Marinette sat in her room furiously scribbling in her sketchbook. Nothing was working, not a single, solitary design was coming out like it should have. She growled and shoved the book away from her. She then repeatedly hit her head on her desk. Tikki couldn't help but notice her Ladybug's action, and floated over to Marinette.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" her small voice squeaked out. Marinette turned her head towards her kwami. She smiled slightly and nodded.

"I'm fine, it's just these designs aren't cooperating with me tonight Tikki."

"Maybe you need second view point of them." Tikki suggested. Marinette nodded in agreement. She began to reconsider different combinations of her designs while her kwami watched over her shoulder.

"You're right Tikki, but what other fashion expert could I talk to this late?" Tikki pondered the question, and it was definitely not going to be her. She was too tired from the akuma battles of the day. "Maybe- no, that won't work there…" Marinette said sketching again, then erasing what she just drew. Her momentary deep thinking was interrupted by tapping on her window. She jumped, but groaned silently. Both Tikki and Marinette smirked at each other and rolled their eyes, they knew who it was. Marinette slowly rose from her rolling chair and proceeded to the window in her bedroom on the next floor. She opened the curtains to see Chat Noir. He smirked and tapped the window again. Marinette rolled her eyes but opened the window anyway.

"Hello, princess, how are you this evening?" he asked stepping onto her carpet. Marinette sighed making an annoyed yet content face at Tikki who was hiding near the staircase.

"I'm fine Chat, I was just working on some designs-", Chat's excited face and little squeal cut her off.

"Can I see?" He asked nearly bouncing on his toes. The two had become pretty close friends over the past few months. It all started after the events of The Gamer. He had come to visit almost every weekend after, to check in on her. Marinette however, did mind at the beginning, but his humor and personality eventually won her over. Marinette laughed and nodded, Chat always seemed interested in her work.

"They're not that good, I've been struggling with these particular outfits for days."

"I'm sure that they're lovely." He complimented dramatically. The pair made their way down to Marinette's study and designing area. Marinette showed Chat her sketchbook and he looked over the design thoughtfully. "This is not bad at all. Maybe, since it's giving you trouble, I think, you could layer the skirt more here, and add three quarter length sleeves to the top…" He pondered while leaning over Marinette pointing out some of the elements that could be fixed. The girl gaped at him, never had she ever pegged Chat Noir as a fashion expert. Sure he loved to see her rare new designs every now and then, but he had never shown this talent before. The ideas he was pitching to her were perfect, and they really tied the whole outfit together. It took her a moment to realize he was still talking.

"Woah, woah hold up kitty." She said waving her hands in front of him. "How long have you been hiding your killer fashion knowledge from me?" Chat looked at her with a playful smile, and shrugged.

"You never asked." Marinette smiled and Chat swore he felt like he could fly to see her so at ease and happy to have his help.

"I actually need help with another project I'm working on for school. Want to help me?" Chat's face lit up as he nodded.

"Of course Princess!" The two spent the rest of the night joking and editing Marinette's other project.