Fight scenes are hard.

Yang scanned the various buildings as they walked through the courtyard of Haven Academy. Large towers, thick cables connecting the towers, wooden buildings with flat roofs, gardens, and topiary weaving between all of the buildings. Really pretty, all things considered, looked like a more relaxing place to learn than Beacon.

And an even easier place for a bird to hide.

She quickened her pace, catching up to Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, and Qrow. They reached the entrance hall, Qrow holding the door open for them as they entered. It was quiet, the colors drab greens and browns, large pillars flanking them. Okay, so, maybe not as relaxing as Beacon if those were the interior colors. A staircase sat on the other side of the room, held up by a statue of a woman dressed in chains. She looked at the walls as they walked, narrowing her eyes at all the different doors, paths to classrooms and hallways no doubt.

She looked back at the stairs, noticing a man standing at the top, his right arm bandaged. He looked them over, frowning a bit before clearing his throat.

"I thought I said you only needed to bring yourself and Ruby, Qrow," the man said. Qrow shrugged, resting his hands in his pockets.

"I mean, I know this shit's gonna be boring, but figured it'd be for the best to have them all here. Might be able to help offer ideas to the Council." He looked around and then back at the man. "Speaking of, where are they, Leo?"

Yang looked away from the man, looking over the railings.

"T-they're just past this door, follow me, and-"

A caw rang out, Yang's head snapping over to the sound. A large, red eyed raven was perched on the railing, staring down at them. It spread its wings, cawing loudly. Ember Celica shifted into place, Qrow drawing his scythe as the raven leapt, gliding down.

Yang stepped to the front of the group, her nails digging into her glove, her fist trembling as Raven landed.

The bird began to grow, bowing its head, its body contorting, the flesh breaking, Raven's black and red clothes ripping through, her body obscured by her feathered cloak. Raven stood, throwing her wings back, her cloak fluttering as her wings formed into arms, her beak morphing into her thin lips and nose.

"Hello, Yang."

"Why are you here? Why did you tell me to come with Ruby?" Raven did not respond, looking over her shoulder, up at Leo.

"Give me the key to the Vault and get out of here, Lionheart. You've played your part."


"Don't make me repeat myself." Lionheart reached into his coat, pulling out a worn and scratched up pocket watch. He tossed it down with a grunt, Raven catching it nimbly and turning back toward Yang. Lionheart ran down the stairs, giving their group a wide berth as he left the hall. Raven pocketed the watch, resting her hand on the hilt of her odachi as she looked back at Yang. "I see you listened to me for once."

Yang snarled, stepping up to her mother, staring up at her. Raven kept her hand on her sword.

"Why. Are. You. Here." She growled. Raven said nothing, her eyes darting from Yang to the group behind her.

"Raven." Yang looked back at Ruby's voice. Ruby stepped forward, sidestepping Qrow. She opened and closed her hand as she approached, stopping a little bit behind Yang. "Qrow told me the truth. About why you hate me." Yang looked over at Raven, a look of surprise in her red eyes, her lips parting somewhat.


"And I wanted to tell you," Ruby paused, looking at Yang, and closing her mouth. She took a breath, squaring her shoulders as she stared Raven down. "You're wrong. About me. About my parents. And if you really loved my mom, you'll help us."

Raven smirked and chuckled, shaking her head.

"I'm doing all of this, because I love her." She lifted her hand from her sword, staring Ruby down. Ruby swallowed but didn't flinch under the cold gaze. "You look a lot like her." Yang narrowed her eyes, stepping in front of her sister as Raven placed a finger over her ear. "They're here."

The doors around them swung open. Yang's scowl deepened; Cinder strolling onto the stairs from the door on the second floor, a brief look of confusion in her eye before smirking down at them.

"Hello again," she said, her voice a harsh rasp.

Emerald, Mercury, and Vernal entered from the doors on the sides. The door to the entrance swung open, and she spun around. A giant of a woman, wearing a dark olive coat lumbered in before shutting the doors behind her.

"The White Fang will be here soon. Let's make this quick and leave before they blow this place apart." The woman said. She began to approach them, rolling up the sleeves of her jacket, her arms muscular. Yang turned back toward Raven, sneering. Raven's face was expressionless.

"You set us up."

