Once Quinn left to take her exam, Rachel walked up to the infantile girl sitting on the couch in front of her and crouched down to her level. When Santana scowled slightly, Rachel couldn't hold back a chuckle, "Well good morning to you too Santana."

"Tired," the grumpy girl replied with furrowed brows.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Rachel said, "I think we should get some breakfast into you since you're already out of bed. If you're still sleepy when you're done eating, I'll see about letting you take a small nap, okay? Come with me please." She held her hand out expectantly and stood up, surprised that Santana followed suit.

"Sit here please," Rachel said and she led the girl to a chair at the table. "I'm going to make you a bowl of cereal. Do you want a bottle now or would you rather wait until I lay you back down?" she offered. Santana seemed to think for a moment before deciding on waiting until after she ate.

Rachel nodded satisfactorily and placed a bowl down in front of the girl, sitting next to her and bringing a spoonful to her mouth. "Open sweet girl," she promoted and smiled when Santana obliged. "Is that good?" she asked after the girl had eaten a few bites and Santana nodded.

Once the bowl was empty, Rachel took it to the sink before filling a bottle with milk and warming it up. "Do you still want to go back to bed?" she asked as she turned back around to the table. "Mhm sleepy," Santana responded.

"Let's go then," Rachel said as she held out a hand to the girl and walked her to the master bedroom, bottle in hand. Rachel walked up to the bed and pulled down the blankets. Santana quickly climbed in and leaned back against the headboard, reaching for her bottle. "Here sweetheart. Drink your bottle and then lay down. I'll wake you up in a few hours," Rachel said before leaving to relax in the living room.

Rachel sat on the couch and started watching Funny Girl, thinking about what else she could do with the girl before Quinn came back. She was distracted completely by the musical and didn't realize that it was nearing 11am by the time it was over. Putting Santana down for a nap this afternoon would be interesting, she thought to herself and she headed back to the bedroom.

"Hey sleepyhead," Rachel said as she gently shook the girl awake, "it's time to get up now. I bet someone needs to be changed into a dry diaper anyway." Santana rolled over with a grunt, causing Rachel to laugh. "You're such a morning person Santana," she joked, "but it's almost afternoon now. It's time to get up. Come on sweetheart." Rachel pulled back the blankets and got her hand underneath the girl's back to help her sit up.

"Are you wet Santana?" she asked and the girl nodded, sleepily rubbing her eyes with her fists. "Why don't you come with me to the bathroom. I'll get you changed and we can tame that mane of yours," Rachel said as she stroked the girl's sleep-rustled hair.

Santana slowly stood up and followed Rachel to the bathroom, quickly laying down on the floor. "You know the drill, hmm?" Rachel asked hypothetically as she began to the wipe the girl clean. She was a bit surprised by the state of the girl's bright red bottom, and tried to remind herself to talk to Quinn about her rash later on.

"Do you know where Quinn keeps the rash cream by any chance?" Rachel asked, not really thinking about the fact that Santana was probably not capable of answering her question. After a moment of silence, Rachel shook her head. "Of course not," she said to herself and she looked through all of their supplies. "Ah ha, found it," she said before gently rubbing it in on Santana's rash.

"Ow, Rach, stop," Santana whined as she wiggled around to get her to stop. "Shh, Santana, shh," Rachel said as she placed a calmimg hand on her stomach. "I'm sorry sweet girl, I know it must hurt. Your rash looks pretty sore. But I'm trying to make you feel better, I promise."

Once the girl was rediapered, Rachel pulled her up into a seated position and crawled across the floor to kneel behind her on the tiles. "We're going to make this pretty hair of yours all nice again, okay?" Rachel said as she began to brush through the girl's wild locks. Santana let out a relaxed sigh, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes earning a chuckle from her babysitter.

With her hair no longer an unruly mess, Santana stood up and followed Rachel back out into the living room. "Me pretty Rach?" she asked a little shyly as she played with the ends of her freshly groomed hair. "You're beautiful Santana," Rachel returned genuinely with a smile, causing the girl to blush and raise her thumb to her mouth.

"So I was thinking earlier, and I realized that Mother's Day is this Sunday and I think we should do something for your mommy while she's at school. Could you show me where she keeps your craft supplies?" Rachel asked. Santana nodded happily, babbling something incoherently as she ran over to the hall closet.

"Let's see," Rachel thought out loud as she looked through the shelves. "Ah, here we go," she said as she pulled out a stack of colored paper, some markers, glue and glitter. "Let's go sit at the table now," Rachel said as she offered a hand to the girl.

