Hey duddesss, its yo girlman Jackson the Xerox Fax Machine Johnson! If yall new here, This is kind of a continuation from my previous story "Judy's Trial" which you guys shuld DEF read FIRST if you didn't, despite it being kinda sad it's full of cute WildeHopps moments! But if you don't feel like reading it, I'm pretty sure the exposition laid down in this chap. is enough to let you guys infer what previously happened. Tickle mah marrow with your lovely reviews. And follow if you guys want more! KISSES XOXOXOXOXOXOOXO. And hugs.

She sat there with her ears fully perked up. The dim LED on her clock showed 2:16 AM.

Her eyes were darting back and forth incessantly at every little sound.

Her breathes were quick, sharp, and inconsistent.

She was curled up in the corner of her apartment gripping her own knees tightly with her arms.

Judy was quietly whimpering and wincing at almost every noise she heard.

It had been about 1 month since Judy awoke from her torture-induced coma.

She had still insisted adamantly to Chief Bogo that she wished to resume her duties as an officer asap.

Nick and Judy had been advised by the doctors and the ZPD not to see each other during her recovery. They feared the constant interaction between the two would only continually remind them of their traumatic experiences and possibly worsen it.

Nick and Judy both strongly disapproved, but Nick knew there to be some truth in their proposal so he reluctantly adhered to it… he should give her her much needed space and time and try to collect himself as well. This was not easy for either of them.

In addition, Bogo wanted her on a 2 week paid probation period of living independently without hospital/medicinal aid or constant surveillance. The rationale for this probation was to see if Judy was truly ready to handle society again let alone resume work on the force.

Since her return to her apartment a few days ago, she felt scared and terrified by any and everything. Every. Single. Night.

Everything felt like an immediate threat and nothing at her "home" made her feel in the least bit safe.

Sleep was near impossible since she was usually woken by nightmares or sudden loud noises from the urban nightlife in Zootopia.

Some nights, it had been plain insomnia induced by the endless agitating thoughts. Other nights, she was simply too scared to fall asleep not wanting to face her nightmares again. At the hospital, she had sleep medication… but at home, there was nothing to calm her nor comfort her.

It was just her, and the dingy walls of her apartment. And of course those annoying neighbors and their constantly permeating voices served no aid to comfort her.

This lack of rest was taking a toll on her sanity and her physical health.

In addition to that, it's been about a week since she spoke to anyone besides Bogo once on the phone. But worst of it for her was being unable to speak to or see Nick. She hasn't spoken to him in about a week and half since the doctors advised against their interactions.

She began to sob quietly into her knees as her ears drooped down and she tried to shut her eyes hoping to drown out the thoughts that haunted her.

She felt like she was losing her mind.

I gotta get outta here…

She quickly sprung up and ran across the room as if the shadows casted on her walls were chasing her down.

She franticly searched for the outlet where her phone was plugged into.

Quickly, she unlocked her iCarrot phone and started scrolling through her contacts. She did not have many contacts, most of them were ZPD coworkers and some of her folks from Bunny Burrow.

"Dumb Fox" was the entry she had him under.

For about a few seconds, she just stared at the screen indecisively debating whether or not this was a good idea. Maybe this is inconsiderate toward Nick...

She looked around her apartment once more, she felt so small. So lonely. The darkness that enveloped the room felt like it was slowly consuming every bit of her.

Turning on the lights didn't seem to help either.

This whole place felt like a deathtrap. She desperately needed to get out of here.

Without a second thought, she hit the call button and brought the phone close up to her ears. She opted not to video chat him because she didn't want him to see how terrible she looked right now.

Her heart was racing; she hadn't heard his voice in what felt like ages. The anticipation was killing her. Even her foot began to thump anxiously and her nose twitched.

Two rings before a familiar, but half-awake voice greeted in a mutter, "Hnnn… Ca-Carrots…?"

A pit formed in her stomach. It was so good to hear his voice again. She smiled widely as her eyes watered a bit.

"Hey Nick…" she replied back sheepishly while stroking her ear nervously. For some reason, she already started feeling better. As if almost, instantaneously, his voice washed away the terrible thoughts and nightmares eating at her heart.