"Now, now, little bird. Don't sound so surprised." Yang looked away from her mother. Cinder was descending the stairs, holding up her hand, her left sleeve empty. "I was content to just bring her here and get the Relic. She wanted to bring your sister and uncle into this." Her glass heels clinked against the wood as she reached the bottom. She smiled at Yang, resting a hand on her hip. "Said she wouldn't come with us, until Ruby was dead." Fire sprang from Cinder's eyes. Yang snarled, her aura arm forming. "And how could I turn her down, when I need to pay your sister back for what she did to me."

Laughter erupted behind them, Cinder frowning, the fire dying as she looked away. Yang looked back at their group, the laughter growing shriller.

Pyrrha was staring at Cinder, unblinking as she laughed.

"P-Pyrrha?" Nora's voice was quiet.

Pyrrha stopped laughing, a smile stretching across her face as she drew her spear. The dual blades sprang out, Pyrrha twirling it and taking her stance, the tip aimed at Cinder.

"I've been waiting. Waiting so long to get to see you again." Pyrrha's smile didn't waver as a laugh escaped her lips, tears beginning to drip down. "I've been training, Cinder. I'm going to take your destiny away from you." Pyrrha began to laugh, the tears flowing. "I'm going to kill you!"

Cinder chortled, looking back at Ruby.

Yang gasped, Cinder a blur. She spun around, hearing Ruby cry out, metal and stone grating against each other. Pyrrha stood between Ruby and Cinder, a flaming obsidian blade shoved against the staff of her spear.

"I said-"

"-I'm going to fucking kill you!"

She shoved forward, Cinder staggering back. Pyrrha jabbed with a snarl, Cinder smirking, dodging, moving past her, toward Ruby. Pyrrha swung her spear, holding back the stab as Yang leapt toward Cinder with a yell. Cinder spun, her heels slamming into Yang's side, hurling her away.

Ruby leapt back, Crescent Rose unfurling and she swung it forward, firing a shot, launching herself further back. She landed, and twirled her scythe, taking her stance, glaring at Cinder.

Cinder's smile fell, and she looked between Ruby and Pyrrha. "I was hoping to make this quick, Ruby. I planned on ripping your heart out of your chest." The obsidian blade changed in her hand, taking the form of a double-sided scimitar. "But it seems like your friend wants to make this painful for all of us."

"My name is Pyrrha!"

She charged with a roar, feeling her spear shift as she hurled it, the top half splitting apart, one of her swords launching toward Cinder. Cinder knocked the incoming blade aside, her wrist limp as she swung. Pyrrha snarled, swinging at Cinder with her sword, specks of stone flying out as white steel met black obsidian. She snarled, pulling her blade free and swinging again, latching onto her discarded sword with her semblance, Ruby rushing at Cinder's back, leaping into the air and firing a shot before twirling, swinging her scythe as she fell with the momentum.

Pyrrha yanked her blade aside, tugging Cinder's down as she pulled her blade free, swinging at her head with a yell, her other sword blade slashing up toward her chest. Cinder snarled, blocking with her blade before gasping, leaping aside, Ruby's scythe crashing into the floor, bits of stone flying up.

Pyrrha snatched her other sword from the air, running toward Cinder, Ruby at her side. Cinder scowled, her blade dissipating as they swung at her. She ducked around their swings and slashes, her body a blur. Ruby shoved past Pyrrha, swinging her scythe, Cinder's back bending low as she ducked under the blade, a leg raised. Cinder smirked.

Her leg shot up, Ruby yelling as Cinder kicked her into the air, Cinder backflipping with the moment and landing, her heels clinking against the floor. She spun, her foot slamming into Ruby as she fell and hurling her into a nearby wall. Ruby slid down, groaning in pain.

Pyrrha lunged, and Cinder spun around, catching her blades with her arm, a layer of aura shimmer over it. Cinder smirked at her, pulling back, dodging another swing. Pyrrha rushed her, swinging and slashing, Cinder blocking her swords, aura shimmering down the lengths of her hand and arm. Pyrrha snarled, swinging her swords together, Cinder catching them with her arm, a field of aura pushing back. Cinder shoved her arm aside, and Pyrrha felt the wind get thrown from her as Cinder's fist slammed into her chest, hurling her back. She grunted as she slammed against the floor, skidding a bit, her swords clanking down near her. She grabbed at her chest, struggling to catch her breath as she looked up.

Ruby had gotten up, her scythe embedded in the ground as she took aim down the scope. Cinder was smirking at Pyrrha, a cruel pleasure in her orange eyes as she watched her. Pyrrha staggered to her feet, reaching out and grabbing her swords with her semblance, combining them into her spear before snatching it from the air.

Ruby fired.

