Bella POV


"Bella!" Charlie yells, bursting through the door, waking me up.


"You were yelling again."

"Oh." 3 months ago, my vampire boyfriend, Edward, left me. I fell into a deep depression, but my friend Jake pulled me out of it. Then he said we couldn't hang out anymore. I've figured out he was a werewolf, after he saved me from Laurent, but he still told me to get lost. I miss him, and Edward, but I hate him. I want him to hold me, but I want to light him on fire. I just want to know why. Why he left me.

"Bells- I'm sorry to have to tell you this. I'm the chief of police- I can't keep coming into work half asleep. I'm spending you to live with your mother." He keeps talking but I tune him out. No… no… I can't go back. No! I won't go back!

"Okay Dad," I say, slumping. "I'll pack while you're at work today."

"Really? Thanks- I love you Bella."

"You too," I respond, unable to say it back. I thought he cared. Guess I was wrong.

"I'm gonna go now. See you tonight?"

"Yes." No. Time to run away. I hear the door slam shut in the distance and I start packing. I throw two weeks worth of clothes, some books, my journal, and other assorted knick- knacks in my suitcase and put food in my backpack. I take one last look around the room, and then walk out. I throw my bags in my truck, and start the drive to the Cullen's. My truck is crappy- another way to see that Charlie never loved me. I need to pick up one of their cars- they're so rich they probably left so many of them behind.

I pull up to the front of their house and let myself in. Of course they didn't lock the door. Stupid vampires are cocky about everything.

I go into the garage and see the cars they left behind. Edward's Volvo is there, and I decide to take that. I know that the car probably doesn't mean a lot to him, but even hurting him in a small way makes it worth the pain of sitting in it. I put my stuff on the passenger seat, rev up the engine and go. I drive and drive and drive, until I reach Westchester, NY. I don't know how I got here so fast, because I feel like I just started driving. Oh well.

I make my way towards the train station, because I can't stand to be in Edward's precious Volvo any longer.

I purchase a ticket, not sure where I'm going. I get on the train, sitting behind a girl who looks about my age. Wondering if she's running away too, I'm about to approach her when an older man takes the seat next to her. Oh well. I stare out the window, bored until the train starts shaking. I look up to see a man with a metal helmet enter the train. The man gets up to fight him, but I focus on the girl. I don't know why, but I just feel… drawn to them, but the girl more so. Almost as if they're a part of me.

Suddenly, she's crying. I can't stand to see her upset. I look up and see the man being thrown around, with what looks like metal claws between his fingers.

"NO!" I yell as I stand. I grab onto both the girl's and the man's hand, and suddenly we're in my meadow.

W-wh-what? How am I in the meadow? No no no no. It's too painful to be here. Focus on them. That should help.

"Are you okay?" They stare at me, until the girl finally speaks.

"What was that? H-how could you touch me?"

"What do you mean, how can I touch you? I reach out, and grasped your hand." I say, taking her hand to demonstrate.

"Remarkable," the man says, finally deciding to speak up.

"What's remarkable."

"Rogue here- her mutation is to absorb the power of anyone who touches her. Even I, an immortal being, cannot touch her without nearly dying." Rogue. What a fitting name for someone so- wildly untamable. Wait what? Did I just think that? You know what- I'll focus on that later.

"Mutations? What do you mean?" The girl I now know as Rogue speaks.

"Well, of course you must know about mutants. I mean you are one yourself."


"Well, neither Rogue or I can teleport, so that means it must've been you." Geez. I can't handle this. I have powers? I'm a freak? My hand finds purchase on the tree behind me and I slowly sink to the ground. I'm… different. Maybe Edward will want me now! Wait- I don't want Edward back! He dumped me in the middle of the fucking woods! Alone! With no way back home!

"Damn Wolverine. Did you have to be so blunt?" I hear Rogue say as I mull over my thoughts.

"Wait… did you say Wolverine?"

"Yeah," Rogue said. "Why?"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yell. "THE LAST TIME I WAS NEAR A WEREWOLF I NEARLY DIED!" I backed away, not caring that I just exposed the pack.


"NO BUT MY VAMPIRE EX MIGHT SAY SO!" They both gasp as I continue to back away.

"Listen… whatever your name is. I don't know what the werewolves you've met are like, but I swear I'm different. I'm Wolverine. That's my name. I don't turn into a wolf or anything, I've got retractable metal claws and healing powers."

"So-sss-o you're not a wolf?"

"No, and if it makes you feel better you can call me Logan." Rogue looks at him with disbelief.

"You're letting her call you Logan? Only Jean and I can do that."

"Look at her Rogue. She looks like you did. She's gonna be important to me. And you. And if it makes her feel better, she can call me Logan."

"Geez. Way to sound all grown up and stuff. Hey," Rogue says, looking back at me, her tone softening. "You know our names, well actually mine's Marie- don't call me that- but what's yours?" Hmmm… that's a good question. I can't got around being called Bella anymore, it would hurt too much. And not Isa, because that's just the other half of my name.

"Hey," she says, "if you're uncomfortable you should think about it. You only get one shot to start over. Believe me- I know." I think for a moment, and then decide.

"My name is-"