"What's wrong? You ok?" His voice started to sound a little more awake and concerned.

She sniffled quietly trying hard to make sure he doesn't hear it "I… I uhh… I'm just checking up on you… to see how you're doing."

He shuffled from his bed and sat up pushing some of his blanket off himself "Oh? Yeah… I'm doing fine… Well as fine as anyone could be at 2 in the morning." he chuckled as he rubbed his eyes and head.

"That's good…" she chuckled back and smiled.

He let out an extended yawn "How are you doing? Resting ok?" he asked back.

"I've… hehe… I've definitely been better." She tried to joke while still stroking her own drooping ear. "Just been having a hard time sleeping… It just so cramped feeling in here… like so ugh… I feel like I'm living in a horror movie every night…" Her voice began to crack.

His eyes widened in concern. Nick noticed the voice break and already picked up what she was going through.

Her sniffles became little more audible this time as she continued, "It's just really frustrating… I'm sorry… Nevermind. I'm not even sure why I called, you can go back to sleep Nick sorry for bothering yo-"

"Hey! Don't worry about it, Fluff. You wanna come to my place? I can come pick you up. It'll be like old times." He offered and chuckled smoothly while wearing his half lidded grin.

He had been wanting her to come to his place again for so long, but of course his image and pride did not permit him to speak with any trace of desperation.

"But the doctors said it's best if we don-" she spoke worriedly.

"Oh to hell with them!" Nick interrupted loudly.


"Sorry I mean… Don't you miss me, Carrots? Plus it's a lot more comfortable here… you can take the bed and I'll just sleep on the couch ok? And that way, if anything goes bump in the night I'll be right there and you'll be fine."

No response just some barely audible sniffles.

"Jud, you there?" he reassured.

"Yeah…" she spoke through a quiet sob. His offer sounded like a dream come true to her. This past 2 weeks had been hell for her "I… You…" She sighed "Thank you Nick."

"Hey. What are friends for right?" he smirked. "Well hurry up and get ready, I'll be there in 15 minutes ok? Which reminds me… for a bunny, you take a reeeeally long time to get ready. Aren't you guys supposed to be quick?"

She couldn't help but laugh and protest at that remark, "No that's not true!" She sniffled loudly before she retorted with a stuffed nose nasally voice "I'm just really thorough…"

"I'm just really thorough." He mocked in a nasally high pitched voice.

She laughed harder this time "That's not what I sound like, you jerk!"

"Come on, Carrots! I told you I'll be there in 15 minutes and that was 5 minutes ago, so now you got 10!" he jested.

She put one paw on her hip and sat upright while giggling "Wow! Ok ok! I'll pack my stuff now."

"See you soon, rabbit."

She quickly hung up and started packing up some of her things.

It was like she was a brand new bunny and had forgotten all about the horribleness she was just experiencing earlier in the night. She even hummed a Gazelle song as she excitedly packed some of her clothes and toiletries.

"What is taking that bunny so dang long?" He thought aloud as he checked his watch. He told her to be down in 15 minutes about 30 minutes ago.

He let out a loud yawn and reclined his car seat as he laid back. Maybe I'll just take a nap till she comes down.

As soon as he began shutting his eyes. tap tap tap

He opened his eyes again and sat up. Two perked black tipped ears were staring at him through the window. She was a bit too short to see eye-to-eye with him through a car window.

The window rolled down as the fox peered over to see a gray bunny wearing her pajamas with a small suitcase staring up at him with an excited toothy grin.

He gave her his signature smirk. "Oh hey little bunny. Ya lost? The toy store is just around the corner!"

Her smile dropped into a scowl "That's not funny Nick! Open your door!"

"Hey now Carrots! What's the rush amiright? I mean you sure took your sweet time! Maybe I'm not even here yet. Maybe it's your turn to wait on the curb over there!" He pointed at the sidewalk.