Cinder spun around, sparks washing over the aura shield over her hand.

Pyrrha hurled her spear.

Cinder screamed, blood spurting from her shoulder as the spear grazed her, embedding itself into a pillar. Ruby rushed forward, shooting past Cinder with her semblance and rejoining Pyrrha's side. Pyrrha yanked her spear free with her semblance catching it as it zipped back to her.

Cinder turned around, blood dripping down her arm, her face twisted into a snarl. Fire spewed from her eye, a flaming sword materializing from her hand. She raised the blade, pointing the tip at them.

"I'm done playing."

Qrow rushed forward, yelling as he charged at his sister. Raven smirked, leaping over his scythe as he swung, a caw ringing out as she transformed. He spun around, watching her fly toward the window above the entrance. He scowled, rushing through the crowd, leaping, feeling feathers rip through his skin and his body contort as he took flight.

Raven transformed, crashing through the window before resuming her bird form, cawing at him as she flew through the night sky. He chased after her, flying up and up toward the roofs. He flew past the roof, transforming, his cape fluttering behind him as he fell. He landed with a grunt, drawing his scythe as he looked up.

Raven stood across from him, the roofs and towers of Haven illuminated by the shattered moon. Her hand rested on Omen as she stared him down. He tightened the grip on Harbinger, pointing the end of it at her.

"Running away again?" he spat. Raven chuckled, shaking her head as she undid her feathered cape, letting it crumple around her feet.

"No." Omen's sheath spun. "I just needed." She drew her sword, the black steel blade catching the moon's light as she aimed it at him. She smirked. "To get you away from the others."

Weiss watched, her mouth agape as Qrow charged at Raven, Yang yelling as she was flung aside by Cinder. Weiss shook her head, throwing up two fingers, glyphs forming, Yang breaking through them, slowing down before hitting the ground, rolling. She got to her feet, snarling.

"Thanks," she said. Weiss nodded, her hand going to Myrtenaster's grip.

"If you want to get to Cinder," Weiss looked aside, hearing Nora and Ren draw their weapons, Emerald, Merucry, Vernal, and that large woman approaching them. Emerald smirked. "You'll have to get through them."

Raven raised Omen, shifting her feet, and raising the gargantuan blade level with her eyes. Qrow shifted his grip on Harbinger, narrowing his eyes. Raven charged.

He ran toward her, swinging his scythe down, Raven lowering her sword and swinging up, catching his scythe blade, sparks leaping down. Raven yanked her sword back, swinging at his side. He leapt back, snarling as he landed.

Raven raised her blade, staring him down as she began to circle him, her steps slow, her eyes not leaving him. He turned, facing her. Raven smiled.

He gasped, a portal materializing behind Raven and she leapt backwards into it. He spun around, a portal behind him, Raven yelling as she came out of it, turning in the air and swinging her odachi down. Qrow threw up Harbinger, a jolt running down his arms as the blade slammed into his scythe.

Qrow shoved her aside, Raven skidded against the roof, glancing down at the black steel blade before looking back at him. He charged, swinging at her. She threw up her odachi, the black blade shattering, bits of steel flying out. She ducked under his next swing; he heard a clattering as the remains of the blade fell to the floor.

He slashed, yelling, Raven hitting the side of her scabbard as she ducked under it, the blade centimeters from her face; he gasped, a red Dust blade shooting up from the scabbard, missing his scythe as it flew up. Raven swung her handle down, catching the blade, Qrow's eyes widening as Raven straightened up, swinging down, flames dancing down the length of the giant blade.

Qrow leapt into the air, transforming, a cyclone of flames shooting past where he had been. He took to the skies, hearing Raven caw as she took flight after him. He squawked, veering course as a portal shot open in front of him, Raven cawing as she swung her talons at him. He ducked out of the way, cawing, and soaring off. He weaved his way through the various buildings, his sister on his tail. He shot up, skidding the side of one of the towers.

He transformed, free falling, his cape fluttering as he drew his scythe. He shifted, spinning, his scythe a whirling razor. Sparks and cinders coated his face, his scythe grinding against Raven's flaming blade. She snarled, and shoved against his scythe, freeing her sword.

Qrow fired, the blast shooting him back, his feet hitting the side of wall, sliding down before swinging his scythe above him, firing another shot, launching himself down at Raven, yelling. Raven's hair fluttered with the wind as she fell, smirking as he came at her. A portal appeared behind her, Raven disappearing into its dark void.