Before letting Santana start, Rachel took a newspaper from the counter and covered the table with a few sheets, knowing that this was probably going to get a bit messy. "Alright dear, why don't we make your mommy a card? Look thorough these and pick out a colored paper to start with," Rachel instructed and Santana sloppily looked through the stack, picking a out a light purple sheet that she seemed to like. "This," she said as she placed it down in front of her. "You're sure?" Rachel asked and the girl nodded enthusiastically.

Rachel took the paper and folded it in half for the girl, before placing it back down on the newspaper. She was kind of curious to see what was going to come of this activity.

"Would you like me to write on it for you Santana?" Rachel suggested after Santana sat still for a few moments and Santana shook her head with a stubborn, "me." Rachel smiled and placed a gentle hand on Santana's shoulder. "Okay sweetheart, you go ahead and write on it then. I really think you do need to write 'Happy Mother's Day' on the front, okay? Let me know if you need a hand," she offered.

With that, Rachel sat back and quietly watched as Santana focused on the project in front of her, tongue out and all. She amusedly watched as Santana slowly albeit neatly wrote "Happy Mother's Day" on the front before opening up the glue and swirling it around on the edges.

When Santana reached for the container of glitter, Rachel couldn't help but interrupt. "Be very, very careful with that sweet girl. We don't want to make a big mess. Would you mind letting me help you?" she tried to gently offer, making Santana look up to her with a pout. "Now, now," Rachel gently chided, "I know you want to do it yourself, but I'm going to scoop some out so we don't spill that whole container, okay?" With Santana still pouting, Rachel sprinkled a pile of glitter onto another sheet of paper before closing the jar and moving it out of the way. "Go ahead Santana," Rachel said, "it's all yours now."

Santana continued to pout, but decided to go ahead with what she was doing, taking pinches of glitter and sprinkling it all over the glue. Rachel couldn't help but smile as she realized that more glitter was sticking to Santana than to the paper.

While the glue was drying, Santana picked up some markers and added some more decorations to the front, again getting more on herself than on the paper. "As soon as your done with that, we're going to have to get you in the bath. You're a very messy little girl," Rachel chuckled as she watched the girl work.

Santana shot her a cheeky smile before not-so-gently opening the card and flinging glitter all over the table. "Santana," Rachel warned, although only half heartedly since she was amused by the girl's cuteness. "Oops?" the girl offered, earning herself a head shake from her caretaker.

Rachel got up to wipe down the other end of the table while Santana continued to decorate the inside of the card.

When she walked back over to Santana, she glanced over the girl's shoulder at her creation. Her heart was warmed when she saw what Santana had drawn. "And what do we have here?" she asked as she crouched down to the girl's level. "Mommy," Santana said as she pointed to one of the figures she drew, "me" she said as she pointed to the other. The two stood hand in hand, and were surrounded by hearts and balloons. "It's beautiful Santana," Rachel said sincerely, "I think your mommy is going to love it.

Rachel stood back up and reclaimed her spot in the chair she had been in earlier, allowing the girl to finish up her drawing. When it seemed like the girl was finished, Rachel stood back up and began to gather up the markers to put them away.

"Are you all finished?" Rachel asked before folding up all of the newspaper to throw it away. With a nod from Santana, Rachel went ahead and finished cleaning up the table. "I'm going to keep this card in my room until Sunday so your mommy doesn't find it okay? Sit tight." Rachel said before quickly making her way to her bedroom.

When Rachel walked back, she was happy to see that Santana was still sitting there quietly. She was pleasantly surprised by the girl's behavior so far, but hoped she wasn't jinxing it by thinking that way.

"Ready to go have a bath?" Rachel asked and Santana nodded, quick to run to her bathroom. "Santana! There's no need to run!" Rachel yelled as she ran behind the girl.

In the bathroom, Santana stood impatiently as Rachel started the water and filled the tub. While they waited, she helped Santana to undress, again noticing how red and sore her bottom was. "Your bottom is sore, hmm?" she asked sympathetically. "Mhm owie," Santana replied, making Rachel frown. She tried to think of a solution as she apologized, "I'm sorry Santana, but I'm going to let it dry out a bit without a diaper after your bath, okay? I think that might make you feel a bit better."

Once the tub was full and Rachel decided the temperature was suitable enough, she helped the other girl to sit down and noticed the sparkles in her hair. "Santana," Rachel chuckled, "how on Earth did you get glitter in your hair?" Santana just shrugged and gave Rachel an innocent smile.

