A/N: Someone told me I was pretty yesterday so I needed to share warm and fluffy feelings with everyone.

Hanji took a loud slurp of the coffee Petra just made for them and smacked their lips exaggeratedly. "That really hits the spot!" they sighed. Hanji's eyes were closed and they had a serene smile on their face, as if nothing in the world could bother them. They opened an eye lazily and rested their head on their hand, leaning against the counter. "If you didn't have a mystery man, I'd totally propose to you right now, Petra."

Petra made a face. "I have a mystery man?" She and her friends were currently standing around the counter. It was two in the afternoon and the café didn't typically get a lot of business around that hour so she and the rest of the baristas could afford to just stand around a chat. Aside from Hanji, there were only a couple of other stragglers there who were either sleeping or just mooching off of the free Wi-fi at the café even though they finished their drink an hour ago.

"You have someone," Eld said, a smirk on his face. "Someone short. Grumpy. Usually comes in at two-thirty on the dot." His grin grew even bigger once he saw her face redden as she realized whom he was referring to.

"Yeah, that guy you nearly killed the first time he came in!" snorted Auruo from the register. "What a great way to welcome someone to the café! Apparently it was his first time trying coffee too. I'm surprised you didn't completely turn him off caffeine after that."

"Shut up, Auruo! He just drank it too fast," Petra said. She glared at the sandy-haired cashier and he stuck his tongue out at her in response.

"And Petra's coffee really is the best," Gunter piped up from behind them. He joined them at the counter, taking a break from all of his baking, and smiled over at Petra. She was about to thank him for the compliment and reward him with her own smile until he said, "Also, mystery man has been here for weeks and had Petra make his coffee every time. And he made sure to come here during the least busy business hours just so he can talk to her. Lengthy conversations too."

Hanji squealed while Petra glared at Gunter. "His name his Levi and he's a friend who just happens to like my coffee and my company."

"She likes him," Eld translated, causing Hanji to howl with laughter and Petra to slap his arm.

Hanji wiped a tear from their eye and, after regaining her composure, said, "Hey, I can make you a love potion for him if you want!"

"No!" everyone screamed.

Hanji looked highly offended.

"The last time you made one, the guy fell in love with everything," Auruo said, shuddering. "He confessed to me like ten times. I was pretty flattered until he ran across the street to go confess to a particularly large willow tree across campus. If I recall correctly, he had to be isolated for three whole days before he got back to normal."

"Psh, that was a year ago," Hanji said, waving their hand around as if a horrifically failed love potion was nothing to be frightened about. "I've gotten better at my potion-making, I swear!"

"You barely passed the potions exam. I doubt you've made a potion ever since you took the class last semester," Eld pointed out.

"Hey, passing is passing!" they said indignantly. They turned to Petra and gave her their most adorable pouting face. "Please, please, please let me do this, Petra. I will do anything to get you together with the love of your life because that's what good friends do."

Eld wrapped his arms protectively around Petra's head. "Stay away from the love of Petra's life!"

"Could you quit calling him that?" Petra spluttered. She untangled herself from Eld's embrace and fixed her hair. "I'll admit that I think he's cute and that I might have a teensy weensy crush on him but I do not need a love potion." She gave Hanji a stern look as she said the last part.

"Yeah, Petra already has a ton of charm," Gunter said. "It's obvious he likes her. Why would he be coming to the coffee shop every day if he didn't?"

"Because he likes my coffee," Petra said glumly. "I might have just been reading into it too much. I mean, no one would take this long to ask a girl out, right?"

"Maybe he's too scared because he thinks you don't like him." Hanji studied Petra for a bit before proceeding further. "Are you being noticeably nicer to him than to other people or are you just being Petra-nice?"

Petra snorted. "What does that even mean?"

Her friends shared glances before Eld answered for all of them. "Well, Pet, you're pretty friendly to everyone. Even the mailman."

"Petra's not nice to me," Auruo pointed out.

"Shut up, Auruo!" they all chorused except for Hanji who piped up with a "No one's nice to you."

"If you're so impatient, why don't you just ask him out, Pet?" Eld asked, ignoring Auruo's sulking.

She twirled a lock of hair around her finger. To be honest, she didn't have a preference on who made the first move. She would have asked him out on the third day but she didn't want to beat him to the punch if he was planning on asking her first. "He always looked like he was about to do the asking but would always ask him at the last sentence. Maybe he just wants to be friends."

"Petra, Petra, Petra," Hanji said, shaking their head. "Nobody wants to be just your friend. Literally any one of us would be ecstatic to have you as more than just a friend." They glanced at Eld and frowned. "Except Eld but that's because he already has a girlfriend."

"Maybe Levi has a girlfriend," Petra said aloud.

"Stop bumming yourself out for no reason. You need your cute smile if you want to win your favorite customer over." Gunter jabbed Petra in the side before she could come back with a witty retort and jerked his head to the door where Levi was walking in. "But I highly doubt he has a girlfriend," he whispered to her before disappearing to the back of the café to check on his pastries.

