Okay, first of, yes, this is NOT a chapter.

It's a moment of confession.

I have not updated this story in 3 years.


Not from lack of trying, I'll tell ya that.

When I first started this story, it was first from an idea.

"What if I mixed together Superman & Goku? Or making a mix of their two races? Saiyans & Kryptonians."

With Naruto being my base model for just about everything, I made him the result of the two.

I created Bardock's OC sister, Nanban, as his mother.

Don't really know why...

And his father being Jor-El.

I introduced Kara his cousin, and Lara, his best friend.

For those who don't know, Lara Sul-Van is Superman's biological mother. Though I used her Superman: TAS appearance. Why? Just cause, and she was cute.

Anyway, Krypton's destruction happened, and Naruto, Kara, Lara, along with Naruto's dog Krypto, were shipped off for their safety.

And that's where I hit the mayor WALL!

After the second chapter, the reviews came.

The majority questioned how Naruto, a Saiyan/Kryptonian Hydrid would behave in the world of DC or DBZ.

True is...

He wasn't going to either of the two.

I planned for the ship to instead, by malfunction, land in the planet of the Elemental Nations. More specifically, during the outcome of the Second Great Shinobi War.

The reason for this, was for Naruto be grow in a world of endless conflict and battle, a world of death and blood. A perfect place for his Saiyan Blood. While DC had it's heroes and threats, they wouldn't be enough for a Saiyan, much less one with Superman's invulnerability.

And why DBZ could have worked, certain plans would force me to just rewrite everything all together. Basically replace this with another story idea I have for DBZ, so what would be the point.

However, I grew scared.

My primary focus is the satisfaction of my loyal readers. I did not want to dissatisfy and disappoint you guys, and while I know the majority of you guys would still continue and enjoy the story, that fear stayed in me since then.

It wasn't to say DC & DBZ wouldn't appear sometime in the future, only that they wouldn't be the major focal setting.

I've recently been pointed to a channel on Youtube: Geeks For Fun and their series "Dragon Ball DC". which played with the idea of what if Goku and Superman swapped worlds; to hopefully use as inspiration.

I'll admit, it was a helpful concept and I could see myself using to iron out ideas. However, then came the issue I had of Naruto being in the DC Universe.

"What if the Saiyans attacked DC?"

Needless to say, it was an absolute massacre of the planet.

Saiyans, they are an OP race. Literally PLANET BUSTERS. Against the Justice League?

Well...watch the series to see what I'm getting at.

And yes, I know DC has a lot of incredibly powerful enemies, but still, from a single arc, the JL would be dropping members left and right.

What I'm trying to say, is that I may have accidentally created an Uber OP Naruto, and have absolutely NO idea how to go about him.

I'm also not an active comic book reader, so besides Darkseid and Mongul, I don't know what other enemies could push Naruto to his limit.

Long story short: I've hit a dead-end long before the story even started.


So, after a LONG time of holding this off, here's what I'm going to do:

1) Discontinue the story and place the story up for adoption

2) Leave the story where it is and leave it in indefinite hiatus collecting dust and maybe SOMEDAY, figure out a plan for it

3) Take it down

I've tried guys, I really did. However, I just can't figure out a plan for this story. I've been hitting my head against the wall many times, and having to say this breaks my heart. However, I can't hold it off any longer.

It's a major reason why I decided to separate this story from it's parts.

- The Last Son of Krypton (A Naruto/Smallville/Supergirl/DC story) - Currently out

- Son Naruto: Chronicles of a Legend (A Naruto/Dragon Ball franchise story) - Coming Soon (eventually)

To better plan out a route without forcibly smashing two conflicting franchises together and giving me a headache and a bloody nose.

Again, I've REALLY sorry to disappoint you all.

Please give me your thoughts on what I should do, and feel free to curse me if you must.

For now, and maybe forever...Goodbye Last Son...I'm sorry I failed you.

Ja ne.