Here we go, this is the last chapter! The title says it all, enjoy!

Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya!

Chapter 10 : How will this end?

Ivan smiled at the group who were looking at him in horror and, right in the middle of them, stood his newest territory, still looking the same as the day Ivan had last seen him, on his last day as Prussia. He could not wait to get Gilbert back to his house, he had some fun times planned for East Germany.

"You gave us quite a chase, East Germany," he said with a sweet but creepy tone. "But it's time for you to come home now. Home to Mother Russia!"

"NEIN!" Ludwig stepped in front of his brother to protect him any way he could, even though at this moment in time he was no match for the big Russian but he was surprised when he was backed up by a former enemy. Alfred stepped in front as well, further blocking Ivan's view of the former Prussian nation.

"Yeah, dude," he said. Since the war and even before the end, relations between America and Russia had begun to cool and now they were having a 'Cold War' so Alfred was not inclined to hand Gilbert over. Besides, Matthew was attached to Gilbert and Alfred was willing to back up his bro. "You'll have to get past me too!" Lars grunted his approval.

"Don't worry, mon ami," Francis joined in. "We won't give you up without a fight, right, Angleterre?" England said nothing.

"Angleterre?" Francis and the others turned to look at the Brit who was lost in thought. When he looked up, he did looked somewhat forlorn.

"According to the rules," he said. "Gilbert falls under Ivan's control and has to go where he tells him to."

"So happy you agree, comrade," Ivan smiled at Arthur.

"Angleterre!" "You gonna be kidding, Iggy!" "England, nein!" "What are you doing?"

"NO!" This came from Matthew. "You're not taking him from me, Ivan!" Matthew could not take this any more. They were talking about letting this ….. this ….. psychopath take Gil away! The man who saved him, the man he had fallen for. The man who did not forget him two second after meeting him.

"I still remember the Gouzenko incident," he growled. "Do you think I'll give up the man I love to the country who planted spies, even in my Parliament! No! I owe you nothing and Gil stays here!" Everyone turned to stare at Matthew.

"How did you remember that, bro?" Alfred asked. He remembered that time, how angry in a passive aggressive way Matthew had been when the spy ring had been revealed and one of spies had been one of his own MPs. Matthew had been very unhappy about that.

Matthew had not realised it but it had all come back, every part of his memory. Wandering the wilderness until he was found by Francis, Arthur bringing his brother to meet him, World War I, World War II, the World Meeting.

Being Canada!

"I...I remember everything," he gasped. "I remember something running out of the snow in front of my truck and I lost control. It rolled down an embankment and I walked through the snow and collapsed at Gil's door."

"Oh Mathieu!" Francis breathed. "I'm not happy you were hurt but I am happy you remember now, mon fils!"

"Yes," Arthur agreed. "This is wonderful news."

"It's good to have you back, Matthew," Lars said.

"Yeah, welcome back, dude!" Alfred cheered.

"Congratulations, comrade," Ivan smiled. "I'll just take East Germany and be on my way." Gilbert gritted his teeth. He knew Ivan was constantly referring to him as East Germany to remind him of how he had fallen.

"You're not having him," Matthew said with determination. "I don't care about the rules! Gilbert is staying here, he's not going with you!"

"You heard Arthur, Matvey," Ivan continued to smile. "East Germany is mine!"

"Forget it, dude!" Alfred stepped in. "Mattie said no!"

"Trying to take my territory can be seen as a declaration of war, comrade!"

"Just try it, Commie!"

"Alfred, Matthew, stop!" Arthur said, adamantly. "This is getting us nowhere. We need to take this to the United Nations to decide about Gilbert. Until then, Ivan, Gilbert stays here."

"Very well, comrade," Ivan agreed because he knew that Arthur knew what the United Nations would say. "But I will stay here until their decision arrives. And then I will be taking East Germany to Russia."

"Over my dead body," Matthew snarled. Ivan just smiled and went to get a room. Arthur indicated that they go up to their own room and have their conversation in private.

