.if you do not like spoilers, please avoid reading this until you have watched the movie

.if you do not mind, go ahead and read

.most grammatical errors and repetitions are on purpose due to wanda's chaotic mind + unstable feelings (headcanon)

.if there is an error overlooked, please feel free to tell


the ultrasonic sound waves (1)

She feels it before the power could even reach her, vibrating silently yet so strongly in the air. It cuts through space like a knife, rippling and disturbing it with such high-frequency, and she reels and tries to dodg—

—it hit her.

Her breath hitches and her muscles lock and her brain feels like it's been torn and tugged and pulled and it just hurts and she's screaming and oh god please MAKE IT STOP PLEASE.

She crumbles down with her head hitting the ground before anything else, and, fucking hell, it hurts—god does it hurt.

Her eyes peek from her lashes, and she sees what was supposed to be the entrance of the jet's storehouse, sealed by the destroyed building. There is an ache in her heart because the Captain and the Winter Soldier could have been buried under piles of cement and metal and rubble, and she could feel herself start shaking from the thought of them dying since she was there and she had enough magic to carry the toppling mass yet she failed and she let it fall and it was all. Her. Fault.

Suddenly, she feels hands, firm and strong, hold her, and she squeezes her eyes as fear claws through her being. Oh no no no no no. 'EnemyenemyenemyenemyENEMY!' Her mind screams.

She digs her fingers into her palms as she waits for the inevitable pain they would give her. Oh, she's afraid and it is like she's back in that dark cell HYDRA kept her in and if only Pietro is here to hold her and make the hurt go away and please no stop no more pain no no more—


His voice makes her break down, because he's here—he's here, and she manages to open her eyes to make sure she is not crazy—

And, god, he is so beautiful, and she just stares at him, hoping that this is not something she had made up from being desperate for comfort. He squeezes her forearm gently, making her lean into him—

—yes, this is true and real and he's really here, and maybe she should be happy that he is, but she isn't because she remembers hurting him and burying him more than six feet under and Stark's words still echo in her mind on how hurt Vision was and she just wishes that he would just fly away and leave her alone because goddammit.

She doesn't deserve him.


He stays silent, and it should have worried her that he does not speak as freely as he usually does, but there is a light in his eyes at the sound of her voice and there is a certain intensity in it that makes her realize that he is scanning her for possible wounds she has inflicted. Her lips twitch slightly, because they had already talked about him scanning her body without her consent and he'd promised to ask her but he broke his promise again.

Like he always does.

Then she sees him tilt his head towards the sky, the stone on his forehead glowing bright before it shoots out golden power. She watches it fly before something fell, and she wonders who it could have been. But now, she panics because Sam is the only person in their team who could fly, and she tries to wriggle out of Vision's arms.

"Stay down, please," he says, but it does not do anything to stop her frantic state.

"Sam is ... Sam is shot. Vis, I need to help him!" she pleads, because Sam is family to her, even if he is annoying and irritating, and she does not want any of her family leaving her. "Please."

"I am sorry, Wanda, but I cannot allow you to injure yourself further."

"But, I won't!"

"Moving around when you are clearly not in a condition to do so is considered injuring yourself. And, like it or not, you need to lay down."

She bows her head. She cannot win this argument, because she knows he is right. Her head is still ringing and her limbs are heavy and shaking and, yeah, she is not in the right state right now.

She slumps, sighing as she does.

"Mr Wilson was not the one who had been hit," he says a seconds later, and before she knows it, he carries her from the ground and flies towards a bench, which, she notes, is miraculously saved from the fight. He lays her down carefully, adjusting her head in a comfortable position—and, really, she could cry right now since there's nothing but kindness and softness in his eyes when she expects betrayal and wariness there.

She's goddamn confused, because no one should be this gentle towards her. Not even Vision, the epitome of goodness and innocence, should be this kind. She's the sole reason Sokovia got destroyed, thousands in Wakanda died due to her carelessness, and she fucking hurt him.

She does not deserve thi—

"I believe you still have enough strength for a last mind reading?"

She blinks. "Y-Yea—"

He cuts her off again. (He keeps doing that, doesn't he?)

"Read mine."

Her mouth slacks at his words, and she tries to sit up to look at him but her numb and tired muscles shout at her to stop moving. She looks at him at the corner of her eyes instead, and watches him standing meters away, with his back facing her. There's a stab in her chest at that.

Read his mind, he says, and so she reluctantly unwinds energy from her fingertips, because there must be something important he wants her to know—or at least, something to explain all this confusion. She feels her red dance and mist in the air, and she cannot help but think that maybe reading and tainting his pure mind with her deep scarlets and crimsons is not worth whatever information he wants her to know and so she pulls away before her magic touches him and she just curls in the bench and closes her eyes and just wishes she could just sleep the pain away.

Cold and feather-like touches caress her skin, "Please."

She hesitates.


a/n: so, watched Civil War recently, and well WHAT THE FVCK! it's so perfect Stucky is perfect the heartbreaking Stony is perfect Antman Spidey Tchalla romanogers church hug scene Rhoadeeeey Sammmyyyy Clintttttt all of you fucks are PERFECT (except that Staron kiss tho, completely out of the fucking blue -_-) okay moving along .

SCARLET VISION IS PERFECT I've been dying since AoU for more of this cutie patootie and now I could finally put my fangirling heart to rest (lie) hahahahahaha

Hopefully will update soon