''Wake up.'' The whisper wasn't real. But it made her spine shiver nonetheless. She did not recognize the voice, nor did she care. All the voices that floated in her head, all the names she heard inside her thoughts, she had found many ways to ignore them; and that afternoon, with the soft sun rays falling into the lustrous wooden desk, her sore muscles did not want to obey any of her introspective commands. It had been less than four days that they had spent at T'challas palace, and almost everyone from the team was there. everyone they cared about.

Natasha had found her way from her hiding, through the jungle, taking down six of Black Panther's personal guards, brushing it off with a smile and a hug at the end. Wanda always envied her composed demeanor, cat-like movements and her capability on precision. The Black Widow was to her the ideal embodiment of a perfectly functioning human being: impeccable symmetrical Holliwoodian features, agile athletic body, cautious, prudent, yet her every move seemed to be thoroughly meditated and analyzed. She made no mistakes, and she did it with a smile on her face. Not being sure of what she would get from it, Wanda had asked her for physical practice, martial arts and such, which she had more than cheerfully agreed to. After two sessions of practice, Wanda had realized that the smile on her face hid much more sadistic hues when it came to training Wanda, or rather just practicing throwing anyone to the ground.

Wanda turned around with a groan when she felt the presence of Sam approaching her room, which meant disturbing her meditative session of muscle healing. She had not spoken much to him since their rescue mission, but even though their interactions had not been exactly the most amicable, he was one of the few who supported her concern for Vision's safety. Wanda felt his guilt and regret about his actions towards Vision. She knew that even though

''I know you know im coming so open the door please'' he said loudly beyond the walls, while his steps were heard closer and closer. Wanda didn't move but she concentrated her energies on opening the door, just in time for him to barge in.

''I am very tired, Natasha -''

''They have some information on Vis- Scratch that, they know where he is and what he is doing, I asked to communicate with him, but T'challa wont let me.'' he said while sneering and shaking his head and taking a stance on the middle of her room, ''I spoke to Steve, but he also thinks is too dangerous to meddle with other networks, and he doesn't want to break the Prince's trust'' Sam shrugged.

''What do you mean? Why won't they contact him?'' Wanda stood up and felt her heart beating faster, her blood heating up, ''But, they contacted everyone else. They have tried to contact Hulk. They have tried to contact Thor? Thor! The god that lives in another dimension!'' Wanda heard herself stuttering the words from English and resuming to Sokovian whenever she wanted the anger outside of her.

''I can't do anything Wanda, no one is with me on this one. Not even Nat. They all think is a waste of time.'' he shrugged apologetically and Wanda did feel the sincerity in his words and thoughts. He really wanted to help on this one. She felt bad for pushing him so much, but her stomach would feel like it was collapsing every time they mentioned Vision as the cold blooded robot that had no thoughts of his own, that followed blindly the words of his maker.

Wanda was familiar with loss, grief, feeling the hole in her chest had become a permanent part of her, she was familiar with losing someone that left this world, but she did not want to lose someone that was still there. Accepting the fact that she could not do anything for Vision was not something she wanted to do. Settling for nothing than their petty excuses, the way they shifted the conversation every time he would come up, the way they would avoid-

''Wanda, I think you should really do something for this. Vision did help us a lot'' He said while shaking his head. ''Don't let them patronize you. I know damn well how powerful you are. You could wipe us all, don't forget that'' he said, self assuringly, while pointing at her.

''What does patronizing means?'' asked Wanda confused, not sure of why he was saying all the things that he did. Sam's eyebrows furrowed into a perplexed and yet dubious expression. He would forget from time to time that she actually came form the other side of the world.

''Uhm...It is- when people treat you with... condescension?- do you know what that means?'' He looked around and scratched his head trying to find a good explanation for the words, but Wanda's head shake indicated that he wasn't doing a good job. ''Well, you know how you when there is a lil kid, and you try to teach them something?'' Sam leaned on the desk behind him, ''Like you kind of approach them with another sort of tone...As if you don't want their feelings to be hurt? You act like you are trying to help, but really all you are doing is telling someone that they are less capable of doing something than them...'' Sam finished the sentence fearing what he might've uncovered by explaining the meaning to Wanda.

''They...they think I'm not capable?'' Confused of the meaning, Wanda clenched her fists while she tried to put all the pieces together, and suddenly everything made sense. The way that they would treat her, was always so...she thought it was protective, brotherly, compassionate, but it took her one single breath later to realize that that was not the right label to give their behavior towards her. That, that's not how you treat a brother, a sister; Pietro never treated her like that, he always trusted her, even with his life. Wanda felt a twitch in her guts and a shiver in her spine. Her eyes felt wet at the thought, the coldness in his body would be a permanent reminder of how bad she had failed him. Vision too, he had always believed in her, and yet she had abandoned him too.

''Wanda, you just have to talk to Cap'' said Sam, while getting ready to leave the room. Wanda jumped off the bed still contemplating her next move.

''I need to talk to T'challa'' she said looking at Sam, ''He will be the only one who will understand me. He respects loyalty and virtue, he will help us...Right?'' her eyes were questioning her own words, and to her surprise, she hadn't felt Steve's presence near the door.

''Wanda, there is nothing we can do for him. You know he is with Stark, and Stark will not let go of this anytime soon. We cannot risk the Black Panther location location.'' Steve came closer, his face had a stern eerie about him. Wanda searched into his thoughts to find a way to mediate with him, but there was nothing but pure stubbornness in it. She always hated Captain America's most valuable and yet dangerous trait. He believed every words that he said. He believed that Vision was a creature of sorts, somehow coming to life as an accident of ungodly measures, but he also believed that he Tony Stark had full control over him. Searching deeper, angry, Wanda found that he thought of Vision as nothing more than a computer, an electronic device with powers, whose switch was on Stark's hands.