Rachel shook her head with a laugh and started to lather up some shampoo in the girl's hair. She had to take some extra time to rinse all of the glitter out and to gently scrub all of the ink and glue off of her hands and arms.

Once the girl was clean, Rachel helped her to stand up and wrapped her in a soft towel, wringing out her hair before helping her to step out and sitting her down on the toilet lid.

"Would you like me to braid your hair Santana?" Rachel offered and Santana nodded. "Okay, why don't you stand up quick so I can sit down there and you can sit between my legs. Sound good?" Rachel explained and Santana quickly stood up, letting Rachel take her spot.

Santana seemed to be quite relaxed as Rachel worked on her hair. That is, until a very loud stomach growl interrupted the calm silence. "I guess someone is hungry," Rachel offered with a smile, "we'll get you some lunch as soon as I'm finished."

Rachel made quick work of braiding the rest of the girl's hair, wanting to feed her before she got too grumpy. She helped the girl into a clean shirt, but left her bottom end uncovered to give her rash a chance to dry out. "Santana, you have to promise to tell me when you have to go potty okay? I don't want any messes on the floor," she explained. Santana didn't seem to be paying much attention so Rachel tried again, "Santana, this is important. You tell me when you have to go potty, okay?" This time, Santana nodded which satisfied Rachel enough.

"Let's go get some food in that stomach of yours," Rachel said as she led the way out to the kitchen and had Santana sit back down in her usual chair. "Will you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" she asked the girl as she looked through the pantry. "Mhm yum," Santana said quietly as she played with the end of her braid.

"Here you go," Rachel said as she placed it down in front of her. Santana smiled when she saw that it had been cut into four small triangles, just as she liked it. Rachel went ahead and made herself something to eat while the other girl- quite sloppily- dug in to her own.

"Maybe we should've waited to give you a bath until after you ate your lunch," Rachel joked as she stood at the counter and ate her sandwich. "Would you like a bottle?" she asked and Santana was quick to look up. "Milk?" she asked with enthusiasm. "Of course. Finish your sandwich and you can have a bottle on the couch," Rachel responded.

Rachel finished her lunch before the other girl did, and poured some milk into one of Santana's bottles. She put it in the microwave before walking over to Santana with a few wipes. "Let's clean off your sticky face and fingers before you go get comfy, okay?" Rachel said as she quickly wiped the girl's lunch off of her skin, surprised any of it actually made it in her mouth.

"Go get comfy on the couch and I'll bring you your bottle," she instructed as she walked back to the microwave and grabbed the now-warm milk. She walked into the living room and smiled when she saw Santana cuddling with a pillow in the corner. "Comfy?" she asked, "Here you go."

Santana smiled and immediately took the bottle, happily suckling right away. "I'm going to put on some cartoons for you, okay?" Rachel said as she reached for the remote. "Your mommy was home at about 4 yesterday and that's still a few hours away. You can take a nap if you want to, or maybe we could go to the park," Rachel offered, "relax for a bit with your bottle and we'll decide in a bit."

Things seemed to be going perfectly well as the two relaxed on the couch for a bit. That is, until Santana abruptly remembered that she was not wearing a diaper when she realized that she was being surrounded by wetness and it was too late to stop herself. She started to panic a little when she started to think that Rachel might be mad at her for having an accident on the couch. Rather than speaking up and telling her babysitter what had happened, Santana silently started to cry and she looked around for a place to hide.

When the girl suddenly stood up and ran away, Rachel immediately became concerned. "Santana? Sweetheart? Where are you going?" she asked as she quickly got up to follow the girl.

Santana's first instinct was to run into her bedroom and hide behind her bed. "Santana?" Rachel asked again when she followed the girl into the room but lost sight of her, "Where'd you go? What's going on?"

Santana tried to stay quiet as she crouched down, but found it harder and harder to keep her sobs to herself.

Rachel heard a muffled sob on the other side of the room, and quickly walked over to see what was going on. "Santana? Come here, tell me what's wrong," she said as she saw the girl crouched in the corner.

Santana panicked more when she saw Rachel, and sprung up to push past the girl. She ran out into the kitchen, hiding behind their island and hoping that Rachel wasn't following her.

After Santana ran past her, Rachel stood for a moment in shock before making her way back out to the living room. It wasn't until then that she noticed the large wet spot on the couch where the other girl had been sitting. "Oh Santana, did you have an accident?" Rachel asked aloud, hoping the girl was near by. "Where are you Santana?" she asked when she got no reply, and her voice had a hint of annoyance to it. She wasn't angry about the accident, but she was getting a bit frustrated with the girl's antics.