He screamed, Raven's boots slamming into his back, hurling him toward the rooftops. He twisted, swinging his scythe up, firing a shot, feeling Raven leap off of him, hearing her caw as she took flight. He transformed, taking off after her.

Raven shot past the top of the tower, transforming, outlined against the moon, her red eyes burning against the shadow of her hair and clothes. He saw her smirk.

She swung, her odachi's blade shooting down, hitting the top of the tower, flames erupting. He squawked, Raven's arm a blur as she reloaded her sword, flinging another flaming blade down before an electrical blade.

The top of the tower exploded, rubble crumbling down, the tower beginning to fall.

Qrow transformed, grunting, slicing through a bit of rubble before firing a shot, landing on a piece. He leapt, slicing, firing, climbing his way up. He leapt, pulling his scythe back, and swun-

The rubble flew apart, Raven's red sword glimmering as she shot through the rubble. He swung, sparks raining down as their blades collided. A jolt shot up him as his feet hit stone, Raven yanking her blade free, landing beside him before beginning to slash at him.

Sparks and dust flew around them, matching each other's blows, the rubble crumbling down. He swung low, Raven leaping over the swing, disappearing into a portal. His head shot up, throwing up Harbinger, catching Raven's sword as she stabbed at him. She jumped from her portal, landing on falling stone, hacking at him as it fell.

He leapt from his platform, slashing at Raven as he fell, landing on a bit of wood before turning, firing. She leapt, the stone exploding into dust as Raven fell into another portal. He snarled. He looked aside, seeing the fast-approaching ground, and leapt off, taking flight, soaring past the crumbling tower.

Qrow screeched, hearing Raven drop down above him, feeling her grab his tail as she fell toward a roof. He transformed, Raven keeping her grip on his leg, slamming him into the roof. He coughed, feeling his aura shimmer around him before staggering to his feet. He ducked beneath Raven's blade, feeling a chill as it passed him. He gasped, Raven spinning, her fist slamming into him, knocking him off his feet. He rolled out of the way, Raven's bade slicing into the ground, ice spiderwebbing out.

He leapt to his feet, parrying and ducking Raven's swings, snowflakes drifting past him. He caught Raven's sword, ice creeping onto Harbinger as she pushed against him, snarling. He grunted, Raven's knee shooting into his gut. He staggered back, Raven pulling Omen free, and slamming her fist into his face. Deathly cold shot across his chest as he screamed, Omen's ice blade slashing him. He stepped back, wheezing, the ice encasing his chest, the cold seeping into him.

Raven placed the blade back into Omen's sheath, the revolver spinning. She drew her new blade, a red aura cutter. He gnashed his teeth, struggling to keep his hands from trembling as he gripped Harbinger, taking a stance.

Qrow charged, Raven sidestepping his swings, not even bothering to raise her blade or even try to parry. Qrow turned, stumbling as he swung, a shock shooting through his body as Raven's boot collided with the ice encasing his chest. He was thrown back, Harbinger skidding away, ice being tossed into the air. He coughed, groaning, his body tingling as the cold faded.

He inhaled sharply, Raven standing over him. She raised her blade, the moonlight illuminating its edge.

She stabbed down.

Pyrrha shifted her stance as Cinder crouched down, flipping the curved sword behind her in a reverse grip.

Cinder dashed forward, Pyrrha lunged aside, Ruby firing a shot and shooting aside, flames springing into the air between them. Cinder spun, slamming her sword down with a roar, flames erupting out, scorching heat washing over Pyrrha as she rolled aside. Pyrrha sprang to her feet, flames spraying by her as she ducked under Cinder's swing, feeling her spear break apart, grasping the twin blades as Cinder slashed, heat licking her.

Sweat coated her skin, barely having time to dodge one swing after another as the flame that was Cinder assaulted her. There were several cracks of thunder, Cinder spinning around, a wall of flames springing from her swing. She heard Ruby yelp, her bullets melting.

Pyrrha sneered, latching onto the molten metal with her semblance, smirking as she yanked them from the fires, hurling them at Cinder.

Cinder's foot hit the ground, stones breaking out of the floor, the molten metal splashing over it. Cinder turned, her eyes the color of her flames. The sword in her hand dissipated, the flames running up her arm and consuming her hand, a fiery claw taking its place. Sweat stung Pyrrha's eyes, watching Ruby weave her way around the parts of the hall that were burning, trying to find a new sniping position.

