may not become an issue anytime soon."

"We've been having problems conceiving," Artie explained.

"Well," Mercedes answered, "I'm sorry to hear that. But you really need to have a plan for how you're going to address it when it finally does happen. People are a lot more liberal now than when we were in high school, but it's definitely going to become an issue with some people. The public will judge you by how you react."

"Did you have any suggestions?" Quinn asked.

"Yes," Mercedes said, pausing before continuing, "but you aren't going to want to do it."

"What's that?" Artie added.

"Announce that you're officially together," she answered. "That would defuse the whole thing."

"Except that we aren't!" Quinn responded. "We've been through this."

"I know we have," Mercedes answered. "But the fact is you guys act like you're more than friend a lot, and people are starting to catch on. Having a child with someone you aren't married to, or at least dating, just isn't something that many people do in our society unless they are being a surrogate-"

"-But," Quinn interrupted.

Mercedes held up her hand to silence her friend.

"You asked me my opinion," she told them, "and I'm giving it to you. I love you guys, and will support you no matter what you decide. As you said, you don't need to make a decision yet. Just think about it, okay?"

Quinn and Artie turned their heads as if silently asking the other what they thought.

"Okay," Quinn said.

"We'll think about it," Artie added.

"Good," Mercedes responded.

Just then the cook arrived and told them that dinner was ready. The three of them moved into the dining room for their meal. Their dinner conversation was much lighter, and consisted mostly about Mercedes latest album, and her husband Michael who was off touring. They also discussed Artie's award and the film he was working on, but avoided the topic of the character of Donna, and the recent drama associated with it.

By about 9 PM, Quinn and Artie excused themselves for the evening. They had to get up early to pick up Quinn's sister Franny at the airport as she was flying in the next day.

After more hugs at the door, Quinn and Artie drove home in relative silence, each reflecting on the exhausting day. They both were asleep shortly after their heads hit the pillow.

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Author's Endnote: So what does everyone think? Please let me know weather you like what you're reading and weather you think it should continue by leaving me a review. It keeps me motivated, and the more motivated I am, the faster I am able to get a story updated. Thanks!