Santana, however, took this as Rachel being mad at her, and curled up further into herself. She lifted her thumb to her mouth and tried to comfort herself and stay quiet. Maybe if she stayed completely still, Rachel wouldn't find her, she thought.

That was not the case, though, as Rachel looked around the entire living room before turning her search to the kitchen. "Santana," she exclaimed, "there you are!" as she rounded the corner of the island.

Santana again shot to her feet, running away as fast as she could. She ran back towards her bedroom, but was abruptly stopped as she crashed right into Quinn, who had just walked in the door. Apparently both Santana and Rachel had been too wrapped up in what was going on to recognize the sound of the door opening and Quinn walking inside.

Quinn was quick to react and pulled the clearly upset Santana into a tight embrace. "Woah, hey," she tried to soothe, "what the heck is going on here? Why are you crying?" With no response from the girl in her arms, Quinn looked her over a little bit more. "My love, why aren't you wearing a diaper? Oh, and San..." she trailed off as she looked closely at the girl's bottom half, "why are your legs all wet? Did you have an accident? Can you tell mommy what's going on? "

At this point, Rachel had noticed the presence of the third girl, and timidly made her way over to the entryway. "Um, hi Quinn," she said, a bit quiet and out of character.

"Rachel? Can you please tell me what's going on here?" Quinn asked while still cradling Santana close.

"Oh, I guess I can. I left Santana without a diaper after I gave her a bath earlier. She has such a bad rash and I know it's better to let them dry out on their own sometimes. Putting a diaper on a child with a rash can just trap more moisture and exacerbate the problem. So of course I didn't want to do that and thought..."

"Rachel! You're rambling," Quinn said with a bit of frustration, "please just tell me why Santana was running around and is crying in my arms right now."

"Right, sorry. She was on the couch just a few minutes ago when she shot up and ran away to hide from me. I didn't realize right away but there's a big wet spot on the couch and I think she must've had an accident. I'm not sure why she's running away from me, though," Rachel explained a bit more helpfully.

"Thank you," Quinn said once she finally figured out what was happening, "do you think you could go get started trying to clean the couch or wherever else she was? I think I need to take care of her right now."

"Of course Quinn," Rachel responded, "whatever you need."

With that, Quinn used her hand to lift Santana's chin to meet her eyes. "Hi baby girl," she said with a gentle smile, "do you want to come with me to the bathroom so we can get you all clean? I bet you're feeling pretty yucky right now." Santana didn't answer, but Quinn gently ushered her in that direction anyway.

Once they were in the bathroom, Quinn started the shower before turning her attention back to her crying wife. "Shh San, shh," she tried, "Can you tell mommy what's got you so upset? You know I'm not upset that you had an accident, right? Can you calm down and talk to me?"

Santana just whimpered and leaned her head on Quinn's shoulder. "Okay baby, I'm going to pull your shirt off so we can get you in the shower. We can talk more after," Quinn explained as she got the girl under the water.

As Quinn ever-so-gently washed her wife's legs, bottom, and core, Santana's cries turned more into sniffles. "You're okay San, you're okay," Quinn reassured.

Once Santana was thoroughly cleaned, Quinn dried her off and sat her down on the toilet lid. "I'm just going to go grab you some clean clothes. I'll be back in a second," she said before quickly ducking out of the bathroom.

When she walked back in, Quinn was a little surprised to see Santana focused on the area between her legs. "Santana?" she asked as she knelt down in front of the girl, "what are you doing?"

"No more," Santana said quietly. "No more what, Santana?" Quinn asked curiously. "Hair mommy," Santana responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh, I see," Quinn said as she tried to hide her amusement, "you want mommy to get rid of that for you? Or would you like to do it yourself?" "Mommy," Santana said matter of factly and Quinn stood her up to put her back in the tub.

Quinn wasn't all that surprised that Santana was bothered by the change taking place on her body. As long as Quinn had known her, Santana was always cleanly shaven, never going more than a few days without taking care of it. She was, however, a little concerned about having to do something so delicate and relatively dangerous for her wife- especially with her in this state.

"Mommy needs you to stay perfectly still while she does this, okay?" Quinn explained as she got some shave gel and a razor out. "San? Did you want your legs done too?" she asked and Santana nodded, with a very quiet "please."

