53. "You're the best."

A loud, piercing wail slices through the silence of the night. The bed jolts as both of them startle awake, blinking groggily up at the ceiling as their minds race to clear the cobwebs of blissful slumber to recall the reason why they were now awake. He feels her stir besides him, and he shifts, moving languidly as he glances at her exquisite profile, highlighted so wonderfully by the soft moonlight filtering through the windows. He's forgotten how exhausting it was. Then again, he reminds himself, he had been younger the first time around. He wets his lips with his tongue before summoning up the words.

"Whose turn is it?" mumbles Castle.

"Mine," Kate groans, yawning hugely as she struggles to sit up, still so very tired. Always tired. But as she moves to roll up and off the bed, a strong hand stops her, and gently pushes her back down.

"No, stay, sleep," Castle's voice rumbles, still thick with sleep. The bed shakes as he sits up. "I'll go."

She blinks lazily, squinting in the dim light as she stares up at him. "You went last time, Rick," Kate protests, but is unable to make her bone-weary body comply with her intentions. "It's my turn."

"I know," he runs a hand down her bare arm, bends over to kiss her softly. She hums into his mouth. "But you have a meeting at 1PP tomorrow. You need your rest."

"Okay," she relents easily, allowing him to ease her back into the comfortable mattress. "You're the best, Castle," she adds, drowsily, her eyes closing as she scoots into the warm spot on the mattress he's just vacated, inhaling the rich and comforting scent of him. "Love you."

"Love you, too, Kate," he says as he staggers up off the bed and makes his way to the door.

She shifts in the cushions and pillows, already drifting back to sleep. But she still has enough energy for one more request. "Give Lily my love," Kate calls after him, just as sleep pulls her back under.

He stops and turns, smiles softly at his sleeping wife. "Always."

*A/N: This is an expanded version of a 3-tweet twitter fic I posted this morning.