Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Ao no Exorcist, I'm just playing in the lovely sand box of their universes. I also do not to the best of my knowledge earn any money from this story or any other story I write using any of their characters.

AN: Er, I am honestly surprised at how interested people seem in this story, really it was supposed to be a one-shot because I don't actually trust my ability to make a full length story, like at all. That's also why the last chapter is short because I wrote it all in one sitting at around midnight/one o'clock just to be sure I actually got as much of a complete idea down as possible. I will give you guys props for keeping my attention on this idea though, I honestly nearly wrote another chapter after just twenty-four hours, I probably would have if I hadn't been sleep deprived and sick as well on top of that. (For future reference staying up all night at work with only five hours of sleep while sick is not conductive to getting better anytime soon.) I still don't have a beta currently so I apologize for the mistakes I miss.

Italics- generally when Rin isn't sure of the correct word, I remember to put them to show that, and it won't make things needlessly complicated to do so.

Bold Italics- these will be words spoken in a different language probably Italian or the like.

In which Rin is confused...

Rin stared at the boy in front of him and tilted his head to the side. He had just exited the corner store, grocery-bag dangling from his arm and an ice lolly in his mouth when a teenage boy just prostrated himself in front of him.

"Rin-sama, I wish to express my gratitude for your for you interference in the battle against the local yakuza they have been sabotaging our businesses in the area your interference in this matter saved us a great deal of time and resources by dealing with the matter yourself what sort of offering may we give you in thanks for clearing them out?" Rin blinked slowly bemused maybe this was some strange foreigner thing, he considered it for a minute, finishing his treat.

"Well, I'd never say no to some sukiyaki, but since it's more than just you...hm, I need a new instrument and some sort of watch. I was going to get them myself, but if your looking for something to give me...well, I'm not reading any manga currently and depending on how many of you there are who are looking for presents high quality food ingredients or homestuffs like thread, yarn, fabrics, and the like are always useful, although if there's too much food it could go to waste..." Rin said musing to himself lost in thought, "Eh, you don't need to stay on the ground anymore you already agreed to give me something right?" he said snapping back into focus on the teenager who was staring up at him from the ground eyes wide and completely awestruck.

"Hai, Rin-sama! Thank you for this opportunity." The boy yelled getting off the ground and bowing deeply before turning around and running at top speed. Rin stared after him still bemused before shaking his head throwing the stick of his lolly in the trash, and heading home.

In retrospect this is probably the point when things start getting out of hand

Shiro was exhausted he had spent the last week and a half tracking down a rather stubborn demon that enjoyed possessing elderly men with grandchildren who he kidnapped, skinned alive and then killed the host after devouring the childrens' lungs piece by piece. He finally managed to corner and exorcise the demon, but it was too late for one of the children and the the other two were traumatized one of them missing half the skin on their face and the other...well the other was currently clutching his hand desperately and refusing to let him out of their sight. The only thing he wanted to do was crawl into bed after a long soak in the tub and enjoying one of Rin's rather amazing dishes. It stands to reason then that he'd be surprised to see Rin standing outside the gate with an odd expression on his face as he stared into the yard as though he's never seen it before.

"Ne, Jiji is it normal for foreigners to leave people gifts like this?" Rin asked suddenly expression still strange.

"Ah, Nani!" Shiro rushed to the gate inadvertently dragging the child with him. Rin turned to look at him and tilted his head as his eyes caught the child's. Rin rocked back on his heels startled before leaning to look at the child closer eyes flickering over her and then to the area around her before locking his gaze on her face. He nods his head firmly before turning back to the gate backing up slightly and taking a running jump over catching top so he's hanging over the other side of the gate eyes searching the yard for something in particular.


"Oi, Rin what are you doing!" Rin turned hands already full of the objects he leapt over for and hummed in confusion.

"Getting supplies, they're my presents anyway, so what does it matter?" Rin said absently even as his hands found and pulled out ten delicate metal chains made of differing lengths of precious metals and a few small semi-precious stones of varying colors. He stepped carefully through the cluttered yard leaping, over the gate and tapping down lightly back on the outside. "Now be quiet for a minute I've never had to do this before so I need to concentrate." Shiro opened his mouth to retort when an oddly lyrical sound rolled from Rin's lips tumbling through the courtyard and twining into the chains that he was rapidly weaving into a web of glowing starlight each new chain adding a new shade, gems rolling from his fingers like droplets before getting caught in the weave. Rin face a picture of pure concentration as sweat dripped from his brow. His voice slowly died down as the last stone dropped and the last bit of chain was slipped into place leaving only a small woven cuff that glittered oddly in the light. Rin slipped the cuff onto the girls wrist before stumbling backwards to lean against the gate face pale and breathing harshly as he stared at his trembling hands for a few seconds and slumped in a dead faint.

Shiro stared at Rin brain desperately trying to reboot, the little girl's hand slipping from his robe as she looked down at her new bracelet. She toddled forward on unsteady feet reaching towards Rin arms desperately tears running down her face as she finally fell onto his lap curling into him with a sob as she cried herself into what would be the first real sleep she's had in two days.

This is not the first time Rin has said or done something odd in front of Shiro, but this is the first time anything comes of it.