"Iggy, why did you side with Ivan?" Alfred demanded when they were in their room and the door was shut. "You can't seriously want to hand Gil over to that nut-job!"

"Of course not," Arthur replied. "But Ivan's right! If we try to keep Gil from him, it could lead to war. It's only been four years since the last one and that was bad enough. You and Ivan are now superpowers, you have atomic weapons and Ivan has acquired them and no one wants a war with atomic bombs. Have you forgotten what they did to Japan?" No one spoken. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a wake-call for everyone. Even the commander of the Enola Gay had said, 'My God! What have we done?'

"The United Nations will tell us to hand him over," Francis pointed out. "For the same reasons."

"I know," Arthur sighed. "I'm doing that to stop Ivan from taking Gilbert immediately. To buy time to think of something. Perhaps telling the UN about Gil's involvement with the German Resistance might buy him some leniency but I won't hold my breath if Ivan's boss makes enough threats." Matthew wrapped his arms around Gil's waist.

"I won't lose you," he said, desperately and Gilbert held him tight.

"Nein, you won't," Gil promised. "No matter what happens."

"What can we do to stop Gil from being handed over?" Alfred asked. "There's got to be some way to prevent it. Can we get our bosses to intervene?"

"Need I remind you, mon cher, that it was our bosses that abolished Gilbert in the first place?" Francis pointed out. "I think I can safely say we'll get no help from that quarter."

"For Matthew's sake, I would offer Gil sanctuary in my country," Lars replied. "But I don't think my boss would agree. We're in no position to stand against Ivan."

"We'll think of something," Arthur promised.

The Canadian Prime Minister called Matthew back to Parliament Hill when he was informed of Matthew's recovered memory to discuss Gilbert's situation and Gilbert wanted to accompany him but Arthur asked him to stay because he needed to talk to him. Tomorrow, they would get the UN's answer about Gil and no one was hopeful and no one had come up with any ideas to save Gil.

They went for a drive to get away from everyone, especially Ivan who have been sticking to them like a limpet but Arthur found a way out of the hotel that Ivan did not know about so they were able to get away unseen. They stopped by a wood and as they trudged through the trees, Arthur got on with what was on his mind.

"You know what the UN is going to say, don't you?" he asked Gil as Gilbird sat on Gil's shoulder.

"Ja," Gil replied. "They won't risk another war, especially not one with atomic bombs. They'll order that I be handed over to Ivan."

"We'll have no choice," Arthur sighed. "Even though it will devastate Matthew and Ludwig, the only way to end this peacefully is for you to go with Ivan."

"Ja," Gil agreed. He had thought about it a lot and it was the only way if they were to avoid another conflict. Ivan would not give him up without a fight and innocent people would be caught in the crossfire. He wanted to stay with his Birdie but it would cost lives. "As unawesome as it is, it's true but ….. Birdie!"

"I know," Arthur replied. "And we'll make it as painless as possible for him. So we're agreed?" Gilbert nodded.

"So this is what we'll do ….."

Matthew came back from seeing the Prime Minister somewhat disheartened. If the UN decided that Gilbert should be handed over, which was likely, they would have to comply, although certain assurances would be demanded to keep tabs on East Germany's welfare but it did nothing to reassure Matthew. He was going to lose Gil to Ivan, he just knew it.

When he went back to the hotel, Gil was alone in the room, looking out of the window, while everybody else went to eat and Matthew ran over and wrapped his arms around Gil's waist, wanting reassurance and waited for Gil to put his arms around him. He did not and Matthew looked up at Gilbert.

"Gil?" Gilbert did not answer, just looked down at Matthew with a distant gaze.

"Gil, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Gil finally replied but it was toneless, lacking emotion and Matthew put it down to worry about the UN's answer and hugged him again.

"Please, just hold me," he begged and he felt Gil's arms come around him but it was cold and impersonal as if he did not want to be there or, worse, did not care one way or the other. What had happened while he was out.

"Gil, I know there's something wrong," he demanded. "Tell me please!"