She balled her paw into a fist. "Are you serious Nick? I'm sorry ok! I was just being thorough. Can you just open the do-"

"Can't hear you, still not here yet!" He pretended to lift his phone up to his ears and talked into it, "Hello Judy? Yeah I'm still on the freeway, probably another 20 minutes… No no, I have to be thorough about my driving. Ok. Ok. Uh huh. Ok see you in 40 minutes. Buh bye."

She glared at him with her arms folded and her foot thumping impatiently.

He just continued to stare at her with his smirk. It was charming to her at first, but now it was annoying the heck outta her.

She wanted to kick him in his dumb face.

Smirk vs. glare.

This persisted for about a minute.

"You wanna get in?"

"Yes." She replied immediately with a furious tone.

"You have to say please."

"Please." She spoke succinctly and in a monotone.

"Wow. That was weak. Where's the enthusiasm and cuteness?"

She let out a "hmph" and tilted her chin up "Ya know what! Forget it! You're a jerk." She picked up her suitcase and stormed off toward her apartment.

"Hey! Carrots wait!" he pleaded while laughing. She's so cute when she's mad.

She ignored him and began opening the door to the apartment complex.

"Carrots! If you come back and say please right! I'll even give you a back massage later!"

She stopped at the doorway as if contemplating the offer.

He chuckled "Come on… I'm really good ya know. The females love Nick's paws" he almost purred.

She began walking into the apartment complex.

He laughed some more "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Well… I AM good at massaging. But I don't just massage a buncha other ladies!"

She stopped again.

He waited.

She placed her paws on her hips and turned around and stared at him with an unamused look and an eyebrow lifted.

Then picked up her suitcase and walked back out and stopped about 5 feet away from his car window.

She crossed her arms "Say you're a dumb fox."

He stared at her. "Ok you're a dumb fox." He let out a smirk.

She picked up her suitcase again.

He laughed some more playfully reaching his arms out to her. "ok ok! I'm… a dumb fox. There. Happy?"

She placed her suitcase back down and grinned a little.

"I know you are" she smiled smugly as if she just totally won.

"Hey… now it's your turn though." He reminded her.

Her ears drooped a bit as she rolled her eyes. She let her arms unfold and fall to her side.

She placed her two paws under her chin innocently and leaned slightly to the left.

Her big beautiful amethyst eyes were wide open as she batted her eyelids at him.

"May I get in the car pleeeeease?" she pleaded in an obvious fake overly sweet tone.

He let out a loud laugh.

It took him about a minute to control his laughter.

She was glaring at him again.

He wiped the tear from his eye and unlocked the doors. "Ok… get in."

She hopped into the front seat and buckled her seatbelt without looking at him still a little mad about what he made her do.

He began driving back to his place. "Ya know… that was freaking adorable."

"Shut up!" she punched him in the shoulder.

He winced a bit and let out a chuckle.

"You know you love m-"

"No I hate you." She pouted and looked out the window.

His eyes grew wide but he still wore a smug smile.

It was a red light, so he pulled the car to a stop.

Then suddenly, Judy felt two arms wrap around her waist as she was staring out the window. Nick's head nestled into her shoulders.

Her face heated up as her body froze.

"Ya know…" he began to speak sincerely. "It's really great to see you again. I'm really glad you're ok now. I missed you, Carrots."

She turned around slowly to look him in the eyes. He loosened his hug slightly.

They stared into each other's eyes for about a minute. The light was green already, but neither of them noticed. It was about 3 AM anyway, so there were no cars behind them. The skies were dark and the streets were silent.

Nothing to interrupt this moment.

She looked away and slowly wrapped her arms around him as well. He tightened his embrace in response.

She buried her face into his chest and took a deep breath. Smells like blueberries. She smiled.

This was the first time since the incident she ever felt truly safe and at peace.

"I… I missed you too Nick. Thanks… for… for everything."

"No… Thank YOU" he replied as he lightly rubbed the back of her head.

She leaned back a little and looked up at him with big round eyes "for what?"

He smiled at her with slightly glossy eyes. "For waking up." His paw pushed her face lightly back into his chest.

She said nothing and simply let out a content sigh as she tightened her grip around the fox.