''You really believe that don't you?'' She asked, as a sarcastic smile crept on her face, ''That he is nothing more than Stark's puppet, huh?'' She waited for his response while raising her head to look at him in the eyes.

''Wanda I dont know what he is, but he is dangerous,'' said Steve, putting his hand on her shoulder, ''and his allegiance is that of Stark's. T'challa will never agree to having him here. You should know better, we need-''

''Wanda, you need to let go'' Natasha's calm voice was heard from behind the Captain. She was leaning on the wall, with a half bitten apple in her hand. ''I know you care for him, but he had his choice, and he chose whatever he thought best. Don't you think you should respect that? He did respect your choice right?''

Wanda held her breath and stared at her, eyes widening at her words. A sudden faint gulp went through her guts, and her mouth felt dry. The realization that Natasha might've been right made her fingers weak, for whatever spasms of energy that she was accumulating was gone.

''You think he wants to be there? Blamed for rescuing us? Maybe they put him in an incubator?'' Wanda's questions were pure, for she just wanted to reassure herself that she was not wrong. She turned to Cap, who had a confused look on his face.

''I dont know, I never thought of it that way, but if that was his choice, then yes, I would honor that choice. That's what I did with Nat.'' He said shrugging his broad shoulders.

''Mhm, exactly.'' said Natasha while throwing the pit of her, now finished apple in Wanda's bin, giving sarcastic looks to Sam and Steve. ''Just let go, it is easier that way'' she mumbled, while leaving the room along with Captain and Sam. Sam, gave her one last doubtful look and left the room, while Captain hurried after him, starting a conversation about one of his main devices.

''Is that what you did?'' asked Wanda, hoping that the Widow would've heard her, even though she had walked some steps away from her room. ''When they put the one you care about in a deep sleep, incubating them from the world? Even though they might've wanted it?'' A little closed smile went through her lips, when she felt Natasha's surprise at her words. Wanda felt privileged, being one of the few people to have really surprised the Black Widow. But she had seen her memories, her hopes, her concerns, and she knew the Black Widow had meddled with the Winter Soldier, which apparently, no one else had any idea of this history.

''You're smart'' Nat said in a reassuring tone, turning around with a cheeky smile, ''And invasive, may I add'' she raised her eyebrows jokingly.

Wanda got caught by surprise from her reaction. Natasha, she seemed- she was calm. how did she do that so quickly? She came closer to her, her smile still creeping in her face and lightly stroked a string of Wanda's hair, moving it around her shoulder.

''You thought I'd be angry, or surprised.'' she sighed, sounding well aware of Wanda's plan. ''I was. But having to live with what I have to live, your emotions become a liability. I've learnt how to turn them into an asset.''

''Vision would say that too,'' Wanda looked down, trying to pick good words to express herself rightly. ''He was the only one who saw me and did not see a nuclear explosion about to happen. He didn't see death. It was because of him that I learned so well to control my emotions'' she spoke while fidgeting with her energy beams in her fingers. ''I think is because he sort of, believed in me. He pushed me to try to learn, but not because he said or did anything. Just...'' Wanda stepped away from her and leaned in the wall, refusing to appear defeated. A soft ray of light, probably one of the last for that day well between the two of them. ''Nat, I know you were trying to manipulate me, when you told me before about Vision and his choices. But the truth is, I am afraid what you said is true.'' Wanda said, trying very hard to hide the light shake in her voice.

''You don't want it to be true.'' spoke Natasha softly, complementing her thoughts in a melancholic voice. She leaned on the wall close to Wanda and turned her head towards the other part of the hallway where the last rays of sun where struggling to come in. The wall-wide window that expanded until the end of the corridor made way for the magnificent view in a twirl of the twilight and the dark green colors of the jungle that laid in front of them. After a long, serene minute of silence Natasha turned her head to Wanda and a mischievous smile formed in her lips. ''He is a mystery. For all of us. But he let you in. You know him better than anyone here.'' she said with devious smirk, ''Believe in yourself and you will not be disappointed.''

Wanda's eyes squinted and she felt a smirk creeping in her face when she managed to read into her genius. She was letting her in her thoughts. Her heartbeat felt lighter when she realized she could read at the plans that the Black Widow unraveled for her. It proved to her, again, that Natasha Romanoff was indeed the ideal embodiment of a human being.

Authors note

Hello everyone! Thank you for the support and the follows and favourites. I was soooo so nervous about posting this fanfic but Im so glad to see so many people enjoying it! I hope there is some Scarlet Vision material out there for all you shippers.

First of, I know this chapter is not very fluffy or very angsty, but I thought it was necessary in order to make Wanda who she is and establish the other characters as well. Just to make things clear, in no way I'm trying to make her as the only one against the team. Her relationships will not be strained- dont worry about that. Second, i am quite a fan of the comics (apart from towards the end) in their relationship, as well as Natasha's and Bucky's- so you might see some hints now and then about those two. Also Natasha is one of my loves, when I was little she was like an idol so I wanted to give her some credit in here.

Again, I'm sorry if this chapter is bit descriptive, but the truth is here where I live has been sunny for the first time in the year, and I cannot help it but try to put my love for the sun rays and the greenery in my writings. I hope you mostly enjoy them rather than get bored. But if you absolutely hate it, please let me know so I can make some changes in the upcoming characters.

ps. the names of the chapters come from different songs or other instrumental pieces. This one is from Philip Wesley.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

As always feedback always appreciated!


King Pink