"There's nothing wrong," Gil replied, tonelessly again. There was something wrong, Matthew knew it. Gil was so cold and distant, not the funny, arrogant, wonderful man he had fallen for. After everything that had happened, recovering his memory, Ivan and the prospect of losing Gil tomorrow, Matthew's normally infinite patience could not take any more.

"FINE!" he snapped. "Be that way! When you're ready to talk, come and find me but don't tell me nothing's wrong, I don't believe you!" He stormed out of the room, tears beginning to fall from his eyes, and slammed the door behind him while Gil went back to looking out of the window.

Arthur was just on his way back to the room when Matthew almost ran him over in the corridor and he grabbed the Canadian by the shoulders to look at his tear-stained face.

"What's the matter, lad?" he asked.

"Gil!" Matthew blurted out. "There's something wrong but he won't talk to me about it. He just keeps saying he's 'fine' but I know he's not!" Arthur pulled Matthew into a hug and patted his back.

"There, there, don't fret, lad," he soothed. "He's probably just stressed about the UN decision. He'll be back to normal in no time, you'll see."

"But we've got no time," Matthew sobbed. "The UN's going to hand him over, I just know it. Tomorrow, I'm going to lose him!" Arthur hugged Matthew tight.

"It will all work out," he reassured. "I promise! Just don't worry about Gil, he'll be fine."

Matthew wished he could believe that.

Matthew had arranged to stay at the hotel so he could spend as much time with Gil as he could but here he was, by himself, because his boyfriend seemed to want to be alone. It was not what Matthew had planned and he just felt like crying. He hated waiting for the UN's decision too, it was like being in a hospital, waiting for a loved one to die.

Alfred offered to stay with him but Matthew just wanted to be alone and he sat drinking whiskey, despite the fact that he hated the stuff. But it was stronger than beer and Matthew just wanted to reach a happy state of oblivion as fast as he could. He was on his third glass when there was a knock on his door and he opened it. Outside, stood Gil with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Birdie, I'm sorry about earlier," he said. "I ….wasn't my awesome self!" Matthew stood to one-side and Gilbert stepped in. Matthew shut the door.

"Why wouldn't you talk to me?" he asked. "I just wanted you to talk but you were so distant..."

"Ja," Gilbert replied, rubbing the back of his head. "I have no excuses and it was unawesome of me. I just didn't feel like myself at that moment, I didn't mean to reject you. I'm sorry!" Gilbert held out his arms and Matthew moved into them as Gilbert gave him the reassuring hug he had craved earlier.

"Ich liebe dich, Birdie (I love you, Birdie)," he whispered.

"Je t'aime aussi (I love you too)," Matthew whispered back. Gil loosened his arms enough to be able to place his lips on Matthew's and Matthew kissed him back. As the kiss became deeper and more passionate, they moved toward the bed.

Next morning, Matthew woke remembering how he fell asleep in Gilbert's arms and reached out to the other side of the bed for Gil, only to find it empty. He sat up and look round but there was no sign of Gil and Matthew wondered why Gil had left before he woke. If he was feeling cynical, Matthew might have thought that Gil just come to his room for a night of passion, just in case this was his last night of freedom but Matthew could not believe that Gil would be like that, Maybe he left in case any one came to his room. Matthew could just imagine Alfred or Arthur's face if they found out Gilbert had stayed the night and as for Francis …...

He got out of bed to shower and change then he went looking for Gilbert to go get some breakfast and he went along to Arthur's room where Gil was staying. Matthew wondered how Gil explained his absence last night.

Arthur opened the door to Matthew's knock and let him in. Alfred, Francis and Lars were already in there but there was no sign of Gilbert.

"Where's Gil?" he asked. The others looked confused.

"I haven't seen him since last night, bro," Alfred replied. "Ya don't think he's made a run for it, do ya?" Matthew wondered if that was true, if Gilbert had made his escape. He hoped so but he wished Gil had told him what he had planned.

"No, he hasn't," Arthur replied. "He stayed with Ludwig last night. He'll be back soon." So that's how Gilbert explained it. Matthew wondered if Ludwig was aware that Gil was supposed to be with him last night.

