Everytime by C.S EVE

Mai was staring at the S.P.R main door waiting for a client to arrive for the day. It was already 9:00 am and the client that promise to arrive by 8:00am hasn't shown up yet. It was a Saturday, she was apparently starting to feel sleepy. This time, she wasn't sleepy because of the future case, she was sleepy because she couldn't get enough sleep lately. Every morning when she would wake up she would feel a heavy object on her body as if she was being pressed down. Mai slumped down, she placed her chests and her arms on the desk. For a while, Lin went out and saw Mai sleeping on the desk. He gave out a sigh then muttered to himself. "Taniyama-san will be scolded again". He went into Naru's office silently not waking the young brunette.

Yasuhara entered the office with a yawn and closed the door silently. "Mai?" He asked as he walked to the desk. He gave her pokes on the head and tried to wake her up. Suddenly he thought of an evil idea. Yasuhara knew that Mai was a heavy sleeper and he knew that Bou-san was already on his way to the SPR office. He made sure that Mai was still sleeping. Yasuhara was staring at Mai who was sleeping and didn't even notice Naru leave his office and was standing right beside him. He went to Yasuhara's back and stood crossing his arms looking at him.

"I didn't pay you to stare at your co-worker, Yasuhara-san" Naru gave that smirk and then turned his attention to Mai who was starting to shake over her nightmares.

"Mai-san must be having dreams, boss" Yasuhara said as he walked over to Mai.

Naru ignored the sleeping brunette but felt the need of her tea. "Mai, Te—"

"Why don't you make your own tea you bastard" Mai said in her dreams.

The raven haired boy was quite surprised, that even in her dreams he was still a tea commander. He then placed the folder down on her table and then whispered to her. "Wake up or else I won't go to you graduation ceremony tomorrow"

Naru pulled himself up and Mai suddenly woke up. Yasuhara gave out a chuckle and clapped his hands together. "Shibuya-san that was superb!" he said. Mai sat up wobbling. She got dizzy from sleeping in a very uncomfortable position. Naru grinned and looked at her. "You have work to do, but first, get me my tea" Naru went to his office and slammed his door shut.

"Geez, he doesn't have to be cranky!" Mai tried to control herself. She stood up and entered the tiny kitchenette. "Mai-chan, let me help you." Yasuhara said as he followed her. Yasuhara prepared the water while Mai prepared the teapot. She sat down on the chair, placed her elbow on the table and her hand on her chin. "Where the hell is that client?" Mai said impatiently.

"Why are you so excited about meeting the client today Mai?" Yasuhara asked, he was about to sit down but then heard the door open.

"excuse me? Is anyone here?" a voice asked from the entrance. Mai then smiled and hurriedly greeted the young man who was inside the office.

"Hi! I'm Mai Taniyama, you must be from Hiro Private University?" Mai looked at the young man with black hair and green eyes. He was tall about 5'9 and has a very well-toned body. The young man smiled back and nodded. "My name is Shiro Toshio"

"Toshio-san, please have a seat. Our boss will talk to you shortly" Mai had the young man follow her to the couch. She then went back to the kitchenette to prepare the tea.

"would you like iced or hot tea, Toshio-san?" Mai asked as she was about to take the ice from the freezer. The young man simply replied. "I'd like it hot" Mai then returned the ice back to the freezer and went out with a cup of tea for the guest.

Mai glanced at the CEO's door and then started to walk to it. The moment that she was about to knock, Naru opened the door.

"Well, you caught me, we have a client" Mai smiled but he returned just a cold stare again. Mai stepped at the side and had Lin and Naru went out of the CEO's office. She eventually walked back to the kitchenette and talked with Yasuhara for a while.

"You must be Shibuya-san?" Toshio stood up as he was about to shake hands with Lin.

Mai gave a small laugh at the side. "Yasu, you have to pay up, we had a deal for this" Mai whispered to the 4-eyes teenager. Yasuhara admitted defeat and pulled out his wallet and placed the 10% of his allowance on the table. "This is the 4th time Mai" He mumbled.

Naru coughed then looked at the client with his passive look. "I'm sorry, but I'm Kazuya Shibuya". The young man was deeply embarrassed and scratched his head. "My apologies, I didn't expect that the CEO here would be a young man that's about my age" Toshio reached out his hand to shake hands with the CEO and Naru shook his hands.

"Please have a seat, this is Lin, and he will be taking down notes in case we'll accept your case." Toshio, Naru, and Lin sat down and discussed the matter.

"My name is Shiro Toshio, I'm currently the dorm leader of Hiro Private University. The university is already aware of what is currently happening in the dormitory that is why we we're given permission to invite the Shibuya Psychic Research to investigate our case."Shiro then pulled out some folders in his case. "This might be useful, I already asked some of the victims about the cases they have experienced"

Toshio gave the folder to Naru. Naru opened the folder and looked through the files and pictures they were able to gather as evidence. Naru sipped his tea once in a while.

