Hello, everyone. Sorry for late update.

Just like always, enjoy and I'm looking forward to hear feedback from you guys.

Have a nice day.

He remembered hearing Morgan's voice, telling him something, but he can't recall about them.

Forget about trying to remember what Morgan has said.

The pain radiating around his ankle and chest seemed to dominate his mind right now.


Reid groaned even before he could think. The pain was a lot of discomforts to bear with but somehow the gentle fingers running through his hair seemed to lessen it.


He heard the voice again. He knew it was JJ. Although deep down he was scared to face her, he knew he must apologize to her for what had happened to Henry.

"Hmm." Reid tried to move towards JJ's voice, but somehow it was difficult.

"Spence, it's okay!" JJ quickly tried to calm him down when the machine beeped with an increased heart rate.

"It's okay. Everything is fine." She reassured him again. "Can you open your eyes?"

Despite all the struggle, Reid succeeded and his effort was compensated with blurry images.

"JJ?" Reid slurred.

"Hey." JJ mumbled as she smiled genuinely. JJ wiped the tears leaked from the corner of her eyes before she bent down and kissed Reid's forehead.

"What … happ'?" Reid asked weakly.

"You scared the shit of me, Reid."

"Huh?" Reid just realized Morgan standing on the other side.

Reid turned back to JJ when he felt her soft hand on his forehead.

"JJ, I'm …"

"No." JJ stopped him. "Don't you dare to apologize to me."

"But it's my fault."

"It's because of you, Henry is still alive."

"But still…"

"Things could have gotten a lot worse, Henry could have died, but he didn't. He alive today, a little shaken but he's still laying in my arms every night all because of you. He's alive because of you. I trusted you, still do and always will do. So, it's not your fault, do you hear me?"

Reid nodded, he expected her to be angry, to shout at him but instead she forgive him.

"Thank you, JJ."

"No, thank you, Spencer. Thank you for being such as great godfather."

JJ's eyes were directly looking at him. He knew she meant every word that she has said.

Reid turned slightly to Morgan. "What happened?"

"Nothing, you just almost died in my arms."

Reid still looked at Morgan in confusion. Morgan smiled at Reid's innocent look.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a nap again. I will be here when you wake again."

In that condition, Reid didn't have to be told twice. He almost instantly fell asleep again, holding JJ's hand.


Reid woke up and this time, it was Hotch sitting on the chair beside his bed.

"Hotch." Reid called when he knew Hotch wasn't aware of him waking up.

"Reid." Hotch instantly closed the magazine he was reading and pulled his chair closer to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Well, that's good. You have scared us for some time now."

"I'm sorry."

"Please, Reid. There no need to apologize for something you can't be responsible for."

"Uncle Spencer!"

With a blue sling around his right arm, Henry ran into the room towards Reid's bed.

Reid couldn't help but smile.

Just as JJ helped Henry onto the bed, Hotch helped Reid to sit up and lean against his pillow.

Henry wasted no time and hugged his godfather dearly.

The others stepped a little back and couldn't help but to smile and cherish the moment.

With his face buried into Reid's neck, Henry mumbled. "I was so scared something bad happened to you."

Reid shook his head. "Nothing happened, just a little scratch." Reid was happy to have Henry in his arms.

Henry looked a Reid. "Thank you, Uncle Spencer. You said you would save me from the bad guys and you did."

Henry hugged Reid again.

"But you got hurt." Reid couldn't hide the disappointment in his voice.

Henry again quickly looked at his godfather. "But it wasn't because of you. You saved me, Uncle Spencer."

"Thank you, Henry." Reid smiled hearing his godson's words and couldn't help when tears rolled down his cheek.

Henry used his unharmed hand and wiped his tears. "Don't be sad, Uncle Spencer. Dad said you made sure the bad guys cannot hurt us anymore."

Reid's face changed and everyone else sensed it too.

"Henry, do you want to follow me to cafeteria downstairs? We shall buy Jell-O' for Uncle Spencer."


Garcia walked forward and helped the boy to get down from the bed. "I'm glad that you're alright, Reid."

Will stepped forward when Garcia walked out of the room with Henry.

"Reid, I'm sorry all this happened to you. It's all because of me."

"Will, you couldn't have known."

Will nodded. "But still, I'm sorry and thank you for saving Henry's life. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if you weren't there with him."


"It just bothered me a lot to know how close I was to losing Henry."

"But you didn't." Reid consoled.

Will smiled. "Thank you, Spencer. You're indeed a great godfather."

Reid smiled, but the smile wasn't genuine.

"Reid, what happened back in the house?"

Hotch's question made Reid look at him.

"I killed him, all of them." Reid said after few moments of silent.

"I'm sure it was out of was self-defense."

Reid looked at Morgan and wondered if Morgan's words were correct.

"Reid?" Hotch called uncertainly.

"I was so angry." Reid said suddenly. "He said he shot Henry, and I just lost it." Reid looked at his team back nervously. He knew he should be ashamed of his act.

"Reid, he could have killed you, hell… he drugged you." Will reasoned.

"But still, he didn't have a gun in his hand the time I was shooting him."

"Kid," Morgan called and placed a hand on Reid's shoulder. "You were hurt, drugged and tortured. You did you had to do to get out alive. There's nothing wrong and need to ashamed off."

"But, I…"

"Reid." Hotch called. "I would have done the same thing."

Reid just nodded, Hotch's words were so stern, leaving so space for Reid to argue.

"Uncle Spencer, look. I got you a red Jell-O."

At that moment, he loved hearing Henry's voice. It made him feel better even though he wasn't sure if he could forget what had happened. He knew his family would be there for him and eventually, in the end, everything would be alright.

Sincere apologies for the mistakes. Thank you.