"When will the UN let us know their decision?" Lars asked.

"Just before noon," Arthur said. "But I think we all know what the decision will be."

"Mon Dieu!" Francis exclaimed. "Are we really going to hand Gilbert over to Ivan?"

"I doubt we'll have a choice," Arthur replied. "I don't like it either but I don't think we can prevent it."

"Maybe Gil should run while he can," Matthew said in his usual quiet tone.

"Nein, Birdie!" Everyone turned to see Gilbert and Ludwig standing in the doorway. "I've run for long enough. It's time to face up to everything. I made mein bruder worry for two years so I think it's better that he knows where I am."

"In Ivan's clutches!"

"It might not come to that, Birdie," Gil replied. "Have a little faith."

The UN Decision arrived after they returned from breakfast, unwelcome but expected. The UN was not going to risk another war so soon after the last one, especially one that could be so devastating. So, to avoid tension and diplomatic disharmony, it was decided that Gilbert should be handed over to Ivan and Ivan was at the hotel room door barely a minute after the decision came down.

"Time to go, East Germany," he smiled. "You'll love your new home, da?" Matthew stood in front of Gilbert and began to fiercely face Ivan down.

"I don't give a damn about the UN decision," he said, adamantly. "Gilbert's not going with you!"

"Even your boss agreed, little Matvey," Ivan continued to smile. "East Germany is mine. If you interfere, you will have to answer to the UN."

"He's right, Birdie," Gil replied, shifting Matthew out of his way. "If you oppose this, your country will be in trouble with the UN and it could lead to war. I have to go with him, Birdie, there's no other choice!" Matthew wrapped his arms around Gilbert's waist and held him tight.

"I don't want to lose you!" he wept and Gilbert put his arms around Matthew.

"You won't," he replied. "I promise!" He let go of Matthew and reached into his hair where Gilbird was nestling, took the little bird off his head and handed him to Matthew. "Take care of Gilbird for me?" Tears crawled down Matthew's face as he gently held Gilbird in his cupped hands. Gilbert gave Matthew a soft kiss.

"It won't be forever," he said, confidently. "Wait for me, Birdie!" Matthew gave a sob and nodded. Gilbert turned to Ivan.

"This is going to be a long journey," he said. "Is it all right if I use the bathroom first?"

"Da," Ivan replied. "But don't take too long, comrade. I would hate for something to happen if you should be a while." He took a meaningful stare at Matthew, making the others take a protective stance around the Canadian nation. Gilbert glared at him then went into the bathroom.

"You better treat him well, Ivan," Matthew warned.

"Da," Ivan agreed. "As long as he's obedient, I will treat him very well. Don't worry, Matvey. East Germany will have my very special attention." Matthew did not like the way Ivan said that.

In the bathroom, the toilet flushed and there was the sound of running water.

"You know the conditions, Ivan," Arthur warned. "You have to bring Gilbert to every World Meeting and we can have a conversation without your presence."

"Da," Ivan replied. "As long as East Germany doesn't accidentally disappear during one of your conversations. If so, the country he was speaking to will be held responsible, da?"

"Yes," Arthur said. "We know and so does Gil." The sound of running water stopped and, after a moment, Gil came out.

"Let's go, East Germany," Ivan replied and Gil walked past everyone, even his brother but stopped at Matthew.

"Everything will be fine," he said and stroked Matthew's cheek. Then he left with Ivan.

Matthew began to sob. He could not help it, his heart hurt too much to hold it in and the other nations came forward to comfort the distraught Canadian. Even Gilbird flew from Matthew's hands to his shoulder and rubbed his feathers against Matthew's cheek.

"It'll be okay, bro," Alfred hugged his sobbing brother. "I'm gonna do everything I can to get Gil back faster for ya. I won't let him stay in that psycho commie's hands a minute more than I have to."

"We'll all do whatever we can, mon cher," Francis agreed. "For you and Gilbert!"

"Including me," Lars promised. "We'll get him out, I swear!"

"Don't despair, Canada," Ludwig said with a rare smile. "That annoying bruder of mine will be back before you know it."

