For those of you that have stuck with me from the beginning with this story I thank you! For those of you that are just joining this story, I thank you as well!

I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my story especially when you leave me a review.

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know I am working on more content. It's a little hard with working full time, going to college full time, and taking care of my sister who I have custody of, but I am making it work when I can.

I also want to let everyone know that I am revising this story so those of you who had the opportunity to read the original please check out the updates to the chapters! I have decided to change up some content and I am much happier with how it's turning out. So if you don't want to be lost with the story line, it's highly recommended that you go back and re-read!

And if you remember how it used to be compared to what it is now, I wouldn't mind the reviews to hear your opinion on what you think about it. Whether it's positive or negative - I don't mind! I love all criticism; especially when it helps me become a better writer.

If anyone follows my other stories I want you to know that I am working on that content as well. I am revising Destiny and The Sun and the Moon. Before the Dawn is still in the works and staying the same course. I just have to get together with my beta/collaborator when our schedules align in order to continue content for that story. I could write on my own, but Bella Marie Whitlock is a genius and really helps make Before the Dawn come alive! When that story is complete, I've actually thought about making it into a book to be published (while giving the characters different names). So, if you'd like to check it out, feel free to do so and let me know what you think of it as well.

Once again, thank you to those that have been patient with me and continue to follow this story. Thank you to the new readers who decided to give this story a shot. You'll be hearing from me again soon.

Much love,
