The next day I refused to come out of my room, Gajeel tried multiple times to get in but I kept my door locked and yelled at him every time he tried to get me to come out. I have no doubt that if he really wanted to get in, he would. He could break down the door very easily if he wanted, or he might even have a key to this room. I wasn't really sure but I was relieved that he wasn't forcing his way in here. Although I'm sure that his patience will wear out soon enough if I test him. Plates of food were left outside my door, I wonder if Gajeel left them? Nah…he's a monster, he'd never do that.

I took the plates in my room and ate the food, which tasted fantastic. Steak and burgers were left on the plates and I haven't had either of those things since I was a little girl. Steak was a luxurious thing that my grandfather and I couldn't afford anymore. I chowed down on the food and cleaned my plate clean. An hour later I heard a soft knock on my door so I went and answered it knowing that Gajeel would never knock that lightly. He doesn't do anything lightly. I opened the door again and saw another piece of chocolate cake. I quickly swiped it and went to shut the door but as I turned I heard the door get caught on something. I turned and saw Gajeel's foot in the door, he walked into the room and I glared at him.

"I thought the cake might get you to open up the door." He said looking at me. I sat on the bed and started to eat it. Maybe if I give him the silent treatment he'll leave me alone. I dug in the cake while he sat on the lavender colored couch across from my bed. He watched me eat for a minute, and during that minute he watched me with such intensity that it made me very self-conscious; not that I care what he thinks of me…

"Shorty, you're going to need to write that letter to your grandfather." He said.

My eyes started to water and burn because I was trying really hard not to burst into tears right there and then, "So that's what you wanted all day? For me to write the letter that will break my grandfather's heart?" I snapped angrily. This man had no heart.

He nodded, "It needs to be done."

For the first time in a very long time I actually lost my temper. I put my fork down and chucked the plate of chocolate cake at him. He was caught off guard by that and it hit his chest and chin. The plate fell to the floor and broke into a million smithereens, and the cake was smashed up against Gajeel's chest and some was on his cheek and chin. He didn't look like he was in pain, more like he was shocked that I did that. Heck I was shocked that I did that.

"What the hell?!" He growled.

"You're a monster!" I yelled, "But fine, if you leave I'll write the damn letter! You can have it by tomorrow morning." I said while trying to calm myself down before I do something else that might get me into some serious trouble.

"FINE!" He growled even louder this time. He walked towards my door and stepped on the glass which only crunched under his boot. When he walked out of my room he slammed the door loudly, making the walls shake.

I heard an obnoxious voice yell, "Hey Gajeel what the hell happened to you?" Then he started to laugh but a few seconds later I heard a loud smack and he yelled again, "OW! Damn your sensitive today!"

It was silent after that, which I was grateful for. I needed silence to write my letter, although it probably wouldn't help me too much. I had to knowingly write a letter to the man who has always acted like a father to me, and break his heart. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. But my hands were tied. I got off the bed and went over to the desk in my room and I looked in the drawers and found a piece of paper and a pen. I sat down and started to write.

Dear Grandfather,

I am so thankful for all that you have done for me, you took me in when my parents abandoned me. You have always been there for me when I needed you the most, and that is why I am writing this letter to you. I don't want you to have to worry about me any longer, you have your own health to think about. I'm leaving the country, and I only ask of this one last thing; please do not come looking for me. You won't find me, and I don't want to be found. I have a friend who has assured me that you will be taken care of medically and financially. Please accept his help. I love you more than anything, please trust that I am safe and making something of myself. We will both be happier this way.

Love Levy

I read the letter over and over again and I couldn't believe this was happening. He would see this as abandonment, just like my parents did to me. I was leaving him all alone, and there is nothing I can do about it. Tears leaked down my cheeks and onto the letter. I folded it up and slipped it into an envelope then placed it on the desk. Gajeel can come get it himself if he really wants it. A few hours later of watching TV, I managed to fall asleep.

I woke up to a loud knocking at my door. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes then slowly got to my feet and walked to the door. I opened it up and Gajeel was standing there.

"Morning, shrimp." He said in greeting then he walked into my room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Did you write the letter last night?" He asked.

"Yes." I walked over to the desk and picked it up and handed it to him. He looked at the envelope and nodded.

"You don't have to stay confined in this room, you're free to explore the manor whenever you like. I only have one rule, don't go up to the top floor. That's my room and it's off limits." He left after that.

I think from what I remember that there is five floors in this huge manor, so his room is on the top floor? Hmm maybe I will go exploring today.