"Yes, chin up, lad," Arthur agreed. "It's going to work out fine!" And Matthew felt arms hugging from the front, the sides and the back and sank into their comfort.

9h November, 1989 …...

They had been waiting for this moment for forty years and a lot had happened in those four decades. Ivan had kept his word about allowing East Germany to have time alone with Matthew, Alfred, Arthur, Francis and, occasionally Lars. Ivan wondered why they said nothing about the punishments he gave East Germany for his 'insolence', even though Ivan warned him not to. He could not say disobedience because East Germany did everything Ivan told him to do but he did it without response as if Ivan was not worth it and Ivan would not tolerate such disrespect so he punished East Germany for it but even that was not as satisfying as he thought it would be. East Germany took the punishments which increased in severity in an effort to get a response but it was like East Germany did not care whether he was punished or not. Ivan wondered if he had broken East Germany's spirit when he separated him from Canada.

In 1961, The Berlin Wall went up, making Gilbert's release less likely but soon, there was international condemnation of the wall and calls for the two halves of Germany to be reunited. Now, finally, the calls were being answered as an electrified crowd milled around the concrete wall, defaced with graffiti, people climbing on the top and began chiselling away at the concrete blocks with pickaxes and hammer and chisels with the people chanting and then the cheer as the first section fell, the first step to unifying Germany.

Ludwig stood watching as more piece of the wall were brought down and removed. With him stood Feliciano and Kiku as the ban against the countries being together had long been lifted and also with them stood Arthur, Alfred, Francis, Lars and Matthew as this pivotal moment in history unfolded and pieces of the wall were handed out to people while the last barrier between the two halves was taken down forever.

Matthew was looking out for one person in the crowd in particular as people began to come over from the Eastern side and, for several minutes, there was no sign. And there he was! The shock of white hair among a crowd of blondes, brunettes and some red-heads. There he was! Finally, it was over.

"Bruder!" Ludwig shouted and Gil's head turned to look over at them and he made his way to them. From the other side of the now breached wall. Ivan watched the reunion between the German brothers and between lovers as Matthew embraced Gil while the other nations congratulated Gil on his freedom. The group turned and walked away while Ivan continued to watch them. Never mind, there was always next time.

The group walked through the streets of, what was for now, simply West Berlin, making their way to Ludwig's house with Feliciano gushing about Gil's return.

"Ve~ This is fantastico!" he exclaimed. "When we get back to Luddy's house, I'm going to make lots and lots of pasta and we can have lots of wine and beer and get really drunk and …." Feli went on and on and everyone just let him ramble, making small talk with each other until they reach Ludwig's house but instead of going inside, Ludwig took them around to the garden. Then Gil turned to Arthur.

"Is it time to rest now?" he asked. Arthur nodded.

"You've earn your rest," he replied. "Revertere in terram! (Return to the Earth!)" Feliciano screamed and Kiku cried out in surprise when Gil's appearance faded and his body collapsed in a pile of wood, mud and string with a small tuft of white hair. Then a pair of arms wrapped around Matthew's shoulders from behind.

"Welcome back, Birdie," the real Gil said.

Forty years ago earlier ...

Matthew wept as all the nations hugged him but the most comforting were the arms that wrapped around him from behind.

"Why are you crying, Birdie?" Gil's voice whispered in his ear. Matthew gasped and turned to see Gil grinning at him as Gilbird flew back into his owner's hair and Matthew threw himself into Gil's arms.

"What the Hell ...!" Alfred exclaimed and looked at the door he had just seen Gil go through. "If he's ..." Alfred pointed at Gil. "Then who ...?" He pointed at the door.

"That was a magice hominem," Arthur replied. "A figure created from nature and animated by magic with a tuft of Gil's hair to create the illusion of Gil's appearance. I never intended to hand Gil over so I brought in the UN to buy time for me to create the figure. The figure will take any instruction but it's not precise but, with luck, it will fool Ivan. I'm sorry we didn't tell you, we didn't want Ivan to guess that there was something going on if something showed in any of your faces. The only ones who knew were Gilbert, Ludwig and myself."