Cinder sprang toward her, screaming; Pyrrha hurled one of her blades up, jumping aside, hearing her sword embed itself into the ceiling. Cinder turned, Pyrrha grabbed the sword with her semblance, yanking herself into the air, turning, her feet hitting the ceiling as she slammed her second sword into the one in the ceiling. Her spear formed and she launched herself down, yelling, the tip aimed at Cinder.

Cinder smirked.

Cinder shot up, flames exploding from her heels. Pyrrha's eyes widened, Cinder grabbing hold of her spear as she zoomed past before another explosion shot from Cinder's heels, spinning her in the air, Pyrrha yelling as she was spun. She screamed, Cinder hurling her aside.

Pyrrha flared her aura, smashing through a pillar, splinters flying around her, the wood above creaking as the platform collapsed. Pyrrha groaned, bits of rubble falling onto her. Ruby yelled, tumbling to the ground in a red heap.

Qrow didn't move, looking up at his sister, her sword embedded in the wood next to him. She yanked her sword free, sheathing it, Omen's scabbard whirring as the blades in the revolver spun.

"I killed you. Do you understand?" she asked. He shook his head.

"Why? Why not go through with it? You're with Salem now, right?" he asked. Raven laughed.

"Foolishness, Qrow."

"If you're not with them, then help us, Raven." She shook her head.

"I can never forgive you for what you did to her." She looked away from him, watching something. She held out her hand, a white butterfly landing on her finger, and crawling into her palm. She smiled softly. "And I know she could never forgive me if I let you or her child die."

The butterfly flew away, disappearing into the darkness. Raven closed her eyes, sighing, and turned away, her back to him. "Stay up here until this is finished. And when it is, don't rope me into this Salem business again. I want to be left alone, Qrow. It's for the best that I stay uninvolved."

She took flight, cawing as she flew away.

Weiss raised her sword, scowling at the group as they approached. She blinked, Emerald appearing to flicker, the sounds of Ruby's fight becoming white noise in her ears.

Vernal smirked, hurling her wind and fire blade above them. Weiss gasped, Vernal disappearing, a sparkling blue trail following her thrown blade. Weiss threw up her hand, a shield glyph forming, gritting her teeth as Vernal materialized above them, landing on the glyph. She winked at Weiss, backflipping off the glyph, firing a shot at Ren as she flipped. He dashed aside; Vernal landed, aiming her blade at-

Vernal yelled, Nora snarling as her hammer slammed into Vernal's side, launching her away, her blades scattering across the floor.

Weiss spun around, Yang grunting, dodging and parrying Mercury's kicks. She raised her sword, feeling the time glyph form beneath her.

Come on, come on!

The ghostly gears ticked beneath her, and she swung, the glyph shooting to Yang, a yellow glow enveloping her, a smile replacing her snarl as she sped up, Mercury frowning, Yang a blur as she assaulted him.


Weiss leapt aside, Vernal's blades stabbing into the ground where she had been. Vernal yanked her blades free, scowling at her. Weiss raised her blade, the aim tipped at Vernal. She pulled the trigger, the revolver whirling as Vernal charged her.


Ice engulfed Myrtenaster; she swung, catching Vernal's blades, her arms shaking as Vernal shoved forward. She shifted her grip, a glyph shooting down the length of her blade, ice springing out, encasing Vernal's weapons. Weiss yanked her sword free, spinning, kicking Vernal, making her stumble back.

Vernal growled, gripping her ice encrusted blades. Weiss smirked at her, pulling the trigger.


Flames ran up Myrtenaster, the ice hissing as it melted away. She took her stance, resting a hand behind her back, giving Vernal a coy look. She flicked her fingers, a trail of white glyphs forming beneath her, straight at Vernal. She was launched forward, Vernal gasping leaping aside as Weiss dashed by. Weiss spun on the last glyph, swinging her sword, flames shooting out, Vernal yelling out as the flames licked her weapon, the ice melting, the metal burning red.

Vernal tossed a blade into the air above Weiss, disappearing. Weiss threw up a glyph, gasping as Vernal appeared, tossing her other blade at the spot beside her. Weiss spun, catching Vernal's blade, sparks and embers leaping over them. Weiss pulled her sword free, stabbing forward, nicking Vernal's shoulder, eliciting a hiss. Weiss stabbed, jabbing forward, pushing Vernal back. Vernal swung, knocking Weiss' blade aside, snarling as she fired with her other blade.

