Thank you.

The 'Peace' series is now, officially over. As of right now, I don't plan to continue it.

Some of you already know that I am concentrating my efforts into publishing my first paranormal/sci-fi/romance novel. Keeping my fingers crossed.

But never know what I will be dreaming next time I go to sleep, so I might start another story at some point into the future.

Writing fan-fiction was a great experience and met some extraordinary people on the way.

I am grateful, humbled, and excited all at once. You are the best fans anyone could wish for, and for that I thank you again.

My special thanks to my M! You are the best and I could not have done it without you. You are more than a beta reader, you are a true friend, and I am honored to know you :) Thank you for all of your encouragement, advise, and honesty.

Please don't hesitate to message me at any time. I always respond any messages. If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything at all, please let me know.

Until then, I figured this would be a good wrap-up for the two years long stories you've read.


It was Clarisse and Xander's thirtieth anniversary. The whole family was going to spend a week on Ulton, to celebrate it. All across the galaxy, they were preparing for the trip.

With their daughter on Zakuul and their son on Dromund Kaas, Marr and Cleo had moved their main residence on Ulton. It was Cleo's favorite place. Marr's too. They had so many memories in that home. Their retirement was starting to look good, and they enjoyed every day together. They were both living on stolen time, they had defeated even death.

Leo'Ren and Lyla had taken over the home on Dromund Kaas. Their twins were born there. After one miscarriage, Layla was pregnant again. This time they were going to have a girl. Even though Leo'Ren was so proud of his two sons, he couldn't wait to spoil the little girl. The day before leaving for their trip to Ulton, he was on the terrace with Lyla in his arms. The double lounge where he had seen his parents sitting when he was a child, was now replaced with a new one. Leo'Ren watched his twins playing only steps away from them. Their platinum hair shining in the late afternoon sun. Somewhere in the distance, the rolling thunder announced the storm coming, and Lyla's arms tightened around him. She had been napping, and the noise woke her up. He smiled and pulled her closer to him, covering her visible bump with his large, calloused hand. Lyla's lavender eyes looked up, in his gold ones.

"Ren," she whispered and his smile melted her soul.

"Yes, my love. What is it?" It was Leo'Ren's turn to feel her smile all the way inside his soul. She made every day of his life feel like a miracle.

"Have I told you today how much I love you?" she asked him and moved her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her in a kiss.

"You showed me earlier," he answered amused, whispering in her ear and sending burning waves along her neck. Lyla giggled and kissed him again.

"Just making sure."

"I cannot wait to hold Lyrena in my arms," said Leo'Ren after a few seconds of silence.

Lyla smiled, imagining him holding their daughter. She was going to join their family in a few months.

"Not for another four months or so. Until then you will have to settle for her mother," joked Lyla, and Leo'Ren pulled her on his lap, with her back resting on his chest. His arms went around her body.

"Or I can hold you both."

The sudden rain drops started to fall and the twins ran to their parents, on the covered part of the terrace, jumping on either side of them, on the lounge. Leo'Ren extended his arms around them as well and smiled. He held all his family in his arms. The rain falling while the sun was still shining formed a breathtaking rainbow and his boys started to ask him questions. He took a couple more seconds to imprint that moment in his memory, and kissed Lyla's hair, on top of her head. He had that second everything he could ever want. Next he started to answer the multiple questions his silver-haired boys had.


Aeden was a hand full and at times showed more power than Arria could control. Arcann made time for his son as much as he could. He knew he would, one day, be the new Emperor of Zakuul. He needed to teach him well. In spite of the fact that Arria was very close to having their second child, she didn't want to miss the reunion. They decided to leave for Ulton in the evening, so they could sleep for most part of their way there. Before going to bed, Aeden ran to his parents to give them hugs. It was a whole ritual, every night, and all three of them enjoyed it. He ran to his mother first, and just as he was about to slam into her, Arcann caught him, changing his direction towards him.

"Aeden, what have we talked about bumping into your mother?"

The little guy let his head down, his blondish hair shining in the warm light beaming down on them in the spacious room.

"That I should not do it," he whispered feeling he did something he wasn't supposed to.

"And why is that?" insisted Arcann with an arched brow.

"Because I do not want to hurt mother or my little sister."

Arcann's hand went on top of his head and messed his hair with a smile. Arria's eyes filled with tears the same second.

"You really taught him that?" she asked Arcann and looked for his turquoise eyes.

"Of course. Us men stick together and protect the ones we love, right Aeden?" he asked his son pulling him on his knee and hugging him.

A huge smile covered Aeden's face. He was so happy when his father was calling him a 'man'. He hugged his father and then jumping off his knee went slowly to his mother. Arria got her hug and kissed her son.

"Thank you Aeden. I really feel safe with you and your father around. Annysse is happy too," she added running her hands over the round belly.

"Good night, Annysse," whispered Aeden close to his mother's belly and then ran to his room. He was excited to see his cousins and grandparents the next day.

Both Arcann and Arria looked after him, then at each other, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Arria let her head rest on his chest. It was still her favorite place in the whole galaxy.