"While we were at breakfast," Gil said. "Ludwig took the fake me and hid him in the bathroom and we changed places when I went in there. Ivan was none the wiser."

"I was the one who took him from our room to Ludwig's, that was who you met when you came back from Parliament Hill, Matthew," Arthur replied. "You saw him before I could remove him. That's why Gilbert seemed so distant to you. The hominem had no instructions so he just gave non-descript answers and I told Gil what happened. I hope he made you feel better about that." Matthew blushed at how Gil had made him 'feel'.

"But it means Gil will have to stay out of sight," Arthur replied. "If Ivan finds out we tricked him, there'll be hell to pay!"

"He can stay here!" Matthew exclaimed, excitedly now that Gil was safe from Ivan. "My house is out in the suburbs and I don't get many visitors. He should be safe there." Matthew could not believe how his life had changed within a few minutes. He had gone from losing the one he loved to having him permanently in his life. He wanted to cry again, this time with joy.

"I like that plan, Birdie," Gil purred into Matthew's ear. Alfred slapped Arthur on his back almost sending him across the room.

"Dude, you really came through!" he exclaimed while Arthur tried to regain his balance.

"Oui, Angleterre," he agreed. "For once, you did not mess up your magic."

"Yes," Arthur snapped. "Maybe the next time I try to turn you into a frog, it'll work!"

"Well done," Lars was impressed. "Gil stays free, Matthew's happy and there's no threat of war. This could not work out better."

"Danke, Arthur," Ludwig said, with feeling. "I don't know how I could have handled the idea of Gilbert in Ivan's hands. I might not get to see him so much with him in Canada but I know he's safe here."

"Don't worry, West," Gil replied. "One day, our country will be back together. It can't stay split in half forever."

"Ja," Ludwig said. "But what happens to you when it's reunited?"

Back to 1989...

"You mean that Gilbert was never in Ivan's hands?" Kiku asked.

"No," Arthur replied. "The hominein took his place and Ivan never knew the difference or if he did, just thought Gil had changed because of the circumstances. Which ever it was, it worked."

"Let's hope Ivan never finds that out," Lars commented.

"Nothing he can do about it, dude," Alfred replied. "Germany's unified. He can't stop that now."

"What happens now?" Francis asked. "With Germany unified, will Gilbert finally die?"

"I've taken care of that," Matthew replied. "As of now, Gil is the personification of New Prussia, a mirconation in Ontorio. Gil won't be dying any time soon, I'll see to that."

"Do I have an awesome boyfriend?" Gil said, cuddling Matthew from behind. "Or do I have an awesome boyfriend?" And he turned Matthew so he could kiss him. Matthew smiled at his boyfriend. They had had forty wonderful years together and they were still as in love as they had been when they first met on a snow night in Canada. A night on which they were both lost and found each other.

They would never be lost again!

Did I tug on your heartstrings? Play with your minds a little? I hope so! (Evil grin) Magice Hominein is Latin for magically created man, however there is no such thing, just something I made up. I had actually planned for Gilbert to be stuck with Ivan and have a reunion with Matthew at the fall of the Berlin Wall but you all begged me so sweetly for Gil not to end up in Ivan's clutches that I acquised and had Arthur use his magic to save Gil from that fate. And I've taken Kingdomkeepers77 suggestion for Gil's life after reunification. Hope you like.

To HetaRosFangirl – I always reply to those who take the time to review :) Whether by PM or at the end of the next chapter I upload. And you're welcome! And the pain is finally over! XD

To Dane2811 – Thank you! Your praise made my day! XD

Well, that's the end of this tale, I'm afraid :'( but I'm working on more stories but I won't upload until they're finished as uploading stories as I write them has driven my stress levels up DX. I still have at least one chapter left on the Heartbeat Rescue Me story arc and after that, a Spamano Heartbeat one-shot so look out for those. I'll try to write some other one-shots as ideas occur.

Till then,

Hasta la Pasta!