"Tanaka Ryuu, he is the quarter back of our football team and also the vice-president of the dorm. Every day around 3:00am he would wake up for his training. However, one morning when he was about to leave the dormitory he heard an echo. He wasn't able to record it but one of my members did, unfortunately, I didn't bring it." Shiro paused for a while, Naru looked at a certain photo. Shiro looked at Naru who was so intrigued with the photo. "Shibuya-san?" Shiro asked

"Ah, I'm sorry, but can you tell me what this photo is?" Naru said as he placed the photo on the table. "That photo is just an artifact that is currently inside our dorm. We took a photo of it in case it would make any sense of the paranormal activities in the Dorm"

Naru leaned against the seat and finished reading the folder. "I've read most of your cases. However, there is that one particular reason why I am very much discourage in taking this case"

"Why would you be discourage, shibuya-san?" Toshio asked. "The media? Don't worry, I asked my father about that matter—"he then whispered. "Your secret is safe"

Naru gave out a sigh and it seems like he didn't have any choice at all. "Please prepare two bedrooms and one room for our main base"

"I'm sorry Shibuya-san, but we only have two available rooms for a moment" Toshio bowed down. "But please still take this case. We badly need your team" He said. Naru just agreed and had the contract sign to Toshio.

"We will see you next week, Monday. Classes will already over then I presume?" Naru was given the contract of disclosure. "Yes, but some of my dorm mates will still stay in the dormitory." Toshio placed his stuff in his case and asked. "Will Taniyama-san go as well?" Naru froze for a while then opened his office and turned slightly around to him. "Why don't you ask her" he said with a smirk and entered his office closing the door.

"Did it go well?" Mai asked the young man. "Yes, Thanks for the tea by the way, it was delicious" Mai blushed slightly then smiled. "Thank you, we'll see you next week then" Mai led the young man to the exit and bid goodbye.

Mai had to stay late in the office since Lin asked her a favor. Mai took this as an opportunity to finally be friends with Lin even if it was just a small step. She re-read the files about the upcoming case.

"Theories about Hiro Private University by the students—the previous senior batch tried to talk to their old friend from the dead using the Ouija board. Apparently the Ouija board used is still inside the dormitory. Professor Aiko comes back to Haunt the new members of the dormitory.- Aya Mizuno, female, she disguised herself as a male student of Hiro Private University and now confined in the hospital." Mai paused from reading and shook her head. She suddenly felt sleepy again. However, this time Naru was able to come out of his room the moment he heard a thud outside. He came out and saw his assistant on the floor. She was just unconscious. Naru pick her up, he knew that Mai wasn't that heavy that he'd use his PK for her. He opened he lightly kicked his office door and placed Mai on his personal couch inside his office. He held his shoulders and stretched for a bit. He hasn't been doing his heavy lifting lately. He checked her temperature and went to the kitchenette. Mai was panting lightly in her sleep.

'Gene, what do I do, I'm not cut off with this stuff' Naru said in his mind as if his twin brother was listening. 'Idiot, what you're doing is already perfect'. Well, he was listening after all.

Naru finished the tea and carried it to his office and placed the tea down on the coffee table near the furniture. He watched over Mai who was uncomfortable in her sleep. He sat on space of the couch and gazed on Mai. He prepared the tea in case Mai would wake up in her sleep and covered her with a black blanket.

It was already 2'oclock am and the young CEO was in front of his computer checking the history of Hiro Private University. He slightly leaned against his chair and placed pinched his nose bridge. Naru looked over at the tea he prepared and noticed it got cold. He went out and to reheat the tea. Mai shifted to the other side of the couch. When she heard the door closed, she slowly woke up. Mai stretched her arms and tried to look for her phone.

'Ara, Where is my phone' Mai said to herself. And tried to reach for her alarm clock. 'Ara, Where is my alarm clock' Mai slowly took notice of the sudden disappearance of her stuff, or that's what she thinks. 'Where are my clothes!?' Mai suddenly realized she was wearing a black polo top and her underwear. She sat up panicking and realized she was in her boss' office. She covered her face and tried to stop blushing. 'What the hell happened' Mai started to calm down and think. She covered herself with the blanket and tried to walk. She slowly reached the door and opened it.

Naru sighed and though oh, boy, she's awake. He sat down the chair of the kitchenette hoping that Mai would see him there. Mai walked to the kitchenette covered with the black blanket hiding her blushing face. She was a bit angry at first but she smelt the scent of jasmine tea she calm down and walked slowly to the raven haired boy.

"Naru. Did you make tea?" Mai asked. "Can't a man make tea for himself" Naru replied but Mai noticed the two tea cups on the table. She continued to hide her face. She felt butterflies in her tummy.

"May I?" Mai said as she referred to the chair. Naru nodded and poured the other tea cup with tea. "Did you bring me inside? Because the last thing I remembered was reading the new case files" Mai looked at the tea and took a small sip. Naru glanced at her and said "You were kissing the floor—sleeping. Tell me, you said you love me but then again you're kissing the floor. How can you compare these soft lips to the hard floor." Naru pointed at his lips and then grinned. Mai looked at bit pissed off. "I wasn't able to sleep well lately okay?" Mai finally admitted defeat.

"I could feel someone pushing me back as if I'm experiencing sleep paralysis" Naru took the last sip of his tea. "Anyway, where are my clothes?" Mai asked shyly. "Don't worry, There was nothing to be seen from you anyway" Naru pointed at the hanged uniform near the CEO door. Mai dropped her head on the table. How embarrassing she thought as she blushed. She sat up again and cupped her own cheeks.

"Damn it Naru" She mumbled to herself.

"What?" Naru heard her and Mai then stuck out his tongue as he was entered his office.

Next Chapter: Graduation Day!

I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't have any cliffy. I hope you'd review, fave or follow this story. I'll update maximum would be a week.