Quinn removed her own pants before sitting down in the tub as well, facing her wife. She folded her legs and pulled one of Santana's legs onto her lap, gently covering it in gel. She figured it would be easier to do the girl's legs, so she started there. She used very slow, smooth strokes and tried her absolute hardest not to nick Santana's skin anywhere.

Quinn switched legs once she was finished, and managed to get them both smooth without hurting the other girl. She was still a bit hesitant to move on to the next part, and distracted herself by having Santana lift her arms so she could take care of her underarms as well. "Okay sweet girl, mommy is going to take care of the rest of your hair now. I need you to lean back a little bit and relax. Stay perfectly still for me," Quinn explained.

With Santana leaning back onto the edge of the tub, Quinn bent the girl's legs and spread them apart, placing the girl's feet on either side of herself. She then gently put some shave gel over the whole area and very carefully started to shave the hair away.

Santana was surprisingly still the whole time, and Quinn finished without any hiccups. She made sure to rinse everything away before helping the girl up. "All done sweet girl. No more hair," she said with a smile before she dried her own legs and pulled her own pants back on before thoroughly drying Santana's legs as well (especially her bottom thanks to the reminder from Rachel).

Santana laid down on the floor expectantly once she was dry, ready to get back into a diaper. "Here we go," Quinn said as she got a diaper under the girl and rubbed some powder into her skin.

Instead of bringing the girl back out into the living room, Quinn led her to their bed once she was dressed. "Come sit," she said as she sat down herself and patted the spot next to her. Santana was quick to climb on next to her and laid her head on her mommy's shoulder.

"Hi baby," Quinn smiled as she placed a gentle hand on her leg. "Mommy," Santana said as she placed her thumb into her mouth and closed her eyes. "Come on baby girl, talk to mommy. You can sleep later," Quinn tried to reason as she gently pulled the girl's thumb out of her mouth.

"What's going on in that head of yours, hmm?" Quinn tried to press, but Santana maintained her resistance. She barely even acknowledged her mommy's question with a shrug.

"Do you want to tell me why you were so upset and running away from Rachel maybe?" the blonde girl tried to reason, "you like Rachel baby, I don't understand." Santana let out a huff of air and Quinn moved her arm to wrap around the girl.

"Come on San, what's going on? Did you think Rachel was mad that you had an accident on the couch? Is that what happened?" Quinn continued to ask. Santana shied away at this question, leading Quinn to believe she was on the right path.

"You know both mommy and Rachel would never be mad at you for an accident, right my love?" Quinn tried to explain, "We love you Santana, and we know it's not your fault, okay? I promise you baby, no one is mad at you. But I am worried about you. I don't like seeing you so upset."

"No. Rach mad. Pee on couch and no tell her," Santana finally spoke up.

"Sweetheart, Rachel isn't mad," Quinn countered. "Would you feel better if she came in here and told you that?" she offered. "No know," Santana said quietly.

"Okay baby," Quinn said as she stroked the girl's arm. "Hey Rach?" she called out to the third girl, "could you come in here for a minute?"

Rachel promptly appeared in the doorway and Quinn ushered her over to the bed. Quinn didn't miss the fact that Santana shrunk back a little bit. "Rachel, would you mind telling Santana here that you aren't mad that she had an accident on the couch?" Quinn asked.

"Oh Santana, of course I'm not mad at you sweetheart. It's no big deal at all that you had an accident. I promise you that I'll never get mad at you for something you can't control, okay? I wish you hadn't run away from me and got yourself all upset," Rachel explained and Santana looked up to her with trusting eyes. "No mad?" she asked.

"No Santana, I'm not mad at you," Rachel said with a smile. "Can I have a hug sweetheart?" she asked with open and arms and Santana gently crawled over to her and fell into her arms.

"Thank you Santana," Rachel said and she let the girl go. Quinn smiled at the scene in front of her, and gently folded the blankets down next to her while the girl was a bit preoccupied.

"Hey baby girl, why don't you come lay down for a little while. I know you're tired and it seems you've had a rough afternoon, hmm?" Quinn said when Santana turned her attention back to her mommy. Surprisingly, Santana didn't put up a fight and easily climbed under the blankets.

"Rach, would you mind handing me her pacifier please?" Quinn asked as she tucked the girl in and Rachel was quick to grab it. "Of course, here," she said as she handed it over, and Quinn gently placed it between the girl's lips.

"Sleep tight baby," Quinn said as she gently climbed off of the bed and kissed the top of Santana's head before leaving the room, "I love you."