Hanji gave a low whistle. "So this is the famous Levi." They took a look at clock hanging on the wall and smirk. "Two-thirty on the dot, just like you said."

"Don't say a word," Petra hissed at her friend through gritted teeth as she gave Levi a smile and a wave.

He gave her a head nod and was about to take his regular seat in the corner when Hanji waved at him, much to Petra's embarrassment.

"Levi, is it?" Hanji asked, their voice so loud that it pretty much echoed throughout the entire room. They held out a hand for him to shake, talking all of the while. "Petra was telling me all about you."

Petra was half expecting him to not come over at all but he did eventually come over, taking a seat next to Hanji at the counter and shaking their hand. "Did she really?" he asked. His tone made him seem like he was uninterested but that slight head tilt and little eyebrow raise said otherwise.

"She did," Hanji said happily at the same time Petra claimed the very opposite. This prompted a very smug look on Levi's face. "I'm Hanji, by the way. I study alchemy at the same university Petra does."

"Alchemy," he repeated. "Right." Although Petra had repeatedly been telling him about witchcraft and the magic school she went to, he had simply refused to believe it. He used to be lot more vocal in his disbelief but now he just silently sat there in grudging acceptance. At least he stopped asking her what drugs she put in the coffee.

"You want coffee now, right?" Petra asked Levi, desperate to get out of the conversation before Hanji could embarrass her any further. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She scurried off before Levi – or Hanji, for the matter – could say anymore.

When she got to the back, an amused Gunter was waiting for her. "Looks like Hanji is throwing you off your game. Isn't Levi normally the flustered one when it comes to your afternoon conversations?"

"Don't talk about it," Petra groaned, burying her head in her hands.

He patted her on the head sympathetically. "Want me to get rid of them?"

"Please. I love Hanji but they're probably going to slip him a love potion and make him fall in love with Auruo or something."

"Alright-y," Gunter chuckled. "They're late for a class anyway. They told me they had necromancy at two-thirty."

She probably should have felt bad that she had essentially had Gunter kick Hanji out but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard her friend let out a slew of expletives upon being reminded that they were currently missing a class, scuttling out of the coffee shop with a couple of loud goodbyes and a slam of the door after them.

Making a cup of coffee soothed her nerves and, after she had calmed down completely, an idea popped into her head. As soon as she had finished making a cup of cappuccino (something that she could, if she really wanted to, make with her eyes closed), she brought it over, a hot pitcher of milk in her hand. She occasionally did foam art in front of customers, especially if there was a little kid in tow.

"How was talking to Hanji?" she asked casually. She was itching to ask him what they talked about but doubted that he'd actually tell her. It was difficult to even worm the most mundane of information from him at times although he was gradually opening up to her after these few weeks.

"Interesting," Levi replied. He nodded at the pitcher in her hand. "Foam art?"

"Yup. You get to watch up close today." Truthfully, foam art wasn't really her expertise but she had been working at it for a while enough to consider herself decent. Eld was actually the best at it but doing this herself would make her plan more effective.

"What's that?" Levi said, watching as she carefully poured the creamy milk onto the caramel-foam of the espresso that sat in front of him. He had watched her do this a dozen times although he typically only watched her from afar until now.

Petra set the little, metal pitcher aside and smiled happily at the little swirls in the cup, content with her artwork. A delicate flower with four thin petals sat on the espresso. "It's a flower. This'll give you confidence," she said cheerfully. She liked to tell him what the different pictures she drew were of, even if he still didn't fully accept the idea of magical coffee.

He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Alright. I don't know what I need confidence for but you have yet to dissatisfy me." He reached for the cup but Petra reached out and quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"That's not for you," she said quickly. Realizing she was still holding onto him, she let go. It may have been her imagination, but she could have sworn that there was a flicker of disappointment in his eyes when her hand left his wrist.


"It's mine," she said apologetically. She raised the cup to her lips and took a large swig. It was like drinking liquid sunshine. The warmth spilled down her throat, filling up her belly and spilled over her lungs, wrapping her heart in it. It was the feeling that, no matter what happened, things would turn out just the way she wanted.

"What do you need luck for?" he asked curiously.

"Because I wanted to know," she replied, lowering the cup onto the counter, "if you wanted to go out with me."

His facial expression hardly changed but a flush of red was coloring his cheeks and Petra couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you embarrassed? Shouldn't I be the one blushing right now?" she teased.

"I think I'll need the rest of that," he mumbled, taking the cup and downing the rest of its contents.

"What for?" Petra asked, a giggle escaping her lips.

"For this," he said. He leaned across the counter and reached over to cup a side of her face in his hand, bringing her face close to his. He pressed a tentative kiss against her lips, something that tasted like first love, hope, and a hint of coffee. He pulled away a little too soon, Petra thought, but it was more daring than he usually was and she was sure there were many more kisses to come in the future. He was still blushing slightly but the corners of his mouth were tugged upward in a shy smile. "That's a yes."

A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave a comment below or visit my tumblr at: pickalilywrites