Welcome to my new story "In Another Life" This is a Pearlshipping story about a girl and boy who fell in love during World War 2 and their travels through every life to find each other again

Richard- Ash Ketchum

Linda- Dawn

Barbara- May

Please leave a review and give me suggestions on what they're next life should be like as well as the eras and names :)

20th Century: World War 2

The diner was never quiet. Not on this particular day. It was a very popular eatery, known for being a soldier's favorite place to eat at when he returned home. However, it was also known as a foreigner's attraction as well.

"Wow today is a busy day." Linda, a waitress, said wiping the sweat off of her eyebrows with her sleeve. "You tell me, troops are stopping by here every few minutes." said her friend Barbara setting down a plate of food for a customer.

"Speaking of troops, here comes another one." Linda sighed. The door to the diner opened, the small bell above the doorway ringing softly followed by a troop of about 25 men walking in covered in dirt and grime from head to toe.

Their faces were hardened by war but their eyes lit up when they heard the soft music through the radio and the smell of warm food wafting in the air. They quickly took their seats and grabbed their menus, their mood lifting as they joked around with their friends and laughed.

"Oh hey, these boys are actually cute." Barbara winked at one of the soldiers walking by "Ooh he's walking towards my section, wish me luck."

"Good luck." Linda mumbled brushing away a strand of blue hair from her face and leaning against the bar. Another busy day as usual. "Excuse me ma'am can you tell me what are the daily specials?" A man asked from behind her.

Linda jumped at the sound of the man's voice and turned around to see a young man with raven black hair tucked underneath a green helmet, tan skin covered with gun powder and dirt and the most beautiful brown eyes she has ever seen. She nearly stumbled back, awed in the beauty of this man,

"Ma'am?" He stared at her awkwardly waiting for her to answer his question. "Huh? Oh right sorry the daily specials." Linda laughed nervously snapping out of her trance.

"It's okay" He chuckled. "Name's Richard nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Richard, I'm Linda." she smiled politely, her lip twitching a bit. He's really cute, she thought with a slight chuckle.

"I'd shake your hand, but it's dirty." He joked.

Linda laugh. "Here have a seat." She quickly stepped aside and offered him a seat. I'll give you the best food we have to offer." Linda winked before walking towards the kitchen.

After a few minutes of waiting, Linda walked out with a tray full of food and placed it in front of Richard. "Wow so this is what American food looks like." He inspected it carefully before picking it up.

Linda cocked her eyebrow "You're not from around here are you?" Richard shook his head as he devoured the food hungrily.

"Then where are you from?" She questioned. For someone who wasn't from around her, his English was amazing. Almost as if he was a native.

"France." He swallowed his food. "Wow this is good."

"France?" Linda's eyes widened. It was amazing that he survived war and made it alive, to be so far home from his country was just amazing. "Wow I've always wanted to go to France, I've heard that it's a magnificent place."

"It truly is beautiful." Richard agreed, wiping his mouth.

Linda sighed and sat down next to him. "It was always on my list of places to visit."

"You've never traveled before?" he questioned skeptically.

"Never. I've lived in this place all my life." she shook her head. Living during this era meant she didn't travel very far, and visiting out of this city? Ha, that was funny. A woman like her didn't get to go very far in this life, she sighed.

"Hm. How about this, once the war is over I promise that I'll take you France." He said taking her hands into his, ignoring the grime and dirt.

"Really?" Linda looked at him for any signs of joking. She narrowed her eyes at him, pursing her lips as she waited for a response.

"Really." He smiled nodding his head.

"I'd love that." Linda beamed before a man burst in with dead serious face and a whistle, who looked like a higher ranking officer.

"Soldiers, back to the field. We have a new mission." he ordered and several of the soldiers just shoved what they could into their mouths and sprinted back. Richard, however, didn't move.

"You're leaving already." Linda's smile lowered in disappointment, not wanting him to leave so soon but knowing he had to go.

"Hey, we'll stay in touch." Richard softly spoke, making her look back at him.

Linda's lips quirked skeptically. "How? I don't suppose you're going to call me when you're out there and fending for your life."

Richard chuckled before squeezing her hands warmly. "We'll write letters and keep in touch."

Letters? Linda liked the idea and grabbed a pen and an empty notepad. She wrote down her full name and address before handing it back to him.

Richard clutched the piece of paper, tightly holding it as their only piece of contacting each other. "I have to go." he whispered.

"I know." she whispered back. She could already feel herself longing for him as he started to pull away.

"Wait!" she called after him as he almost opened the door to leave. He turned back.

"Will I see you again?" Linda asked nervously, playing with her fingers.

"Of course," he said softly and firmly.

"But what if you don't make it?" it was a serious statement, knowing that he could die any moment out there in the battle field. She really did want to see him again.

"If I don't see you again in this life, I'll see you in another one." Richard walked forward and his arms embraced her.

For a brief moment, Linda let herself be embraced before hugging back. "Be safe, don't do anything reckless."

Richard chuckled. "Don't worry, doll, I'll be back before you know it."

And when he finally let go, she let him leave, her thoughts on how empty the diner seemed now that he was gone.

"Well, back to work" She sighed trying to hold back her tears.

Please leave a review and what tell me what eras should they meet up in again? Should I continue this chapter?