The little girl glanced up at Rin adoringly her hand clutching his as she pulled him along with her to the hospital bracelet flashing in the light as it flung a minor demon violently into a trash can. Shiro stared at them incredulously, Yukio still sulking and unwilling to go near her after getting thrown into a wall by the the same piece of jewelry early in the morning after attempting to remove it from her wrist for testing. Shiro still remembers the string of accusations that followed from both Rin and little Sachi-chan had Yukio refusing to go near either of them, though that could be because Sachi refused to leave Rin's side going so far as to drag him into the bathroom and crawling into bed with him. It probably didn't help that she insisted Yukio must be a demon trying to kill her, and in retrospect his insistence that the bracelet was dangerous probably both cemented this idea in her mind and was a contributing factor for in Rin's impression that not only did Yukio not trust him, but that he was trying to scare Sachi.

The amount of strings he had to pull to get Rin entrance to the hospital with them was rather noteworthy, he even had to agree to Mephisto acting as chaperone for Rin while he was in the area. He wouldn't have bothered if he didn't have to bring Sachi-chan back in and, well, she wasn't going anywhere if she didn't want to particularly without Rin. You'd think as the person who'd rescued her in the first place he'd be afforded enough leeway to at least bring her to the doctor's himself, but no, since Rin did...whatever it was he did to make that thing, she refused to go anywhere he wasn't.

"Which way to Sen-chan's room?" Rin asked leaning his head back to look at them, shifting the case he was carrying in his right hand as Sachi turned back to look at him curiously.

"Ah, well we have to wait for someone to meet us here before we can go see her."

"Hmm, if you say so." Rin said as they turned the corner before stopping dead at the sight in front of him. "...What is that!?" Rin exclaims startled and then with a bright flash of light and a sound like a bomb going off Shiro had the distinct pleasure of watching Pheles go flying ass over teakettle into the wall of the waiting room. He couldn't help but burst into peels of laughter suddenly all this trouble seemed worth it, if only he had a camera!

"No, seriously what is that!"

One could note at this point that the bracelet should probably not be in the hands of an easily startled child.

Rin carefully placed his violin case on the table while Sachi stood at her sister's bedside grasping her hand gently looking like she was about to burst into tears. He glance back at the strange man who followed them into the room before taking a deep breath and opening it to pull out his instrument mind scrambling in search of the best hymn for healing he knew. He sighed and started tuning the it absentmindedly, paused and started playing first low and eerie, than climbing into the ethereal realm eyes fluttering shut as he swayed, the music twining, twittering and sweeping through the room before traveling down the corridors of the hospital drawing in more and more energy as it went before curling back into the room like a contented cat. A slow glistening blue light twirled up from his body spreading on an invisible current to seep into the figure in the bed.

It was a rather dazed and exhausted Rin that left the hospital that day unaware of the bedlam left in his wake as a perfectly healthy Sen carried his violin in one hand and clutch his hand in the other.

"The whole thing was quite wondrous, I've certainly never seen the like, and you say he made that bracelet as well...certainly quite interesting." Mephisto said with a cheshire grin. "It's quite amusing isn't it."

"What am I going to do about it?" Shiro groaned "I can't keep hiding him if he goes around doing things like this! Half the people in the hospital were released early because of whatever that thing he did was he called it a hymn of all things, and the other half were either doctors or are now well on their may to being better! I don't know where he's learning it and I had to keep him home from school the past three days because he couldn't even walk to the bathroom he's so tired!" Shiro slumped in his chair and ran a hand over his face.

"Don't know, quite fun don't you think?"

"No not fun, not fun at all!"

This was of course not the end of it, but there was still the matter of the odd gifts he kept getting addressed to 'Rin-sama'

"Oi what are you doing!" Shiro shouted as caught sight of someone leaving yet another gift in the front of the Monastery. Sen followed sedately behind him as he ran up to the man. The man glared at him, bowed in the direction of the present on the ground.

"Don't you know anything!" He snarled, "Leaving an offering for Rin-sama when expecting trouble all but guarantees the trouble will be resolved in your favour! Requesting help only during trouble is considered in poor taste and could cause Rin-sama to become cross with you leading to all sorts of issues if not properly appeased! We're blessed his male iteration is so forgiving, or else there would be no end to the problems caused by his divine wrath!" He turned on his heel with a huff and marched off into the distance leaving Shiro frozen in shock behind him.

Sen's expression was contemplative as she glanced at the offering and then back in the church where her sister waited.

...and Shiro finds out about the ever growing new religion.

Omake: ...What?

Shiro spat out his tea as Rin walked into the room. "Rin, why are you wearing a dress?" Rin beamed at him twirling in place and ending with a curtsy.

"I'm a girl today!" Rin chirped happily before turning to go to the kitchen.

Shiro spent the entire rest of the day panicking

"Look Jiji! I learned how to hypnotize people wanna see!"

"Ugh, having no gender sucks I don't know how to go to the bathroom anymore."

"Jiji! I learned a new hymn wanna hear, it's not as good without the magic, but I don't wanna blow up the church..."

"Jiji! My violin caught fire!"

"Hey, Jiji! I've decided I like being a girl. Do you think I could grow out my hair?" Shiro groaned the last six months have been hell on his sanity.

Omake: ...What? End