Hey guys unfortunately I don't own fairy tail that honor goes to Hiro Mashima

As Lucy looked back at her former guild with nothing but shock in her eyes she felt the tears coming on.


"Hey Luce, we're kicking you off the team because you're just too weak and replacing you with Lissana." Natsu delivered the deadly blow with not a speck of sympathy in his onyx eyes.

Flashback end

As Lucy walked back to her apartment she wondered where she should go now? She wasn't given much time to think about it before she felt an astonishing amount of magic power radiating from the woods to the west of Magnolia. When she reach the woods what she found made her scream. There laying in the middle of the clearing was the black dragon himself; Acnologia. He lifted his head at her scream and regarded her thoughtfully.

"Why are you frightened my child?"
"I'm not scared you just startled me." When in fact she was shaking where she stood.

"It was that bastard Natsu again wasn't it." It wasn't question but more of a statement which she couldn't deny. Lucy fell to the ground and started sobbing as she told Acnologia everything.

"So you wish to get stronger is that all my child?"

"Yes I want to show them that I'm not weak." She replied with a malicious gleam in her eyes. Acnologia smiled, now this was something he could work with. And so they trained for months on end as Lucy Heartfilia became the next black dragon slayer.

Hey guys thank for reading this is my first fic so go easy. This actually the first written work in general so R&R and fluffies.