Weiss yelled, being flung back, skidding against the floor. She gnashed her teeth, getting to her feet, Vernal charging at her. Weiss slammed her blade into the ground, flames shooting forward, Vernal's eyes shooting wide. She threw one of her blades aside, disappearing, the wall of flames shooting past. Weiss threw up a hand, a glyph forming, Vernal's blade bouncing off of it, careening off. Vernal appeared, confused.

Weiss got to her feet, her hand forming a fist, a circle of glyphs forming around Vernal. Weiss felt one form beneath her and yelled as she was launched toward the closest glyph, her sword a flaming blur as she was launched from glyph to glyph, Vernal yelling as Weiss cut by her each time. Weiss landed on the top glyph, and was launched down, slamming into Vernal, knocking her to the ground, her aura shattering.

The glyphs faded, Vernal groaning, her weapons out of her reach. Weiss pulled the trigger. Blue. She swung, ice encasing the wind and fire blades.

Stay down.

Exhaustion washed through her; sweat coated her skin, her breathing heavy. Weiss took a breath, looking over at Yang and the others.

Yang ducked beneath one of Mercury's kicks, her aura arm forming, latching onto the leg. Yang snarled, Mercury yelling as she spun, hurling him at that large woman Nora and Ren were fighting. Mercury cried out, bouncing off of the large woman. She didn't even seem to feel him as she backhanded Ren, catching Nora's hammer, a bored look on her face as she yanked Nora forward, her knee slamming into Nora's gut before grabbing her head and slamming her face into the ground, splinters spraying out.

Weiss frowned, pulling the trigger, her revolver whirling as she charged at them.


She leapt at Mercury, stabbing down, the tip embedding into the ground as he dodged her sword, ducking under one of Yang's swings.

Where's Emerald?

Pyrrha groaned, coughing, struggling to move. Her aura flickered around her as she reached out to her spear. She grit her teeth, pulling it toward her, feeling it tug against the ground. Her aura broke, her spear stopping, just out of reach.

Ruby staggered to her feet, groaning, leaning on Crescent Rose. Ruby yelled, leaping out of the way as a fireball exploded at where she had been. Cinder landed, skidding against the flames, snarling, not bothered by them, a black glass dagger forming in her hand as she turned and chased after Ruby.

Ruby turned, swinging at Cinder, Cinder's smile sickening as she dodged each swing. Ruby fired a shot, sparks raining out as Cinder sliced the bullet. Ruby's aura flashed as she screamed, Cinder's knife slashing across her leg. Ruby fired, launching herself back.

Cinder appeared behind her, grabbing her by her cloak, hurling her toward the statue at the base of the staircase. Ruby screamed, slamming into the statue, her scream cutting off, her aura flickering as she slid down, slumping to the ground, her head in her chest.

Cinder lowered her hand, the dagger extending, forming a thin javelin. She began to saunter toward Ruby, the fires around her eyes extinguishing, her smile almost playful.

Pyrrha strained, forcing the rubble off, snatching up Échthra. She charged, yelling. Cinder's smile disappeared, annoyance replacing it as she turned, catching Échthra with her javelin.

"Don't you know when to give up?"

Cinder's javelin shattered, Pyrrha staggering forward, yelping as Cinder swept her feet out from underneath her. Cinder's heel slammed into her back, the ground smashing into her, bits of stone flying past her face. She groaned, her chest throbbing, a part of her stomach feeling numb. Cinder kicked her side, flipping her onto her back.

"You wanted to me fight me so bad? Then get up!"

Pyrrha wheezed, struggling to breath as she stood, bits of her armor crumbling and falling. She raised her fists, her head swimming.

"You wanted to take my destiny away from me?"

Cinder's elbow hit her gut, her fist into Pyrrha's chin before Cinder's heel slammed into the side of Pyrrha's head. Pyrrha stumbled, tasting blood, her vision blurring, her ears ringing. She saw a red blur, and threw up an arm, feeling a jolt go down her arm as she blocked Cinder's punch. She jabbed, striking Cinder's face, Cinder growling.

She threw a hook, Cinder a blur as sh-

Pyrrha screamed, the left side of her face burning, the world disappearing on that side. She stumbled back, grasping her eye, feeling blood soak into her gloves. Cinder moved, a red blo-

Pyrrha inhaled sharply, a warmth speeding underneath her armor, her body growing cold. She looked down; a long, black spear was embedded into her stomach. She coughed, blood dribbling down her chin, the pain in her eye fading. She looked up, Cinder's face regaining clarity as she leaned forward, Pyrrha whimpering as she shoved the spear further in.

"You have no idea what destiny is."