
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is owned by Atlus

The Mass Effect series is owned by Bioware/EA

It crashed into the ground, its portside completely totaled. It knew the Hybrid was capable of creating the destructive Anomalies, but presumed they were limited to smaller scales, the one that destroyed Nazara being a case of the Hybrid pushing itself beyond its limit. When they arrived at Earth at the beginning of the Cycle, this assumption was proven wrong when it destroyed the majority of the fleet. Still, it would not impede them. It quickly sent the little data it managed to gather to the other fleets to prepare a counter for the Hybrid. Not a second after, the Hybrid approached…


He nodded as the Reaper shifted slightly to view him.

"You will not stop us."

"Yes. I will." He walked closer to it.

"The Cycle will not be broken."

He paused at that. Eventually he started towards the Reaper again, stopping before its 'eyes'. He stared at it for a moment before raising his hand towards it.

"I knew another that spoke of cycles." He started gathering energy within his hand.

"It was created by a being that was, for all rights and reasons, God. Not a title, not an exaggeration, GOD. And they sought to end this universe, over and over again to suit their wants." The power in his hand grew in magnitude.

"I broke their cycle. I will break yours." With that, Megidolaon erased the Reaper from existence. With a quick message to Shepard, he began walking back to the pick-up point.

Aliens or not, he'd break the Reaper's cycle all the same.

AN: A quick one-shot in lament over the fact I managed to screw up the next chapter of 'A Monster Isn't Always a monster' and delete the first chapter of another story… Gonna go lie on my carpet and cry now…