"I can't believe you are already teaching him all those things. He's not even four."

"He is old enough to understand. Aeden is strong in the force, he needs the right guidance. And he loves it when I treat him as my equal," added Arcann with an impish smile on his face.

"Your equal?" giggled Arria and cuddled closer to him, looking up in his eyes.

"Well…A smaller equal?" he joked and they laughed together.

Next day, they were already initiating the landing procedures, when Arria felt the sharp pain.


"What is it?" asked Arcann right away, worried, rushing to her after he keyed in the password for Ulton.

"I think our daughter really wants to be here for this reunion…" she said and a new contraction made her leave the sentence unfinished, grabbing Arcann's hand.

Without any hesitation he lifted her in his arms, and took her to the sofa.

"This trip was a bad idea. I should have not let you talk me into it," he muttered under his breath leaning her back against his chest and covering her belly with his hands. Calming waves started to flow into her body and she looked at him gratefully.

"I still can't believe that you are healing me."

Arcann smiled and shook his head. He could not stay mad at her not even for a few seconds. Besides, he wanted to see everyone, to spend time with his adoptive family. He was now one of them.

Less than two hours after they landed on Ulton, Annysse join their family.


Xollin and Adana were the last ones to arrive on Ulton. Their son, Aadox was almost a year old, and they were already talking about having another baby. As soon as they settled in Xollin's parents home, in the guests wing, Talline ran to Adana.

"Mommy, can I play with Aadox?" she asked and Adana smiled, nodding to her.

She remembered the first time she called her 'mommy'. She cried for the whole day. Xollin pulled her in his arms and kissed her. Her emotions were running high every time Talline called her 'mom'.

"We should go see Arria. She had her daughter yesterday," he added and Adana looked at him surprised.

"Really? I didn't think she would even come considering how pregnant she was."

"She is not anymore. Apparently she went in labor just as they were landing, yesterday."

Adana giggled in his arms and Xollin smiled lifting her face to him.

"What are you giggling about?"

"I can only imagine how furious Arcann must've been not having his daughter born on Zakuul…" and they both laughed.

They found Arria and Arcann with Leo'Ren and Lyla. Arcann insisted to buy their own place on Ulton, and it was the first time they were staying there. Arria loved it, she thought it was perfect. The kids were all around them, cooing over the tiny baby Annysse. They thought it was funny that Aeden was telling everyone to be careful, not to hurt his sister. He sat by her side, watching everyone else, vigilantly.

Just like the first time, Clarisse healed Arria and she was back to being herself right away. The kids got over the first attraction for the new baby pretty fast. They went to play on the beach, and the adults sat with drinks in the soft breeze. The large terrace could easily accommodate at least thirty people. Only minutes later Cleo and Marr joined them. They played in the sand with their grandchildren until they left a few servants in charge with watching them. Clarisse and Xander arrived shortly and joined them. It was the day before the big party. Annysse made a few tiny noses waking up and Arcann was the quickest to take her in his arms. For a short second they looked in each others eyes, and both smiled.

"Look at him. Emperor Arcann, the most feared man in the galaxy, holding his daughter. What is it about men and their daughters? They all get sooo…mushy."

Arria's words made everyone laugh. Including the mushy men.

"I think she wants her grandfather," said Marr and next took her from Arcann's arms. The baby girl got quiet the same second and looked in the gold eyes that were smiling at her. "She has your eyes, and Arria's hair. She is beautiful," added Marr looking at Arcann. Arria joined them and Arcann's arm went around her quickly.

"We do make beautiful babies," he said and Arria giggled in his arms.

"Yes we do, and this one needs her diaper changed and some food. See you soon," said Arria and left with her daughter.

As soon as she was back, Cleo took her granddaughter in her arms and went to sit by Marr. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and touched the baby girl's cheek with the other. She smiled in her sleep.

"Just like Arria…" he whispered and they both smiled at each other.

For a few seconds were both quiet, just looking around at their family. The kids playing around, the adults laughing, happy. Every single one of the couples were sitting together, holding on to each other. Leo'Ren couldn't keep his hands off Lyla's bump, where their daughter was slowly growing, Arcann held Arria near him, so close that not even a needle couldn't be stuck between them, Xollin and Adana just as close.

"Thank you, kitten," whispered Marr and kissed Cleo's temple.

She looked at him and smiled. That man had made possible everything she ever dreamed.

"No, thank you," she whispered and let her head rest on his chest.

Their moment was interrupted by Clarisse and Xander. They joined them, and leaned against each other, taking in the view just like Cleo and Marr.

"Can you believe all this is possible because of us?" asked Xander and wrapped an arm around Clarisse. and planting a kiss on top of her head.

"Well, they're not all our kids…" she tried to say, but Xander interrupted her quickly.

"I know, beautiful. But think about it. If I wouldn't have decided to side with you that day, on Rishi, none of them would even exist. We fell in love, I sent Marr after Cleo, and the rest was… Well, this."

He was right. That day everything changed, everything started. Thirty years ago.