Hi guys, it's your inactive author here! I wrote this story for my school newspaper and I just thought I should post it up here too! I based this story off of a picture I saw on tumblr. Also I'm sure there must be other people who have written about this as well and just so you know I HAVEN'T read any of them. So if it seems like I'm copying someone else's story I am deeply sorry. Also, please message me about it so I can remove the story. now for some disclaimers
*I DO NOT own Fairy Tail, The owner is the one and only Hiro Mashima
*Also I got inspired from a artist on tumblr, whose artwork is the cover. Enjoy!

Legend says that every 50 years, two children are born with two separate eye colors. One eye color being the child's while the other is of their soulmate's. Once the two cross paths they will lose one color and instantly feel a connection between each other. At least that's how the legend goes…

My name's Lucy and I guess you can say that I'm living proof of this legend. I was born with two distinct eye colors, one brown and one green. My parents have taken me to every specialist they could get to and they all say the same thing; "It's not anything special, simply something in her genes triggered this to happen." I don't NOT believe them, I mean they're specialists; but I've always liked the idea of having someone out there who shares my predicament.

"Lucy," my friend Levy said, as she snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Huh, yeah? What's up?"
"What were you thinking so hard about," she asked.
"Oh, nothing important," I said with a smile.
"Well, ok. Oh, are you still coming to the fair tomorrow?"

"Of course I am! I just hope it's not too cold."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Well bye, got-to-go to class, see ya later!"

"Bye Levy," and with that I headed off to my next class.

Fourth period is my least favorite class; I hate it because Sting is in there and he can't seem to take a hint. Sting is one of the popular guys at school who is always caught going after girls; let's just say that 'Sting' is just a nickname girls give him. Anyways, he usually goes after a new girl each week and sadly it's my turn. He's been trying to get me to be with him for a month and he's very persistent.

"Hey, Blondie," Sting said, "I saved you a seat right here," he said as he pat his lap.

I look at him with a slightly annoyed face and said, "Yeah, no thanks. I have my own seat over here." I then sit down at my seat and pull out a book I've been reading.

"Come on Lucy," Sting said as he put his hand on my book. I look him in the eyes and listened to his crap for a while, "you know we'd make a great couple," I rolled my eyes. "I mean you're hot and I'm hot so don't you think we're meant to be?" I once again look Sting dead in the eyes and said, "No." He smiles, "Fine, I like a challenge; but mark my words, you will fall for me." At this point I couldn't care less of what he said, so went back to reading my book until the teacher came in.

Once class was over, I walked to my locker to chat with Levy for a bit.

"So Lu, what time are we getting there tomorrow?"

"I was planning on going at like 6:00pm; and you?"

"Same. How about we meet at the ferris wheel?"

"Yeah sure sounds good. Bye Levy," I said as I walked away.

"Bye-bye, Lu! Remember to dress warm, it's going to be cold tomorrow," Levy yelled after me.

"Okay," I said and continued walking to my car.

The next day I slept in until 2pm, it's Saturday and I don't really have anything to do in the morning. I walk into the kitchen and begin cooking 'breakfast.' As I ate breakfast, I went on my laptop and began watching anime. After about two hours of anime, I start getting ready for the fair. As I'm putting on the last finishing touches of my make-up, it's about 5:30pm. "Oops, better hurry up or I'll be late," I say as I dash out the door.

As I'm driving to the fair I get a call from Levy, "Lu! Bad news, I'm running a bit late," she said.
"Seriously? *sighs* How long are you gonna take?"
"I'll be there at like 6:50, 7 at the latest."
"...Ok, but hurry."
"I know, sorry Lu. Bye."

Once I get to the fair I decided to get on a few rides while I passes; I check my phone and the time is 6:45.
'Well better start heading to the ferris wheel,' I though to myself.
...One slight problem though… I couldn't find it. I keep searching and searching and searching but I still couldn't spot it.

"How hard is it to find a frickin' ferris wheel?!"

I don't know how but I ended up in a dark area of the fair.

"Hey blondie, I've been waiting," a very familiar voice called.

When I turn around I see Sting standing right there.

"Sting please leave me alone, I'm trying to find Levy," I said trying to walk past him.
"Hell no," he said as he pinned me to the wall. "You never look my way, I'm the hottest guy in school. No girl could ever resist me, except you."

His breath smelled of alcohol, "Sting have you been drinking? You're 18, don't be stu-"
"Shut up!" He cut me off.
"Sting let me go," I said.
"No," he yelled.

Out of nowhere, my heart starts beating very quickly and I feel my face get red, 'what the hell, why am I getting nervous all of a sudden?'

"Sting, I'm going to tell you one more time, let me go!"
"I said no Blondie! You're all mine right now!"
"STING, STOP!" I yelled.
Then all of a sudden someone pulls Sting off of me and punched him square in the face. "Gah! What the hell was that for man! *gasp* Natsu?" Sting said with confusion in his voice.
"The lady, said stop. So, get the hell away from her!" the guy named Natsu said.
Sting then proceeded to scamper away in fear and was soon out of sight.
"Um, thank you for saving me," I said as my heart continues to beat even harder.
"No problem. My name's Natsu, by the way," he said, still facing the direction Sting went. He then turned around and looked me in the eyes.
"*Gasp* No way," I said in pure astonishment.
Natsu then smiles at me, "Huh, well look at that," he said as our eye colors switched. He had green eyes, so I'm assuming mine are now brown.
"Looks like I've finally found you. Nice to meet you, Soulmate!"